In Light of Truths | Teen Ink

In Light of Truths

March 29, 2016
By Anonymous

It was supposed to be innocent, the origins of the game are known to get goody two shoes in trouble. Which is exactly what that night did. They were sitting around in a circle, she reluctantly agreed to play this game after ignoring Candyland for so long in lieu of her sketchbook. Je had “Big Jim” for the questioning, she had an idea on how to move her and Mickey’s plan along in hooking up the two blondes, and she pretends to look at Afro-Man before turning to Hue and asking, “truth or dare?” His face turned kind of red thinking he had escaped, hesitating with a few non-syllabic words, “ummmm, I guess dare?” Je looked at Mickey and smiled before turning to Court and back to him, “Hue, I dare you to kiss Court.” Court looked up from her sketchbook and through her hair at Je, not believing her ears before flipping her hair to look at Hue to see if he would follow through. Considering that the stakes were strip truth or dare, it would be one way or another to come down to his pants after losing his hoodie, socks and watch to the pile in the middle for not following through on the two truths and one other dare he didn’t feel to take.
He looked at Court, both of them a bit red as she was down to her cami and shorts, finding a way to cheat the system early on by being quieter and not doing anything too outlandish in movement to catch the eye of anyone; little did she know that Hue had been watching her all night. She smiles letting him know it was okay, expecting her streak of keeping her first kiss to herself coming to an end. He leaned over as she closed her eyes waiting, when she felt a small peck on the cheek and nothing more, she giggled to herself realizing he just cheated the system too as he let go of her over-flowing mane of hair that was now dry and out of place because of how she decided to sit. The other three in the room decided to declare that he cheated when Hue pointed out that Je never said where to kiss her, but still lost his shirt in the spirit of the game. He smiled shyly at Court as she blushed back. He turned to her waiting for her to look back up at him, her gaze was stuck on the floor, and she found that she couldn’t look up or meet his eyes.
“Truth or dare?” He asked her at barely a whisper, everyone leaned closer, Mickey wasn’t even sure that he had said anything if she hadn’t watched his mouth move.
“Truth.” She stated trying to look up, managing to lift her head, but her eyes were now stuck on the center of his chest trying to remember how to breathe. When she finally managed to lift her eyes, she meet his warm icy blue ones. “Did you want me to kiss you?” Court hesitated to answer Hue as everyone waited for her answer or forfeit to him. “Kind of.” She replied just as quietly for his ears only.
“Why?” Hue looks almost concerned at her answer.
“I haven’t had my first kiss yet, even though you only are supposed to get the first part of the question as your answer because you only asked the first half for the truth.” She smiled at him brightly when he smiled back at her smart-ass-ery of the answer. Hue handed Court “Big Jim” and waited for her to turn to someone else, but she just kept in his direction. “Truth or dare Hue?” Her voice was now stronger and a bit louder as she could try to keep in contact with his eyes as long as possible before breaking, looking away to glance back again at the cornflower blue.
“Dare.” Was all he said before her smirk came about on her lips with a glint that she sometimes achieved.
“Come with me and quote Shakespeare with me.” She stood up, holding out her hand and waiting for the same thing he was last time; she smiled wider when Hue took her hand as she lead him to the balcony.
“I don’t know any Shakespeare.” He told her.
“Don’t you know about the Holy Palmer's Kiss?” She looked up at his mischievously as he had a light in his eye and indeed started quoting the scene that was well known to every high schooler in literature. He finally got to the part where he kissed her and she clung to him for breath and a lifeline as she was sept off her feet in a sea beyond her expectations. They heard an outcry of exclamations behind them in the room and broke apart. Hue started to shiver now realizing the cold without the body heat of her pressed against him as they walked back inside. Everyone was smiling as the mischief continued that way throughout the night, becoming more outlandish as it went on. Ending up with the two entangled on the floor of the room together to sleep until an alarm went off in the morning.

The author's comments:

Dreams have a funny way of getting to you and sticking with you throughout the day.

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