Control | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By Carlee.M.K BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Carlee.M.K BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was august 5th Raylen first day at her new school. She attends Creston view high school.

“Brandy said get up Ray “Edward said

“Tell her that I’m not going to school today “she yawned

“Why do you always have an attitude?” Edward asked

“Why do you care and get out of my room” Raylen told Edward

I got up and got myself prepared for school. Then I headed down stairs where her aunt and Edward were.

“Hey ray you ready for school?” her aunt asked her

“No how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like Chicago or this house and that I don’t want to go to school” Raylen yelled at her aunt

“Why am I here I the first place?” ray asked her aunt

“Because you need to learn how to control your powers and because Brandy is your legal guardian now” Edward explained to Raylen

“First of all I don't believe that I was even talking to you so how about you mind your own business for once and you wouldn’t be here either if your mom actually cared about you” Raylen said to Edward

“Cut it out Ray you took it way too far” Brandy said than shot Raylen a look

“Well it’s true it’s not like I’m over here lying” Raylen told her aunt then shot her a look back

“What’s your problem? When I read your mind you have all this hurt and pain but you seem to think that’s its ok to lash it out on other people” Edward told Raylen

“You know what how about you stay out of my freak in head” Raylen yelled at Edward

“Didn’t I say cut it out now eat your food and get ready to head outside to the bus stop” Brandy told Raylen and Edward

Edward and I ate their breakfast then grab our backpacks and jackets and headed for the bus stop. When Edward and I arrived at the bus stop it wasn’t like any ordinary bus stop this bus stop gave you an amazing view of the neighborhood you could see all the beautiful houses in some many different colors red, blue, orange and even a bright yellow it was as bright as the sun on a hot summer day it was all so gorgeous. The bus had just arrived at the bus stop it was that beautiful yellow the kind of yellow you see on a sun flowers but instead of black lines that you usually see on the bus it had this pearly white with this little sparkle in it that would remind you of a shining star in the night's sky it was breath taken how amazing this bus looked. Edward and I climbed onto the bus then took their seats in the last seat in the back of the bus the seats were as gray as the sky on a cold and cloudy day. We sat right across from this boy and girl they looked like they might have been either in our grades or close to our grade.

“This is Jasper and Rowan close friends of mines” Edward said

“It’s nice to meet you” Jasper said then held out his hand

“Yeah ok” Raylen said than swatted away his hand

“Edward what’s wrong with your cousin?” Rowan asked Edward

“And first of all Raylen  is not my cousin and brandy isn’t my aunt Brandy and my dad are best friends and when my dad went away he left me with someone who he knew could and would take good care of me were not related in any way” Edward explained to Rowan and Jasper

“And exactly does went away mean” Raylen asked Edward

“You know exactly what that means and if you want to go there I can to” Edward said

“Is anyone else confused? “Rowan said she had no idea what Edward and Raylen were talking about
“Well if we wanted you to know we would have told you” Raylen said to Rowan with a nasty attitude

“ED you better get her you know I don’t tolerate attitudes or disrespect” Rowan told Edward

“Ray chill out she just asked a simple question you didn’t have to get all nasty with her” Edward told Raylen

“I’m getting sick and tired of you telling me what to do I’m goanna do what I want to and can't anybody stop me?” Raylen explained to Edward

“You know what it’s not even that deep how about everyone just chill and breath before things begin to get heated “Jasper told everyone

Edward, Jasper, Rowan and I just arrived at the school and the school it was as huge as two Walmart’s combined together it was reddish orange with Creston View Jaguars big in the front in gold. Jasper, Edward, Rowan and I all grab our backpacks and jackets than we climbed off the bus then headed into the front entrance of the school. The day had been going by pretty fast I had three out of four classes with Rowan and she didn’t seem that bad but that didn’t mean I’m going to let down my guard. I was now headed to lunch which I have with Rowan, Jasper, and Edward. I went into the lunch and heard so many different conversations the boys were mostly talking about sports and videogames the girls were mostly gossiping and talking about their boyfriends and their hair, nails and makeup. I grab one of those ugly dark green trays then headed into the lunch line I grab this nasty greasy pizza and broccoli and cheese but the cheese was more like water because they didn’t drain the water off of the broccoli but at least there fruit cup looked decent it had green sour apple slices, mandarin oranges, strawberries, seedless watermelon and pineapples then I went to the lunch lady with the brown wig on backwards and paid for my lunch than I headed to back of the lunch room and sat my lunch down on the orange table that reminded me of how the sun looks in the evening as it begins to set .

