Discovering Herself | Teen Ink

Discovering Herself

February 25, 2016
By Alysha123 BRONZE, Millersville, Pennsylvania
Alysha123 BRONZE, Millersville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am going to tell you about a story about two people who never expected to meet. At 4 pm on Sunday, a sixteen-year-old named Alice started her first job. She sat anxiously biting her nails, while an irritating and overplayed song by Taylor Swift played in the background. As her mom drove, Alice stared out the window ready for her first day of work. As they pulled into the small and overcrowded parking lot of the sub shop, she hopped out. Her mom wished her good luck and then drove off. She took a deep breath and entered the shop. The first thing Alice noticed was the girl behind the counter, helping the customers waiting for their subs. The intriguing girl stood out to her the most. She was a cute, short, Hispanic girl with beautiful long, dark brown and curly hair. She also had the most breathtaking brown eyes. She had a way with customers. She would chuckle and smile at the customers as she whipped up their subs.
Alice’s first thought was intimidation. The girl looked very strong and independent. Alice quickly looked at her name tag to see who the mysterious girl was. Her name was Roselyn. Alice pretty much ignored the other employees and nervously walked up to the register. “Umm I am the new employee, Alice, here for my first day,” she mumbled to Roselyn. Roselyn responded, “Well nice to meet you. I will grab you your uniform. You can come around back.” Alice did as she was directed and Roselyn handed her a uniform. The small plastic package consisted of a black collared shirt, visor, apron and a white name tag. Alice walked out to the bathroom and put the uniform on. The shirt was roomy and the visor took some adjusting. She apprehensively walked out of the bathroom and made her way to Roselyn again. Roselyn with her stunning brown eyes, just stared. Alice felt tickling sensation in her stomach. Alice had never been looked at like that before. Alice tried as hard as she could to focus.
The shift went extremely fast. Roselyn taught Alice everything from making subs, to filling up the chip rack. She felt like she was learning from an expert. Alice's head was completely full and about to explode. She learned a loads of new skills for only two hours of work. Soon, the shift finished up and Alice was sad that it had to end. During the shift, Alice and Roselyn had talked and got to know each other. Alice was no longer nervous. They just clicked. They both loved Chinese food, Netflix, sleeping, Starbucks and much more. Their friendship just began, and it was only the beginning.
After Alice’s first day, Roselyn and Alice worked almost every shift together. They had the most impeccable closes and the most amusing conversations. Roselyn taught Alice to always take the time to listen to everything around her. She also taught her to always have her own views in life, to never be a follower and always a leader. They could not help but smile when they were around each other. Soon, they were hanging out outside of work. They went to dinner, to the movies, studied together, and loads more. The only problem that arose was age. Roselyn was twenty-one and Alice was seventeen. Age was not a concern for Alice, but her parents had a different view. So, their friendship had to be a secret.
After weeks of working together, they were sneaking around to see each other. A hug after every shift, eventually turned into more. They would share long and breathtaking kisses. Alice did not know how incredible one person could be, until she met Roselyn. Alice never understood why age was such a concern. She just wanted to spend time with her best friend and Alice would do whatever it took to see her. She could not wait to turn eighteen and stop sneaking around. She knew that Roselyn understood her. Alice’s parents left her feeling alone and unwanted. So, Alice kept this up, until one day her parents caught her in the act. She was crushed and heartbroken. Her parents kept her on house arrest, and she was not allowed to do anything. She was forced to quit her job, stop tutoring, stop hanging out with friends—everything. Alice was fearful that Roselyn would forget all about her. She was nervous that Roselyn would move on and find a new best friend. Roselyn was Alice’s person. The person she talked to about everything. Alice knew that their relationship was not just a friendship. Roselyn was the person she loved and wanted to spend every moment of every day with. Alice never saw this coming. She knew she was different, but she never imagined to fall so hard for a girl. This was the very day that Alice discovered herself.

The author's comments:

I hope people learn that it is okay to be different. I hope people know it is okay to go against the norm. It is important to be yourself and to not always worry about what others think of you. You are allowed to love whoever you want. Be you.

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