Love, Heartbreaks and Love Again | Teen Ink

Love, Heartbreaks and Love Again

January 25, 2016
By VeoWulf28 BRONZE, Cainta, Other
VeoWulf28 BRONZE, Cainta, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take a Risk, Life will only move in the direction you want it to go"

A boy falls in love with a girl and hurts her really bad. After years of not seeing each other they bump in one another in the streets of New York. Will they be able to love again? 

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Love

                                      Chapter 1 Love
This is my story my name Chase Smith a senior high school student in California just trying to get by life. I am not a nerd or a jock am just an average student. This story starts mid senior year. It started like any other day me hanging out with my best friend James. Talking about latest video games when this girl walks by us, now we never seen her before. She had a dark brown hair of average height and smelled like roses and she was wearing a cute little yellow sundress. As I quietly think to myself damn was she so pretty and who was this girl? The Lunch bell rings James went to see his girlfriend while I went to the canteen to eat and there I saw her in the cafeteria eating alone so I ask her “may I join you”. I ask about herself she was a transferee from New York her name was Christine and amazingly she liked the same thing I did. She liked 80’s-early 2000’s music and comic books her favorite hero was Batman but she told me that she liked the villains more than heroes and I told her that I also liked villains more than heroes.

We talked about each other the whole lunch and suddenly it was time to go back to damn reality of classes. Before we separated to go to our classes. She gave me her number and told me to call her sometime. This girl was amazing I thought to myself as I lied down on my bed that night. I told James about her. James said” Man she sound amazing bring her on Friday Sara and I going on Movie Marathon you two should join us”. I told James that would be weird because I only her for a day but I did want to take her. So after a long argument with James I did wind up taking her with me. As I take her home that night I look at her she looks beautiful tonight, and think to myself am I starting to fall for this girl? Over the next few weeks I’d wind up eating lunch with her every day and talking to her every night before I go to sleep. James said to me ”You obviously like her you have to tell her man”

So I decided to think over what James said. I did like Christine her smile, her dimples the smell of roses every time she walked by. I just can’t stop thinking about her Its Driving me nuts. So I asked my parents for advice. Now my Parents immediately knew I adored this girl from the moment I told them so their only advice was “ Take the Risk Life will move on the direction you want it to follow” So I decided to tell her how I felt and I did this after we had eaten dinner at a pizza place and afterwards we walked around the park and listened to music. It is then that I decide to tell her ”Christine the last couple of weeks I had the time of my life and there is no other way to say this but I like you a lot love you even”. She then looks at me and smiles and said I feel exactly the same.
Now Christine was not the first girlfriend I had so I’m pretty used to being in a relationship. I would always text in the morning we would hang out during lunch and I’d always walk her home. She told me that she was never used being treated like this being this was her first relationship. In other words we were the perfect f***ed up couple. One day announcement was posted on the bulletin board at school it read “School Dance in One Month, Theme: Costume Party Dance” I immediately thought of ways on how to ask Christine to the dance. I had an idea and shared it with James and he told me he would help me do the idea. After a week of preparing the time came to do it. The plan was simple give her an autographed picture of her favorite band which is Simple Plan. So we went to a Simple plan Concert and got VIP access and met the band I asked the band if I could get an autograph and when the band asked me what to put I gave them a paper which read ”Christine will you this band a favor and go with him to the school dance?” when the band gave her the picture she immediately said yes. So after this we were planning on who to go as for the dance. After days of thinking she texted me that since we both love villians so much and since her favorite comics was batman she asked if could go as The Joker and Harley Quinn. I said that would we perfect. James and Sara decided to go as Romeo and Juliet.

School dance came and I had to pick her up at her house this was my first time at her and first time to meet her parents. While waiting for her dad talked to me asked what my parents did I told him that they Journalists/Authors. Now my really loved books I told him. He told me that he only had one request and that was to never break her daughter’s heart. During the dance the song  played and I asked her to dance. After the dance I told her that I love her and that I would never leave her side and then I kissed her. After this we focused on SATs since we were already graduating. I asked Christine what she wanted to take as a major she told she always wanted to me and graphic designs which was perfect because I told her I wanted to be an author. So she had an I idea she wanted us to make a comic book. So we every day we would go and write our comic book part by part. Our Comic book was based on us it was about the Perfect f***ed up Superhero and Super Villain Couple Powerboy and EvilGal. Some how our comic book was becoming great.

Months passed we got our SATs results we both did well I decide to go to NYU for college she decided to go to Some Art school Abroad. This meant that I  we would have to have a long distance relationship and we were willing to try. But the day to say goodbye to her was fast approaching and I had to say goodbye so she could follow her dream. I told her that I always love her and I will always be here waiting for her all.

The author's comments:

The plot is based on a dream I had. Some parts are based on real books.

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