I Miss You | Teen Ink

I Miss You

April 11, 2016
By amalsfo BRONZE, Setapak, Other
amalsfo BRONZE, Setapak, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hazel's P.O.V

Strict parents make rebellious kids. I guess my parents would never get that. Fair enough, my mum grounded me because I came back late last night, and now I'm going out through the window, duh. Where I'm going? I don't know. I just love the thrill of doing it. It's a chilly day. I'm shivering despite the sweater I'm wearing. I wander around the neighborhood aimlessly until I saw him.

Carter's P.O.V

It was one of my numerous fights with dad. He was shouting at me with no exact reason, so I just went out and slammed the door. It was cold outside but I couldn't care less. Memories of how my family used to be 2 years ago are playing in my head. We were so happy back then, until mum got into a car accident, and dad could never get over it. He hasn't been the same since then. He's rarely home and when he is, he gets mad over irrelevant things and sometimes it gets a little bit too much. I miss having real parents. I was walking along the road, just to clear my head a bit, like I always do when I saw her.

Hazel's P.O.V

He's a few meters in front of me. My heart is beating fast. He's wearing his favourite grey t-shirt and his hands are in his pocket. His messy hair and wild eyes, gosh, I missed them. I miss him.

Carter's P.O.V

I stare at her, and she was looking at me. Her hair fell over her shoulders, longer than it used to be but as beautiful as I remember. Her daring eyes, the ones that I used to spend hours staring into. I miss her, I swear I do.

Hazel's P.O.V

He came closer. I walked towards him. We stop right in front of each other, so close that I can hear him breathing.

Carter's P.O.V

It's taking everything in me to not crash my lips into hers. I took her into my arms and held her tight. A part of me was scared that she would pull away. "Hazel, I miss you"

Hazel's P.O.V

"Hazel, I miss you", he whispered into my ear. That was all it took to crumble the walls that I built all this while to the ground. A tear slid down my cheek as I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. "I miss you too"

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