Inside or Outside | Teen Ink

Inside or Outside

January 3, 2016
By erica123 BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
erica123 BRONZE, Gales Ferry, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a fair day at the park and emotions was in the air for the most part. Birds flicked their wings flying past the airy couples as they made their okay-tuned music. Lily jealously past them walking through the flare filled park as she snickered and sneered. Lily has always been jealous of the ones who found love, in high school Lily was an outcast. In the year book she was voted most likely to be alone her whole life. Ever since that day Lily has never cared about allegiances, she always thought that it was useless.
Lily was walking to the food court to meet her best friend Cherry. Everything about cherry was good luck she was pretty with her platinum blond hair like Goldilocks, blue eyes as blue as blueberry’s and everyone loved her, in high school she was able to fit in with every group and relate with them the technical geeks and nerds, athletic  jocks, broad musicians, and the peppy cheerleaders. Were Lily had the traditional dark brown eyes and distinct brown hair that was all interlaced, and the group that she fitted in was her own independent. When Lily approached Cherry, Cherry seemed very excited. She joyfully blurted out “I joined this new website called, it helps you find the perfect person I joined last week and I have already met about five guys they were all nice but none of them were the perfect one. Any way you should join to” Cherry said as she expected Lily to be okay with it.
“What?” Lily said ruthlessly. “Why would I do that?”
“Because for all the years that you have been my best friend you have never been in love and I don’t want you to be alone for the rest of your life.” Cherry said with a worried look.
“Well may be I want to be alone for the rest of my life.” Lily said

Lily was at her old shabby house now imagining herself all old and wrinkly but on thing that notice was that she was alone and crabby and there was no one to take care of her. “Wow,” Lily said as she was appalled of what her future looked like. Lily quickly took out her laptop and looked up She filled in the info needed; full name: Lily May Rosette. “A beautiful name for a monstrous person,” Lily says with an unpleasant face. Age: 20. Hobbies:  tennis, video games, eating, and running. Major dislikes: long walks on the beach, restaurants, movies, and this web site.
Lily was almost done she had one more thing to do it was so simple but it was a challenge for Lily. All that they needed for Lily was a picture of her. Herself, Lily. After she saw those words, insert picture of you here, Lily became worried. All that was going through her head is anyone going to like me, is anyone going to pick me. All of a sudden everything stopped and all that is in her head is an idea. The best idea ever, well in her perspective it was the greatest idea that she ever had for now. She opened a new icon and searched pretty girls; she copied the picture that she thought was the prettiest. She pasted the stunning picture onto the plain white box. “Here I go.” Lily said worriedly as she presses the enter key. Once she pressed the enter key all she has to do now is wait.
“Any second now.” Lily says impatiently. All of a sudden all of these files popped up. “Wow” she says speechless. The first file she clicks on is Jerry Teddy Dead. “What a name” she said. In his file there was a video that she clicks on.
“Hi my name is Jerry Teddy Dead, I know cool name right.” Jerry said giggling in the video.
“Ewe.” Lily says as she stops the video and exits out of the file. “What about Marlow Wendy” Lily mumbles. She writes to him “Hi I am Lily”
“Hi I am Marlow, did your mom make you do this to?” Marlow asked
“Nope I was influenced by my best friend. She was worried about me growing old, alone owning twenty cats.” Sarcastically Lily says
“Funny.” He says “we should meet in person, how about Saturday at eight o’clock?”
“Sure” Lily says all flabbergasted forgetting that Marlow doesn’t know what Lily really looks like.
After Lily gracefully shut off her computer it goes to her head, and all that is whizzing through her mind is to have fear. It is Saturday known and Lily has managed to calm down. She transported herself to this fancy restaurant where she will meet Marlow. As she walks in she meets a waiter named Greg. He places Lily at a table as she still is waiting for Marlow. A man struts up to her and says” Excuse me but this table is reserved for me and Lily May.”
“Well that’s me” lily said
“But that’s clearly not you see look at this picture, this is Lily” the man said
“Well you see, I put some one else’s picture instead of mine. So you must be Marlow.” Lily said
“I’m going to the bathroom.” Marlow said with a discussed look as he walked to the restrooms.
“Okay” Lily said
Minute by minute past as Lily waited for Marlow. Later it became an hour and lily was sitting at the empty table crying her heart out, until Greg noticed her.
“Are you okay?” Greg asked
“He left me because I’m ugly.” Lily said as she was crying.
“He left you because he was a jerk and he couldn’t see your true beauty.” Greg said “You are truly beautiful.”

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