The Decision | Teen Ink

The Decision

April 21, 2016
By Quynh BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Quynh BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I rushed toward the piercing sound of key clashing into the front door’s lock. I held my hand delicately onto my belly thinking how joyful Derrick would be when he finds out he will become a father soon. Once I saw his perfectly tanned face with his sharp distinct jaw line , I ran to embrace him. He gave me a questioning look. “You will be a father soon!” I told him cheerfully. His face showed a gloomy sign of disbelief. My smile was erased.
“Aren't you happy?” I asked.
“Carol...It is just…..”
“Just what?”
“I don’t think we can keep the baby.”
“Why…? I thought you liked kids….”
“I do, but …”
There was a moment of silence, but it seemed like an eternity.
I hesitated,“...What do you want me to do then?”
“I don’t want you to keep the baby.”
“Are you telling me to…”
“I can’t do that.”
“Well, you must!”
“Carol, even though we have been together for 6 months, I think it is time for us to go on our own paths.”
Everything inside of me shattered like broken glass. He headed to the door. My heart was telling me to go after him, but I didn’t have enough courage to. I crumpled down onto the shivering cold ground as I isolated myself from the rest of the world.
A few weeks later at the mall, I saw him from the bottom of the stairs before he saw me. I began to shake in fear. Quickly, I ran to hide behind a nearby clothing rack. All of the haunting memories of that night came back like lightning strikes. I ran my trembling fingers over the belly bump that is not yet visible; and whispered to it, “Mommy will protect you against any danger.”
Then I heard footsteps coming my way. Luckily, the sound stopped then it faded away. I took a peek and saw a woman walking next to him. She was as pale as a ghost and wore a red dress like the shade of blood. I can hear his sweet voice telling her “Kate, I love you” and she responded with a gentle voice. They were walking with their hands intertwined. The light shined onto her dazzling diamond. It was on her ring finger. The answer to my question as to why he wanted to abort our baby came like a bullet. He’s married. She is his legal wife; I’m just one of his toys that he played with and threw away when it is no longer new along with his baby whom he doesn't want to be responsible for. He doesn't need our baby or me anymore. The thought made my tears pour down onto my cheeks faster than the rate of rain falling from the sky.
A hanger fell from the rack which caught his attention. He walked toward me and his wife headed towards a fitting room. My heart was racing faster and louder than ever. I felt as if I’m a caged bird with wings unable to escape. I saw his icy blue eyes staring deep into mine which caused a sudden cold to my body. His strong hand dragged me to a private place.
He saw that I was wrapping my arms around my belly protecting it.”I told you to do something about that,” he said pointing at my belly.
“I’ll never kill my own child,” I said with anger.
“You don’t have a choice. I don’t want it. I can’t let you keep that baby. If my wife finds out, she will kill me,” he responded.
”I don't need you to want it. It doesn't need an irresponsible man as its father. The baby is mine and I make the choice to keep it or not. I want to give it a chance to see the world, the beautiful blue sky, and the peaceful grass”, I said trying to stay calm.
“That baby is just a mistake. It doesn't need to be born,” he said angrily. His voice was deep and harsh.
“You're a monster!”, I said as I broke into tears.
I felt his hands push me. The metal bars of the railing smacked roughly against my back bones as I fell slowly to the ground. He said, “I will do whatever it take to not let that mistake be born and ruin---”.
“What is going on?”, his wife demanding for an answer with her face glowing red with anger.
“This woman is trying to accuse me that her baby is mine. Please believe me when I say she has nothing to do with me. I love you, honey. You’re the only one that will ever exist in my heart.”
“Stop lying, you’re a heartless man! The baby inside of me is your...!” I yelled as I stood up.
She looked at me then him trying to decide who to believe.
“You’re a shameless woman stealing another person’s husband,” She said coldly. Her naked hand whipped my cheek sending it the miserable sensation. The force made me land onto the bars once again, but this time was on my stomach. I grabbed onto the railing and roared in pain. She held out her red hand like burning fire with garnet fingernails yanking my hair. The pain spread to my head. Finally, she let go with her hands full of tangled mud-colored hair that was torn out of my scalp.
This wasn't enough to satisfy her. Her hands slid around my throat as her nails dug into my flesh. The rusty red liquid began dripping from my neck onto my cotton blue dress. My breath weakened.
“Kate, please stop! You’re going to kill her!”, he cried begging for her to stop.
Her jealousy blocked his words. It became clear that she was set on making me disappear from this world. I thought about giving in, letting her get what she wanted. A soft baby’s voice in my head cried, “But, mommy, you promised me that you would protect me against any danger.” I couldn't break my promise that soon. I shoved her away from me. I can feel the discomfort of the scarred marks she left on my neck. She fell backward with her hands swinging. He ran forward to try and catch her.
“Be careful there is a puddle...!” I yelled.
It was too late. He tripped over it causing him to fall back and tumble down the abandoned stairs.
The sound of bones cracking broke the silence. His head smacked against the tile floor and blood began to fill the space like a murder scene. His clothes were stained and ripped. I closed my eyes as I collapsed on the floor hoping that all of this is just a nightmare and I will soon wake up from it.
The beeping sound of machines in the hospital woke me up. “My baby…” I groaned. The nurse came over and told me, “My name is Marina and I will be taking care of you today. Don’t worry, your baby is safe and just rest here until you feel comfortable enough to leave.” I stood up slowly but unable to balance myself before I fell back into my bed.
“Do you need to go somewhere?” she asked.
“Do you know if there was anyone who came with me to the hospital?” I asked ignoring her question.
“There was an injured man and a woman in her mid-30s.” she responded.
“Is it possible if you could take me to the room that the man is staying.” I requested.
Marina grabbed a wheelchair nearby and carefully placed me into it. She pushed the wheelchair straight, right, then left. My hand reached the door knocking on it without hesitation. The noise from the heels onto the tile floor got closer then the door opened revealing Derrick’s wife. The unhappy look was still visible but the hatred in her eyes seemed to soften.
“Since you’re already here, come in and talk,” she said as she directed Marina to close the door. Once again, it was just the three of us and we looked at each other in silence. Marina opened her coffee colored Louis Vuitton bag and handed me an envelope. Inside the envelope, there was a check. My eyes reached hers as my lips parted then closed again when I finally understood her intention.
“I investigated your relationship with my husband and found that my husband is the one at fault. I understand that you would want to keep the baby, but I don’t want my husband to be the father of another woman’s child. I hope that this money will compensate for the mistake that he made and wish that you will never come in contact with him again.” She said loud and clear.
Derrick just sat there with bandages wrapped around his head and arms. He didn’t move nor say anything like a helpless rat.
“I don’t need your money or husband. I’m here to tell you that all I hope for is to keep my baby safe. However, I want to advise you that in a relationship, controlling another person with your money will never keep them by your side forever.” I responded by ripping the check in half and gave it back to her. I felt all of the weight I have been holding left as I stood up and walked away. The door behind me closed as I looked forward to the window at the end of the hallway where the bright sunlight was piercing through. A new beginning is waiting.

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