Prom? | Teen Ink


April 11, 2016
By amalsfo BRONZE, Setapak, Other
amalsfo BRONZE, Setapak, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 9 p.m. when Nick, my one hell of an annoying but adorable best friend called. The conversation went a bit like this:

“Piper I know this is crazy but please please please can you be my date to the prom?”
“What?! Heck no, you know I don’t do proms”
“But pleaaaaseeeee prom’s tomorrow and I don’t even have a freaking date. I can’t show up without a date I’m the freaking headboy, man”
“And why in the world don’t you have one, Mr. Headboy? I thought there were more than a dozen girls begging to be your date last week. Oh and might I add; Lucy the hottest chick in school was one of them”
“Well…….um.. I don’t know they’re just not my type”
“Since when did you have a type?”
“Since just now”
“You’re unbelievable. Whatever but I don’t even have anything to wear. Just the thoughts of wearing makeup and heels are giving me the creeps. How am I going to survive?”
“No worries. I got you a dress, it’s gonna match my tux. I'm going to be with you throughout the night anyways I promise. I’ll send the dress to you tomorrow. Thanks a bunch Pipes I owe you the world”
*sighs* "The things I do for you"
And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to a prom. I went to sleep right after we said our goodbyes.
The next day I woke up at 10 a.m. because my little brother, Jim was banging on my bedroom door every 10 seconds. Mom and dad weren’t home as they went for their outstation in France, so I was quite shocked when I smelt waffles from the kitchen. Jim was only 5 he couldn’t make waffles on his own. Then I saw that it was Nick.
“Good morning, sleepyhead”
“Morning, Nick. And may I ask you, how the hell did you get into my house?”
“Your mom gave me the spare key, remember?”
I decided to shut up as my stomach started to make strange noises indicating that if it doesn’t get food ASAP, it’s gonna explode. I took a fork from the drawer and dug into the waffles that Nick made. They were good, no they were amazing. Nick sat across me and watched me while I was eating. There was a grin on his face.
“What, what?”
“Nick why are you grinning?”
“I'm trying to imagine you with makeup and heels"
"Oh shut up"
After breakfast, we watched movies the whole day until 5 p.m. when we had to get ready for prom. Nick took out the dress and I was speechless. It was stunning.
"Nick this is beautiful, how am I going to pay back I'm sure it costed a fortune"
"Geez no worries now go get ready"
I went up to my room and took a shower. When I was done I wrapped myself with a towel and sat in front of my dressing table. I stared at the dress Nick got me. I still can't get over how beautiful it is. I decided to keep it simple and just wear a thin layer of powder, light eye shadow, some lipstick and eyeliner. At 7 p.m., Nick called me and told me that it's time to get going. I went down and Nick was waiting down the stairs. He was in a tux, and I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't skip a beat. He looked sharp alright, and I could've sworn that he was staring straight into my eyes. When I reached down the stairs he startled and I let out a small laugh.
"Let's go, silly"
"You're beautiful"
"I know you forced me into this but you don't have to sweet talk me you know. But thanks, you look good yourself"
"No, I mean it"
I looked at his face and he was staring at me, and his dark brown eyes seemed to be glimmering, proving that he was sincere. I gave him a sweet smile. We went to the car and he drove to school. It was kind of awkward in the car but Nick broke the silence when he started to sing along to Taylor Swift. It was hilarious.
When we reached school, he opened the door for me and I got out of the car. We walked into the hall with my hand in his arm. I swear every girl in the hall was glaring at me, jealous that I was with Nick of course. We went to see Nick's friends and chatted a bit. I caught Nick glancing at me every now and then. Then I told Nick I was going to some drinks. While I was pouring some lemonade into a paper cup, Jake, my classmate came over to me.
"Hey Piper"
"You look sexy"
"Um, thanks?"
He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to his body. I tried to pull myself off him but his grip was too strong. His hands started to roam across my body.
"Jake what the hell? Let me go"
"Kiss me and maybe we can get outta here and be a little kinky, aye?"
"Get off me, you freaking pervert"
I wanted to cry. Then out of nowhere a fist hit Jake's face and he let go of me. It was Nick. I quickly ran into his arms.
"Don't you ever lay a finger on Piper again or I swear I'd kill you", he shouted.
Jake's nose was bleeding. Everyone was staring so we got out of the hall. By that time I was already shivering because I was frightened. I may sound brave just now but I was really scared.
"Pipes are you okay did he do anything to you?", Nick asked me while searching my face for any signs of hurt. He looked cute when he was worried but I tried to push that thought away. I couldn't be falling for my best friend, can I?
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have let you out of my sight. I should've figured something like that would happen. Literally every single guy in there had their eyes locked on you"
"What, no"
"Yeah and I felt like hitting them for even having the guts to do so. You're mine", he pushed a strand of hair from in front of my face and put it behind my ear. We were staring into each other's eyes. Suddenly we heard a slow song playing from inside the hall.
"I'm sure everyone inside is dancing."
"Well, Pipes, may I have this dance?", he let out his hand.
I took his hand, grinning, "Of course, silly"
He put his hands on my waist, and mine around his neck. We started to move slowly. He looked into my eyes. I smiled and laid my head on his chest.
"I love you"

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