Bakers' Dream | Teen Ink

Bakers' Dream

April 1, 2016
By ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
ZephyrMori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is the story of two bakers, although only one has a happy ending. The first of a girl, she owns the bakery and bakes all of their cakes. The second, is of  the  a patron who had a baker fall in love with her.

There she sits, in that same chair and at the same time. She always comes here and sits at the table next to the window, at two thirty, and and orders the same thing; a slice of strawberry shortcake.
She never finishes it, heck, she never touches it. She only eats the strawberry on top! Ever since she didn't eat, I've been changing the recipe; add more sugar, less sweetener, more milk, less strawberries. It's been driving me insane! I know that she'll leave her plate with nothing but the strawberry gone.
"Umm... excuse me."
"Yes, may I help you?" She talked with this voice that described her perfectly. She was intelligent, but she never focused in school. She would rather focus on making music than school. She had this air of not caring, but she knew the importance of other's opinions.
"I'm here everyday and so are you. Every time you order the same exact thing and every time you only eat the strawberry on top! Why do you do that?!"
"I'm sorry," her voice was calm unlike mine, "I only come here so I can see you." What have I done?
I ran back into the kitchen. When I knew it was safe I started to cry. "She probably thinks I'm some freak who's insane. She'll probably never come back now." As the realization of losing someone who cares for me started to sink in one of the servers came in.
"The window seat is ready to be cleaned up boss!"
"Thanks, I-I'll clean it up," I quickly picked myself up, hoping to salvage whatever dignity I have left. I went to the table and, wouldn't you know it, it was hers. I cleaned it up, expecting it to be my last, but then I noticed something. Her plate was empty.


There he was just standing there staring at me through the window. He knew it was love at first sight, I did too. He realized that he was staring, he stopped and continued working. I continued on my day too. The next time I saw him was the next day. I went to see if he was there and if he was I would go in, he was there.
I went in and he was my server. "Hello, welcome to Pie R Square what may I bake for you?" He talked with a sweet and innocent voice, "I recommend the blueberry pie."
"I guess I'll order that then," this was my first time in a bakery, "and you're baking it, correct?"
"Yes, but I need your name, may I please know?" you sly baker.
"My name is Estelle, and your name sir?" it was only fair.
"My name is Daniel, and I'll be back with your fresh pie," he was about to leave.
"When you come back do you want to eat it with me?" what was I thinking, he probably thinks I'm weird now.
"I'll take you up on that offer, Estelle." He went to bake the pie and he, expectantly, took a long time. "I'm back!" he had this worried smile on his face. "Sorry, I burnt edges."
"It's okay, I probably won't taste it," I did taste it, but it was sweet.
After that we decided to go on a date and then another and then we became a couple. As the weeks went by he stayed as enchanted as the first day we met, I on the other hand lost interest, but I didn't want him to lose that smile so I faked it. "Hey, Estelle I made our pie, happy one year anniversary!" It's been one year since I felt happy. "I burnt the edges again, I never learn."
"You know I don't mind it," I tasted it again, but this time it was bitter.

The author's comments:

Two bakes faced with the same problem, but with different endings.

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