Some Friends | Teen Ink

Some Friends

June 6, 2016
By Anonymous

       I was dead. Dead. Isn't that how one should feel after their private relationship with the Dirthill High football captain goes viral? No you say? Well, let me tell you what happened. It all started six months ago. I was sitting on my front porch when a moving van pulled up next door. Out of the van came a boy, my age probably, and his mother. I didn't think much of him until two weeks later when he came over to introuduce himself. It was only then when i relized how amazingly handsome this boy was. I was stunned. Awestruck even. He introuduced himself as Asher. He was perfect. Dark brown hair, spiked in the front. Straight teeth and baby blue eyes. He was the dream boy. So why was he talking to me? After we met for the first time i couldn't stop myself from having a massive crush on him. I mean, for real. And then it happened. He asked me out. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sittig on my bed listening to the radio when the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs and opened the front door. He smiled his perfect smile and asked me if I would like to go to dinner with him on Friday. Of course i said yes, who wouldn't? I mean this was Asher Lanskeep. We dated for the whole summer and it was absolutely magical. I was compleatly and totaly in love with him.Then school started. He was imediatly poupular, and i ws left in the dust. We still hung out and stuff, but he requested that we kept us a secret. And stupidly enough, i said yes. So here we are now. Brittney Stevenstons just old everyone about us. Great. I can feel the hate in the glae from Ashen. He looks at me one last time. "Goodbye Samantha." he whispers.  

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