Soulmates | Teen Ink


March 16, 2016
By ShannynK BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
ShannynK BRONZE, Huntington, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s twelve in the morning. I wake up to a burning sensation on my left wrist. I feel like someone has slit my wrist open, poured kerosene on it and lit a match. The feeling crawls up my arm, it's unbearable.  My eyes are making puddles on my coral colored sheets. A horrid noise fills my room, it horrifies me until I realize it's coming from me. I rush to my light switch.  As the light fills my room, I notice the source of my pain.  A name. A name is written on my wrist.  I knew it was going to happen since it's my eighteenth birthday, but I didn't know it would feel like being burnt alive.  I'm not ready to find out who my soul at is.
“What's going on? Are you okay sweetheart?” My mother scrambles into my room.  She looks at me and the realization covers her face. She remembers what today is.
“It's okay sweetie. The pain will stop.” My mom leaves room and returns with a princess ice pack from my childhood.  I remember the day I was given that ice pack.  It was for my fourth birthday, I was having a Cinderella party and I was so excited when my mom gave me my brand new Cinderella lunch box with the matching ice pack.  I press the freezing pack onto my room.  The stinging is extinguished, I sigh in relief.
“ Now, go back to sleep you have a big day tomorrow.” I feel my mom’s lips against the top of my head.

“My mama don't like you and she likes everyone” Justin Bieber sings to me as I wake up.  I roll over and stare up at the ceiling. Wow. I'm eighteen.  I'm an adult now.
“Honey, breakfast is ready!” I jump out of bed and recognize the smell coming from the kitchen.  She's making me a special birthday breakfast, the same one she makes me every year, crispy bacon, hash browns, homemade biscuits and fried apples.  I slide down the floral printed hallway and see my mom standing in the kitchen singing.  She's wearing her usual weekend clothes, jeans, and a chevron sweater.  The familiar feel of my cushion chair swallows me.  The table looks like it does during Thanksgiving. So much food for so little people.
“So, who's name is on your wrist?” my mom asks while eating a slice of bacon.
“Umm... I haven't looked...” I glance down to my food.
“You haven't?!” she asks surprised.
“Nope…” I answer honestly.
“Well... Let's check it out!” she gets out of her chair and grabs my wrist as I wince in my pain.
“Sorry” She apologizes and pulls her hand off my bruised wrist.
“What's wrong sweetie? Why don't you wanna look?” Her face is filled with concern.
“What if it's not James?” My boyfriend’s face appears in my mind. What if James isn't my soulmate? I love him.  I love the way his hand fits perfectly in mine.  The way his nose scrunches up when he smiles. I just love that boy.
“What if he is?” as her answer fills my mind I realize she is right. ‘Maybe the name is James’.
“I don't want to know. I wanna wait until after my party tonight.” I make my decision.
“Okay that's fine Sam” my mom rises from her seat and gets a large Band-aid from the cabinet.  She unwraps it and places it over the name that covers my entire wrist as I look away.  I smile at her, and she knows that's my way of thanking her.
“Mom? Does everyone in the world get this?” I question as I look down at the bandage.
“Um… Actually, it seems only those in Jeffersville get it…” she explains. “Supposively it has something to do with the water “she chuckles. “But I’ve never left here so I don’t really know if that’s true or not” she whispers. I nod, acting like I understand what saying, when in reality I’m quite confused.
“Okay so people will be here in six hours. Your hair appointment is at noon and your nail appointment is at two. So” my mom glances at her Tiffany watch.
“You have about two hours before you need to leave for your first appointment” She gives me a kind smile after giving me the run down of the day. I nod and head for my room.
I lay on my bed and watch Vampire diaries. Gosh Damon why do you have to ruin Stefan and Elena relationship? They are suppose to be soul mates. Soulmates. Thinking about it makes me think of my wrist.  I ponder the idea of looking now. No Sam you don't want to do that.  “Sam, you should probably get going” My mom knocks on my bedroom door. I realize I’ve been watching Netflix for almost two hours.   I quickly change into a pair of polka dotted leggings and a matching sweater. I pull on my black riding boots and skip to my red corvette.

“So what can I do for you today?” The petite Asian nail technician asks as she files my nails.
“Just square French tips please,” I smile to the little lady.  We chat about the weather and other little things for a while.
“May I ask about the bandage?” She asks as she puts a bottom coat on my nails.
“Well… it's my eighteenth birthday and…” I explain.
“Oh! It's your soul mate’s name!” She perks up to look into my ocean eyes.
“Uh yea” I bite my plump bottom lip.  My phone dings and I realize I have fourteen Happy Birthday texts.  I smile as I read all the sweet texts from my friends.  She finishes my nails as we sit in silence.  I pay her and as I leave she wishes me a happy birthday.  I drive to the local coffee shop.
“What can I get ya?” The barista smiles at me.
“Well I'm here for my special birthday drink” I giggle.
“Oh! Well Happy Birthday!” He smiles and winks at me.  My cheek fill with embarrassment.
After a few minutes, the brunette barista hands me a bubble gum pink frappechino with rainbow sprinkles on top. “Thank you” I yell as I leave the shop.

It's six o’clock.  My friends flood through the doors.  “Hey baby” My loving boyfriend says behind me.  I turn around to see his familiar choppy blonde hair and coffee eyes.  His Captain America shirt hugs him in all the right places and he looks very handsome tonight. His lips meet mine and we linger there for a little bit.  His lips taste like Coca Cola.  I smile under our kiss.  The DJ plays an upbeat tune and we all dance.  I sway back and forth while others do some provocative dancing.  The night goes by way too quickly.  I almost forget about my wrist.  Is it James? Is James my soulmate?  The night is perfect.  As the clock strikes midnight everyone has left, even James.  I pull back the bandaid to read the name, I see the J and butterflies dance in my stomach.  A, my heart jumps out of my chest.  X, wait what? I pull the bandage off to find the name is Jax. Not James. What? But I don't even know a Jax… No. No no no no.  James is my soulmate.  This stupid tattoo means nothing. James is my soulmate. I sink down to my knees and tears flows from my eyes. I will not let a tattoo tell me who I love.  I will love James forever.

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