Love Nevr Wins | Teen Ink

Love Nevr Wins

May 24, 2016
By JordanWright_1 BRONZE, Charlote, North Carolina
JordanWright_1 BRONZE, Charlote, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scene 1
Act I
INT. - Michael and Denise's Living room - NIGHT
~Denise enters the stage alongside michael~
   Denise: I’m thinking about quitting this training class,it ain’t doing nothing for me. I want to    make mama proud, but it’s so hard you know? -pacing back and forth- you know what Michael? I’m gonna quit i’m going to dr- ~Michael, cuts her off~
   Michael: Don’t talk like that. You're making yourself look bad. You’re not just going to quit this job! You’ll make me look bad. You think i wanna walk ‘round with a Law school dropout?
   Denise: You think i want to walk “‘round” with someone selfish like you?
   Michael: Seems like it, You never left me yet!
   Denise: Because I love you! What’s so hard to understand you fool! ~walking off stage angrily~
~Marcell enters~
   Marcell: What’s all the racket down here? Another argument with your woman? ~walks over to Michael and sits down~
   Michael: She’s tryna’ make me look bad , walkin’ ‘round here talkin’ about dropping out of law school. ~Marcell stands up~
   Marcell: Nobody’s trying to make you look bad. You do that on your own anyways! The least you can do is Let Denise know you’re there for her.
Michael: How do i make myself look bad? I’m dating the finest woman , working at some boring job for Denise, and to top it all of, i gots money and i gots a lot of it.
~Marcell walks up to Michael shaking his head~
Marcell: You make yourself look bad when you constantly slang your words. Money doesn't make you look better, don’t let it get to your head. Now fix yourself up and apologize to Denise a woman like her deserves it.
Michael: You all worked up on Denise. She’s MY woman, i’ll treat her how i want - laughs- Acting like she’s your woman, what you gotta crush on her ~playfully pushes Marcell~
Marcell: A crush?-nervous- On my cousin’s woman? No … why would i have a crush on her? Why’d you even mention it I- ~Michael cuts him off laughing~
Michael: Chill kid, i was just jokin’
Marcell: …..Right you were joking.
~Enters Denise , back on stage~
Denise: What are you guys talking about?
Marcell: I was trying to get Michael to apologize to you. He’s so stubborn
~Starts to exit stage~
Denise: Marcell .. Honey you are so right, your cousin is the most stubborn young man, but I love him, so i have to deal with it
~Marcell exits not saying a word~
Michael: So we agreed you’re not dropping out?
Denise: Yes Michael , we agreed
~Denise and Michael exit the stage together~
`End of Act I Scene I
Act I Scene II
INT. - Marcell’s home - DAY
~Enters Marcell followed by Tasha~
Tasha: I thought Michael was going to come with you? You said earlier that Michael was going to come over here, why isn’t he here? I really need to talk to him
Marcell: What do you need to talk about with him? Because lately, you’ve been wanting to talk to him more than you usually would.
Tasha: It’s none of your concern Marcell! You always wanna bud into my business.

