Love from afar | Teen Ink

Love from afar

May 26, 2016
By jayberk19 BRONZE, Windber, Pennsylvania
jayberk19 BRONZE, Windber, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A conversation Jeremy Smith (Boyfriend), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has with Stacy Long (Girlfriend), Denver, Colorado.
Setting: As two young college students start there 2nd semester, they begin to struggle with their relationships. The 3000 mile difference is starting to become too much for them. A big change is about to happen that could save their relationship. One of them are about to find out how true love makes sacrifices. On a Friday night around 8 p.m. Jeremy calls Stacy.

Jeremy: Hey Stacy, I know it’s been a long week and I’ve been thinking about what you have said earlier in the week about taking a break.
Stacy: Yeah I have too, I know we said our love can withstand all these miles but lately it’s becoming too much. The worrying, the long nights, early mornings for class, then going to work. It’s not that I don’t love you; it’s just hard to focus on us and juggle all these things at the same time.
Jeremy: It has been hard; there has been a countless number of nights I have stayed up late on a school night just because I get scared that something could happen to you. I love you to death but I know we can’t keep doing this to each other. It’s not healthy, and we’re putting our future careers at risk.
Stacy: I know it’s not your fault either Jeremy. I decided to go to school so far away knowing your SAT scores wasn’t high enough for my school. I should have sacrificed and went to the local community college like you did. I blame myself for this.
Jeremy: No!!! Please don’t blame yourself; I never took the time to study for it. I knew it was your dream to go to Denver and I never took it serious enough. That’s why I have something to tell you.
Stacy: I do blame myself, I always will. I love you Jeremey and I am sorry this is how we may be ending our relationship. What did you want to tell me?
Jeremy: Well you know the other night when I told you I was at class and couldn’t talk?
Stacy: Yeah, I remember!!
Jeremy: Well, I really wasn’t at class. I lied to you!
Stacy: What are you trying to tell me Jeremy? I had a sense that you weren’t going to class!  Have you been cheating on me? I knew something was up; you never have class on Tuesday nights!!
Jeremy: No Stacy, I wasn’t cheating on you!
Stacy: Okay, then tell me now!
Jeremy: Well, the truth is. I went down to the local library to retake my SAT test. I didn’t want to tell you in case I didn’t do well again. I have been studying every night for the past two months. I ended up passing this time. I actually did really well!!
Stacy: That’s great Jeremy; do you plan on going to Penn State now like you always dreamed about?
Jeremy: Well, I was thinking. I also talked to your college and sent my scores in, which they sent me an email today saying I got accepted. My dream used to be to go to Penn State, but now it’s to be with you for the rest of my life.
Stacy: Oh Jeremey, I honestly can’t believe it. So you are going to transfer here?
Jeremy: I am. Nothing is more important to me than being with the woman of my dreams. I won’t be able to start until next semester. Till then, we will work this out and be strong for each other. I have to go now; I will talk to you soon. I love you Stacy!!
Stacy: Bye Jeremy, I love you too!

The moral of the story is that true love can get through anything. Sacrifices are always made. Here, it shows that Jeremy is giving up his dream of attending Penn State to instead go to Denver to be with his girlfriend. He sacrificed nights of studying because he was in love. The resolution of this story is Jeremys sacrifice to his girlfriend and his relationship. Taking the necessary steps to bring himself closer. 

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