The Wet Kiss | Teen Ink

The Wet Kiss

January 15, 2016
By BellatheWriter2344 BRONZE, St.Charles, Missouri
BellatheWriter2344 BRONZE, St.Charles, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, in the year 3065, there lived… me. My name’s Spiglekit, and this is my story.
I  live on Ashford Base in what used to be Califonia. After the Death Day, nothing was left except the people who were built to survive by the government. Fortunately, there were many people that were enhanced. When you get enhanced you get injected with this fluid that makes you immune to radiation.

I have one best friend, Garkol. He’s been my best bud since 4th grade. He’s got dirty blonde hair like mine, and dark gray eyes. Even though many people say that your eyes are a reflection of your soul, Garkol’s soul is far from dark. He’s one of the most fun and enthusiastic guys I know.

This is my friend Kitty. She has perfect black hair and almost golden eyes. Her thicker body drives me wild.Her curves make everything look good on her. She has the best style I have ever seen in a girl, even if most of what she wears is camo.

I have loved Kitty since 6th grade when she first arrived in her camo pants and a solid tee shirt. She looked so flawless in those colors, but she would’ve looked even more flawless if she was in he summer bikini.

We became friends automatically. We have been just friends for years, but it’s not good enough for me. I want her to be mine forever.

Every year, Ashford Base throws an annual masquerade ball. So, every year I dance with Kitty, and to this day she doesn’t know it’s been me. It’s hard always being the Prince Charming that Cinderella wants but doesn’t know, but it’s what I have to do. She can’t know it’s been me.

The ball is in a few hours so i have to get ready quick. My mask is the darkest of red and black marbled together. It’s in the shape of a devil because it was the coolest thing I could find in sixth grade. I honestly thought she would be impressed.

When I got there she had just arrived. She was in a massive cream ball gown with golden lace. Her mask was a glamorous gold and white. Even more fabulous than last time but not as much as next time.

We both walked in at the same time. The Big Hall was decorated with chandeliers, mirrors, and statues, but nothing could break my focus from the glory that was Kitty. She looked so perfect.

The first time I went to this ball, I got so overwhelmed and she looked so amazing that I had to go to the bathroom every half hour to cool off. I couldn’t control myself around her.

As soon as I could get some food down, I made my way over to her. I passed by an old couple who kissed and a bunch of happy girls with their dates. I couldn’t stand it.It only made me want to dance with her even more.

“I love your dress and mask, madam,” I said in my most gentlemanly voice.
“Why thanks, kind sir,” she said with a giggle. “Would you like to dance?”
“Of course,” I said.
We danced until late hour six.

Once she got tired I offered to drive her back to her compound in the beat up Chevy that my dad left me. When we got to her compound, she got out and came around to my side of the truck. She said nothing, and kissed me. It was the sweetest, wet kiss I have ever known. It sent me right to heaven with my father, but I came back down from that paradise to watch her walk up to her steel door and wave goodbye to me. I waved back and started the engine.

The next day I woke up to loud bangs and crashes. I had no idea what was going on until I realized it.      
They had come.

“The beasts from the north have been attacking since late hour twelve!” Commander Jeff yelled. “I’m gonna need all you pipsqueaks to toughen up and face them!”

I helped Kitty put on her gear, then I put on mine. Then Commander Jeff started stomping towards me.

“Tell me boy, why did you help Cadet Kitty with her gear?!?!” yelled Commander Jeff

“Sir, because she needed help, sir!” I yelled back scared out of my mind.

“Cadet Kitty, did you need help with your gear?” he asked quietly.

“Sir, yes, sir!” she yelled. She showed no fear. She was the bravest I’ve ever known her to be.

“Ok then, carry on  Cadet Spiglekit.”

Bombs and gunshots were all I heard until a familiar scream. It was loud and painful to hear. Then it clicked.

I ran over to her and cradled her broken body.

“Oh, Kitty. I should’ve told you before…” I trailed off.

“What?” she moaned in pain.

I looked down at her stomach which was bleeding rapidly.

“Before you die you must know…” I said. “ Every year for the past few years I have dressed in black and red for the ball and danced with you. Kitty, I love you.”

“It can’t be,” she said putting a bloody hand on my face. “You’re the red devil? But I kissed you, and I liked it.”

“You did?” I asked.

“Don’t… tell… Stephen…” she whispered.

I sat there with her body in my hands. I knew I had to make this promise.

I won’t.

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