Girl Meets World | Teen Ink

Girl Meets World

February 10, 2016
By juliahanna BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
juliahanna BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At Central Tech High School students are known for being the rich and snotty ones, especially the girls. It was the first day of school and the halls were cluttered and noisy as the juniors were talking about the fun they had this past summer. As any upperclassman would, they laughed at the freshmen who hurried to find their classes with nerves tingling up their spines thinking they would be late.  With so many students, there are so many cliques. Just as any school has, there are the “popular girls and guys”, the “lame girls and guys”, and the “nerds”. Kristy Williams fit perfectly in with the popular girls, and she is the most known of them all. She is that one hot junior that every guy dreams of dating, with the most luscious, long, blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes. Of course, she has a boyfriend, his name is Dylan Parker. Dylan is known as the biggest jock in school. His curly brown “hockey hair” never gets passed without a, “OMG! It’s Dylan! He is so perfect, I can’t even function,” from the thirsty girls walking by.
Dylan is that typical, c***y boyfriend that knows he is attractive so ignores girls that give him special attention. Kristy appreciates that, but she has to be very careful about their relationship at the same time. Dylan and Kristy’s relationship is a secretive one, nobody knows except for them, and it has to be this way. Kristy’s over-protective brother, Nick, is always looking out for his little sister. He is strong, tough, muscular, and is the captain of the Varsity Football team. Everyone knows not to mess with him so all of the students kiss up to him to get on his good side. He would kill Kristy if he ever found out that she was talking to someone. Not to mention, Dylan would also be included in that killing session too. At school, they could not be seen anywhere holding hands, sucking face, or even talking to each other because Nick also attends Central Tech. Luckily, Dylan and Kristy don’t see him around much because he is a senior.


Dylan and Kristy’s relationship has to be a secret, from everyone. Kristy’s friend, Mary, has been in the same situation and it did not turn out well for her at all. Kristy has learned from Mary’s mistakes and knows that she would never want to be in the same trouble she got into.
“Dylan, you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone we are dating, okay?” mumbled Kristy.
“I promise, I would never do anything to hurt you. Would you want to do go to the movies this weekend to get our minds off of our worries?” asked Dylan with a heated blushed face.
Kristy sighed with relief and accepted the date. She always felt protected when Dylan was with her, and knew that this weekend was going to be an amazing one. At least she thought it would be…
Saturday came along and Kristy has never felt more nervous in her life. Dylan and Kristy were going to the movies, but to be able to go, she had to lie to her parents. She told her parents that she was meeting up her best friend from school, because she knows if her parents and brother found out, she would be busted. The movie started at 9:21 sharp and Dylan and Kristy met just in time. They went to see Sinister II, and because the movie is so scary, Dylan grabbed Kristy and protected her in his arms. He kept her close up to his chest. She could hear his heart racing with fear.
“Dylan?” Kristy murmured. “I am getting really nervous.”
“Don’t worry, beautiful, everything will be okay.” Dylan whispered in her ear.
At that moment, both of their eyes glowed and they smiled at each other, he leaned into her, and she leaned into him. Before they knew it, a passionate kiss flew through the air, one that would never be forgotten. The kiss went on for the rest of the movie with breaks in between, of course. Dylan wanted to keep her distracted from getting terrified by the movie, and oh you know it, she loved the make-out, she would do it again and again.
The movie came to an end and as Dylan and Kristy were shuffling their feet through the popcorn on the ground, they saw Nick’s best friend, Nate, with his girlfriend. Kristy’s heart dropped just thinking about how she knew that Nate would tell Nick his sister was with a guy. Nate smiled and waved to be polite, but with the amount of anxiety that was in Kristy, she turned to Dylan’s chest once again. Dylan smiled and waved for her because she was still stuffed in his chest. Kristy and Dylan rushed to the car to talk about what just happened. All Kristy and Dylan could do is hope that Nate won’t say anything to Nick. So, with hope in their hearts that everything would really be okay, Dylan rushed Kristy home.
Kristy got home and sprinted up to her room hoping to avoid her family member’s questions about the movies. Just as she opened the door of her room, Nick was standing right there. Her heart raced like a cheetah, and her face turned as red as a tomato.
“Where the heck were you Kristy?” yelled Nick.
“Ummmm at the movies.” muttered Kristy.
“With who? You better not lie to me.”
“Fine...I was with Dylan, okay?
“No, absolutely not okay. You better tell him to watch out on Monday because he is going to get crushed.”
Kristy’s head flopped down with sadness, but she had to tell Dylan right away. Kristy told Dylan everything Nick said to her, and he was terrified for his life. He was the one needing protection at this point, not Kristy.
Monday came around, the bell ring and Nick showed up to Dylan and Kristy’s homeroom.
“Hey Dylan, come here please,” he asked politely trying to impress the teacher.
Nick pulled Dylan out of the room, and they have been out for a while. Kristy starts getting anxious so she peeks her head through the window. She noticed that surprisingly they weren’t yelling at each other! Nick saw her peeking and pulled her out of homeroom as well. She was confused and had no words for him.
“I am not mad you took her out Dylan,” said Nick.
“You’re not?”
“Not at all. I thought it was very nice of you to take her to a movie. What I am upset about is that you both weren’t honest about going. If you told me that you two were going out beforehand, everything would have been fine. I just like to know where my sister is at, bud.”
Dylan and Kristy looked at each other the same way they did at the movies. Kristy apologized to Nick, and so did Dylan. They admitted to Nick that they were dating, and they lived happily ever after.

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