“Hey Ray brandy just txt me and told me that she wanted me to work on your powers when we get home” Edward explained

“I don’t need to work on my powers so txt brandy back and tell her I said I’m good” I told Edward

“Disrespect will get you nowhere in life” Edward told Raylen

“Well go tell that to someone else because I’m done hearing it” I told Edward

“Whether you like it or not were going work on your powers because you haven’t mastered any of them yet” Edward said with annoyance in his voice

“I actually have mastered reading minds the only one I haven’t mastered yet is going into the past and future and changing it” I told Edward

“You got an 60% on controlling people and 80% on reading minds and a 15 % on going into the past and future and changing it that’s not mastered” Edward said

“Why does she think you can help me because let me reassure you that you don’t know everything” I told Edward

“You're right I don’t know everything but I do now this much you haven’t mastered any of them and I’ve been mastered them so maybe you should take Brandy’s advice and let me help you” Edward explained

“I obviously don’t need brandy’s advice what don’t you get about me not wanting any help I will master them by myself it’s not impossible” I said with a nasty attitude

“You know what you’re so  ungrateful all were trying to do is help you and all you're doing is pushing us away and for what because you think you don’t need us if you didn’t need do you think that you would be here” Edward said with an angry tone in his voice

I didn’t understand why people always tried to help me when I didn’t want help, but when I did no would help me. Why no one would help when my mom got drunk every single night. I remember my mom would come stumbling into the room.

“Ray come over here and help me to the couch” she would say

I remember walking over to my mother and stretching our out my hand to help her to the couch. I remember feeling her sweaty hands like the way your hands start to sweat when you start getting nervous. She always looked so tired but that didn’t stop her from drinking. I grab my mom’s sweaty hand and helped her over to the couch.
“Ray please go into the kitchen and grab me a beer please” she used to say

“No momma you’re already drunk you don’t need another beer” I’d say

“Raylen this isn’t up for debate now do what I said” My mom yelled

“Mom you're right this isn’t up for debate has alcohol really become more important than spending time with your daughter” I yelled back tears streaming down my face

I knew that answer when she didn’t answer. I didn’t understand why my mom would bring different men into the house and why when I told her what they would try to do to me why she didn’t listen. I didn’t understand out of all people I had to lose my mom. Why my mom never told me she loved me or why she never hugged me or kissed me. I didn’t even know who my father was.

“Mom can I ask you something” I remember asking my mom

“What know ray” my mom would say

“Who’s my biological father” she would say

“This no good man who left me to raise you” she answered

“How do I know that you’re not lying or that you didn’t push him away like you do everyone else?” I asked

“I’m your mother I know what’s best for you and you don’t need a man to help raise you I raised you this far and I say I did pretty good job at it” my mom said

“You're right I don’t need a man but I do need a father and you didn’t raise me just because you gave birth to me doesn’t mean you raised me that’s not what’s makes you a mother you haven’t done anything a mother would actually do for their child” I yelled out of anger

“Were you there when I started my period were you there when I started growing breast were you there when I did the talk?” I yelled crying I remember that day perfectly. I had stayed up all night crying my out but for what I knew my mother didn’t give two cents about me it was just hard to believe. I never really had anyone who cared about me or loved me. I once heard a saying that said it takes a village to raise a child. I didn’t even have that I did now I had any family at the time. It was always me and my mom that’s all I ever knew and that’s still all I know. I know I’m not a perfect little princess but who do you know that is. Mistakes are what make us human we make them but we learn from them. This is why I was kept to myself I had to be strong for myself. This is why I didn’t let people get close to me I didn’t want them to hurt me like my mom did or lose them like I lost my mom.