Marcell: You’re right, it’s none of my business but i know how you act. I know your motivation. Also i know my cousin, He has a really good amount of money on his hands.
Tasha: First of all, you don’t know MY motivations! And second of all, how do you know i want to talk to Michael because of his money? What if i really needed his help for something?
~Doorbell rings three times~
Marcell: Who is it?
Muffled voice, that is unclear for the audience to hear
Tasha: Hey Michael! How’s your day going so far
~Michael shuts the door behind him, Standing next to tasha~
Michael: My day? -sighs- my day was horrible. All Denise did was nag me all day! I got home a little late, and she started nagging, i brought food home, she nags. It’s like everything i do, she nags either that or gets really pissed at me, what the hell do i ever do!
Tasha: Sounds like she ain’t the one for you honey. That’s how things were with me and my husband.. You know the one before i dated Marcell, well before i was engaged to Marcell?
~Michael nods his head showing that he understands~
Marcell: I’m pretty sure you’re giving Denise a reason to nag. I mean she wouldn’t just randomly nag if it wasn’t something pissing her off man.
Michael: I don’t know man. She’s really making me want to leave her. What should I do? Maybe i should just talk it out with her.
Marcell: Yeah, that’ll be the right thing to do, That and apologize. Maybe do something special for her, just make her feel like a trophy man, so y’all can grind together, and shine together.
Michael: You’re good with the ladies cousin, How come you ain’t found you a lady yet?
~Marcell sighs and sits down on the couch beside Michael~
Marcell: Well the girl I want, she has a man, and her man is pretty close to me.. Like a brother almost, But she’s just so beautiful, and he treats her so damn bad. A woman like her deserves to be treated like a queen, and I know that I could make her feel that way.
Michael: Seems complicated cousin. Hopefully she leaves that jerk, he sounds like a bad person. We don’t need those kind of men ‘Round here snatchin’ up the ladies.
Marcell: She’s not going to leave him. She loves him,and he won’t let her go, he said he needs her to make him look good. Ain’t that stupid
Michael: Very stupid man, I’ll talk to you later. Maybe me and denise will stop by tomorrow. Maybe.
Michael walks over to the door opening it and exiting the stage
Tasha: So you have a crush on Denise huh? It’s pretty obvious, well it became clear once you explained everything. I didn’t even get a chance to talk to Michael.
Marcell: How’d you figure out it was Denise? It could have been any girl in the damn country so out of all of them, why’d you say Denise?
Tasha: I know how men act when they are interested in taken women. Trust me. Hey can i tell you something?
Marcell: You know you can always talk to me Tasha, what’s up?
Tasha: What if i said, That i really like Michael?
Marcell: -smirks- I’d say stop going after what you think you want and just aim for someone who you know you want.
Tasha: I mean come on Marcell. He has a lot of money, yes but I don’t know i just feel a really good vibe with him, Kinda like the way i felt with you. Marcell, why’d we even break up? Nothing was wrong with our relationship the love was very clear and we both had mutual feelings towards each other.
Marcell: We started to drift apart, we stopped sharing those mutual feelings. I started to notice Denise more, and you were doing your own thing.
Tasha: Well i have a plan. You want Denise right?
Marcell nods
Tasha: well we need to make Denise lose interest in Michael, and vice versa.
Marcell: I don’t think we should do that. I mean it’s obvious that Michael is going to do something that just pisses Denise off to the point where she breaks up with him.
(Tasha groans)
Tasha: Look do you want Denise or not? Because right now, you don’t sound like it
Marcell: Look tasha. I do want her but i'm willing to wait, I’m not just gonna break up their-
(Marcell gets cut off by his phone, he answers it)
Marcell: Hello? …. You want Tasha there too? …. Okay, well we’re on our way. (to Tasha): That was Michael, he sounded pretty upset, he wanted us to come over.
Tasha: Do you think it’s about him and Denise? Maybe something bad happened and he's mad at her, this..this could be our lucky day! I mean we were just talking about this.
Marcell: I heard Denise laughing in the back. I doubt anything bad has happened. Maybe money problems, you know how he acts when his money is tight.
Tasha: Could you maybe just have a little bit of hope? Don’t you know that sometimes girls laugh when they're mad?
Marcell: Actually i didn’t know that. Anyways let’s not play ourselves, we don’t wanna show up and end up looking stupid. Do we?
Tasha: Yeah you're right. Well let’s go , we don’t wanna be late, for whatever they have planned.
  Act I Scene III
  INT- Michael and Denise's house
Michael: What’s up, What’s up thanks for coming, we just wanted to invite the two of you because we’re pretty close to you.
Tasha: Glad we could make it. So what’s this all about, Marcell told me you sounded a little mad over the phone?
Denise: Michael, honey do you want me to tell them?
Marcell: you’re either pregnant, or you guys are getting married (laughs) i'm assuming.
Denise: (laughs) No silly. I'm not pregnant,nor are we getting married.
Michael: She’s moving. She’s um , she's leaving tonight in about an hour,
Denise: I'm going to miss you guys, well not you Tasha i don’t even know why you’re here.
Marcell: Hey Denise can i speak with you outside?
Denise: Yeah of course
EXT- On the porch of Michael’s house
Denise: What’s up?
Marcell: I don’t want any funny business with us after i tell you this.. But i have feelings for you. And i've had these feeling for a while now. I know that we’re definitely not going to be together now, But i just wanted to let you know.
(Denise leans forward placing her lips onto Marcell’s as they share a passionate kiss)
Denise: It was pretty obvious Marcell (laughs) i've always knew, and i’ll be totally honest. I have feelings for you too. The way you talk to Michael when he’s treating me badly makes me love you more, and the fact that you know exactly what to say to make me laugh… Gosh i should’ve picked you.
Marcell: Just promise you’ll stay in touch okay? … and who knows maybe we will end up together, Maybe.
Denise: … Maybe
End of Act I Scene III

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