How I lost you | Teen Ink

How I lost you

January 6, 2016
By Kat1029 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Kat1029 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

*Kyle walks frantically into empty classroom with Josh*
Kyle: “I have to talk to you right now”
Josh: You don't need to grab my arm so hard dude! What’s going on? You look like you saw a ghost.”
*Kyle take a deep shaky breath*
Kyle: “Alyssa won't be coming back to school for a long time.”
Josh: *laughingly say*
Josh:“what are you talking about? Are you okay?”
Kyle: “She's in the hospital and she's not waking up.”
Josh: *Take a step back*
Josh:“why didn't anyone tell me? what the hell is going on Kyle? Did the driver who hit her get away? Is he in the hospital too? How did this happen?”
Kyle: “she was hit by a driver this morning and it was a hit and run. We are guessing the guy was coming back from an all nighter of drinking and she has been in a coma ever since. They're trying to look for the guy. They got his license plate through the cameras on the street so they are searching.”
Josh: “I have to go see her before anything else happens to her. Before it’s too late. ”
Kyle: “It's too late Josh”
Josh: “It's never too late”

Change scene
Hospital room: Chairs with “family members” in them surrounding the bed. A hospital bed that takes up most of the room. A machine to the side of the bed. A t.v above and in front of the bed.

*Josh runs in quickly but stop in path when you see her*
Josh: “How long has she been out?”
*everyone turn their head to josh*
*mother hugs josh and starts crying”
Mother: “they keep saying she's not going to wake up, she's not going to wake up, but I know she in there! I know she can fight through it. Talk to her and try to get her to come back.”
Josh: “I just found out and came as soon as possible. I want to talk to her for a minute. Maybe she will listen to me for once”
*Mother give a shaky laugh then leave the room with the family*
Josh: “Alyssa, i'm going to need you to come back to me. Your family needs you but I think I need you more. *shaky laugh* We have our plans. We were going to go to college together. We were going to graduate and live together. We were going to start a family. We were going to die old together. Now how am i supposed to do that without you? That's the thing I can’t. You always were a stubborn one. But I need you to listen to me this time. I need you to come back to me. To us.”

*Machine goes blank long beep*
Josh: *grab her hand and start crying*
Family: *rush in and start crying*
Josh: *look at mother* “She didn’t listen to me. I always loved how she got so happy to get her way every little thing that made that smile show. But I don't see it again. But this is the one time I wish she could've listened.”
*Spotlight on Josh and Alyssa. Everything darkens out*
Josh:  “I won't stop loving you Alyssa. I dont know what ill do without you.”
Josh:*kiss her hand and walk off stage*

The author's comments:

This just a drama piece about the effect losing someone can have on your life. As in this piece a boyfriend finds out his girlfriend was in a car accident 

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