“People who usually get close to me end up hurting me and I won’t and can’t go through that again. I always get hurt and I always have to put myself back together again.”  I explained to Edward I hate thinking about these things it just reminded me how many times I had been stabbed in the back. I don’t why I felt ok sharing my thoughts with Edward, but just for that moment it felt like he understood my pain like he knew what it felt like to be hurt. Like he understood the pain I felt when I lost my mom and maybe he did.

“Brandy only wants the best for you she’s been raising me since the 7th grade she would never do anything initially to hurt you” Edward explained

“You’re in the 10th grade you’ve had four years to build that trust I’ve had two weeks. I’m not taking any chances” I told Edward I see he understood for a minute Brandy was there for him for every last one of them four years. I’m l6 years old now in the 10th grade and for almost my whole I’ve had no one.

It’s now the end of fourth period I am now headed to the bus. It’s really crowed in the hallway as if there it’s going to be a fight there is literally no space. Everyone is focused on getting to their bus and getting home.

“Raylen” I heard someone shout. I turned around and saw Edward standing their waving me over. I debated on whether to keep on going with the crowed or to go over to him. I decided
To go over to Edward and see what he wanted.
“What” I said to Edward
“Come with me this is a short cut to the buses” Edward had explained to me
“I decided trust him because he had to know because he had been here longer than I had.
We walked down this really long gray and red hallway. It was better than walking in the main hallway with that crowed of people. We walked past a yellow lemonade machine. Where we were met by Jasper and Rowan. Then we headed out the bright red door that said door number 49. Then we walked down the side walk to our bus and climbed onto the bus and took our seats in the back.
“How was your day?” Jasper asked me
“It was ok” I answered
“Well that’s good” Rowan said
“Ed asks Brandy if I can come over and chill with yall this weekend” Jasper asked Edward
We just pulled up to our bus stop I grab my blue backpack and black north face than  we walked to the front of the bus than climbed off the bus. We walked over to the house than Edward grab his key and unlocked the door
I went upstairs to my room than finished my homework after that I took my shower than went downstairs to get something to eat.
“Ray after you finish eating were going to work on traveling in the past” Edward told me 
“I really feel like it” I explained to Edward
“I know that but I promised Brandy I would work on it with you” Edward said
“What in the past would you like to change?” Edward asked
“Let’s go back to my seventh grade year” I told Edward I knew exactly what I wanted to change I was going to go back to April 16th the day my mother died. I was going to make sure that she didn’t get into that car drunk and get into that car accident that would change the future and the past. Which means my mom would still be alive today
“What is so important about your seventh grade year?” Edward asked
“You’re going to have to wait and see” I told him then grab his hand than took us back to April 16th 2013
Edward and I were at my mom’s apartment it was just like I had remembered it. I grabbed the key my mom had always left under the tie dye mat and begin to unlock the door. I walked into the beautiful royal blue apartment with angels on every wall you looked at. Then I looked over to the couch were my mom was lying strung out as usual.
“Raylen why are we here and who is that?” Edward asked still looking around
“That’s my mom and I’m here because this is what I choose to change, this is the day she died. I’m going to make sure my mom doesn’t get into that car drunk and doesn’t get into a car accident” I explained to Edward
“I don’t know how I didn’t see you doing this” Edward said to him self
“That’s because I learned how to block thoughts so you’re not able to read my mind” I explained
“Raylen you can’t do this you’ll mess up everything you have to her go” Edward told Raylen
“You’re wrong I can do this and I will do this, you don’t understand what I had to go through” I explained to Edward
“Raylen I’m heading to the store I’ll be back” I heard my mother say
“Ok bye mom” I heard younger Raylen say
I headed over to my mom to stop her from heading out the door
“Raylen stop” Edward yelled
I ignored him than snatched my hand away from him than grab my mother’s arm and tried to stop her
“Mom don’t do it you’ll die and I’ll never see you again” I said crying
“Raylen you can’t stop her you’ll mess up everything you need to listen to me” Edward said
“Listen to you why should I? I don’t see you over here trying to help me” I said to Edward
