The ultimatum | Teen Ink

The ultimatum

March 15, 2016
By Alexis9899 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
Alexis9899 BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The fight had been explosive. Yelling and harsh words filled the house of the man and woman. Tony and Lucy had been together for years and recently moved in with each other. They were highschool sweethearts and were friends since they were four. But lately things had been difficult for these two. Everything that was perfect was now not.
         Their argument had just ended and they were both silent now. Neither of them spoke a word to the other.Lucy walked away leaving Tony standing on the front porch of their house. She got in her car and gave Tony one last glance before driving away. Tony watched her pull out of the driveway and watched her car disappear down the road. He was given an ultimatum by his best friend, the love of his life. The decision was his and only his, he had to choose between his drug addiction and Lucy.
          He realized he just could not lose her like this and he knew where she would be. In his haste to get out of the house he had forgotten to put on a shirt or shoes. Instead of driving to their spot like a logical person, he just ran their. His one goal was to get to Lucy and nothing else mattered. It started to pour and thunder rumbled overhead, the wind blew so hard it looked as if the trees around him would snap.
            Once he got to the rocky beach he saw Lucy sitting in the sand by the water's edge. Waves crashed onto the shore and the sky lit up with lighting. Tony ran to her and pulled her petite frame into his arms. He held her close to him. She was crying and so was he. Lucy tried to push him away but the harder she pushed the tighter he held her, he would not let her got. He says to her “Lucy I am never letting go, not now not ever. I promise you that.”
             They stood there in the wild, violent weather. But soon the rain stopped falling. Lucy whispered to him “I don't want you to ever let me go, I love you.” Tony smiled “I love you too, I love you so much.” Neither of them wanted to let go of the other one but finally they separated. Both of them knew that there was a tough future ahead of them, full of unknowns, But they were ready for it.
              The clouds parted allowing the sun to shine through onto the couple. Things were calm again for now. Tony and Lucy left to return home. Once they got home they kissed passionately on the same front porch where they had their heated argument. They went inside their house and were ready to face everything tomorrow. Both of them knew a tough future laid ahead of them full of unknowns and struggles. But they were ready for whatever came at them. They were ready for the struggles and the hard times as long as they had each other

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