“Raylen your only thinking about yourself you can trust me I understand what you’re going through” Edward said
“How do you possibly understand what I’m going through” I said
Why do you think I’m here with Raylen? I lost my dad because he was an drug addict. I understand you when you said your mom always put alcohol before you my dad always put drugs before me drugs came first than me.” Edward explained
“But I need a mother and you’ll never understand that” I told Edward
“I needed my farther but I made it you just need to trust me.” Edward told me
For that minute I believed him. I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes and I could see that he understood and that he wanted to help me. I don’t know why   I did this but I grab his hand like it was just going to be me and him. I gave in because he had this sense of protection like he wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt me.
“I trust you but give me some time” I said voice cracking
Edward had grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug it felt so warm. But before I had even knew it my mom had walked out that door and got into that car. I broke down crying and Edward had hugged me even tighter
“Come on will work on this another day you’ve done enough for one day” Edward said than took my hand and took us back to Brandy’s apartment
“Hey guys how it go” Aunt Brandy asked with an concern look on her face
“What’s wrong Ray” My aunt asked me
“I lost her again” I said then broke down crying
It’s ok Raylen we will get through this together “My aunt said tears falling down her face. I could see missed her a lot but now I realized that I wasn’t the only one grieving. That was her only sibling and she had lost her
That night we stayed up watching all the twilight’s movies and looking at pictures of my mom and telling stories. We laughed together and we cried together. My aunt told me a story about when my mom and she were younger. How my mom and she decide to cut their hair together but when my aunt had cut off half of her hair how my mom only had clipped the ends of hers. It made me realized how wrong I had been treating my aunt I never thought I would be doing this today but I actually apologized for my actions and I really meant it.
“Hey you ok.” Edward asked me
“Yeah just a little tired that’s all but can I ask you something” I asked Edward
“Yeah shoot” Edward said tan sat at the end of my bed
“How did you get over losing your dad” I asked
“I haven’t I still pain when his birthday comes or when I look at the pictures but my dad never spent time with me there was no type of relationship between us it was always me against the world” Edward explained
“If you don’t mind me asking what happened to your mom.” I asked
“I never knew her my dad always aid she left because she wasn’t ready to be a mom and that it wasn’t one of her priority’s but to be honest  I don’t even know if that’s the truth.” Edward said
“Same when they lie so much you stop believing them.” I said
“I don’t understand how I love a person so much who barley loved me.” I told Edward
“You see your love for them will want ever change but you can’t blame yourself for their choices they made theirs and we made ours.” Edward had to explain
“You see the whole time your mom was getting drunk you manage to stay a straight A student you’ve done more than your best Raylen.” Edward said
“That’s because I’m determined not to end up anything like my mom I’m going to make something out of myself.” I explained
“I wanted to apologize for the way I have been treating you over the last couple of weeks.” I told Edward
“Its fine Raylen I totally understand I did the same thing to brandy when I first got here I was sort of expecting it.” Edward said
“I still could have treated you better.” I said
“Yeah but I’m not going to hold it against you.” Edward told me
2 months later………..

It’s been two months since the last situation. I have to say things are coming together. Edward and I have gotten really close. I no longer worry about putting up an guard or fighting my own battles. I’m not as disrespectful as I used to be. Rowan and are I have become best friend’s I feel like I can tell her anything. Brandy has become like a second mom to and I no longer feel that she’s trying to take my mom’s place. Other than that everything is going well and I finally feel that I can be myself.

The author's comments:

I am sixteen in the 10th grade and I just mioved to chicago with my aunt brandy and her best friend's son Edward the the is i have been through alot and i cant seem to get my attitude together. I have powers which i learing how to control but the thing is i dont think i will ever be the same girl i used to be. 

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