Lost Love | Teen Ink

Lost Love

June 2, 2016
By Jymera BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Jymera BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was a love story, not an ordinary love story. Everyone wants a Nicholas Sparks story but those don't exist, and when they do it's rare. Love exists but only for those who go and fight for the things they want. There was a young girl who loved a boy more than she loved herself, the type of love that consumes you. He was her everything. They met on a burning hot summer day at the pool through some mutual friends. The first time she laid eyes on his crystal blue eyes she knew he was the one. She began to feel huge happy butterflies fill her stomach. If she knew anything about love at first sight, she would know him. She was conflicted though, she knew he was trouble. He had a girlfriend weeks before and left her with no hesitation or remorse. How could someone leave and not care?, she constantly asked myself. Some would say she should have known what she was getting into and some would say it's her own fault. But they weren't in the relationship. She fell in love young and very fast. They began to have small disagreements as their relationship grew longer. Slowly small disagreements turned into hurtful and loud arguments, some even led to breakups. No relationship is perfect so they never gave up, they always found a way back to each other. If you're in love with someone nothing else matters, you keep fighting because life without them is worse than arguing. Month after month with constant bickering they still stayed together. As he grew more in love with her she slowly began falling out of love with him. She didn't know anything other than him. He was her home and comfort, maybe that's why she couldn't leave him. That's why everything with him was so hard. How do you let go of home? You can't. The only thing you can do is make them leave. She cheated. That was probably one of the worst things she could have done. People make mistakes, that doesn't her a horrible person. She immediately told him the truth and he forgave her. She felt a glimpse of what it feels like to lose him entirely. She felt heartache and broken but deep down there was a sigh of relief. She realized she was so stressed about other things and she never realized it was him making her happy and the other things were bringing her down. What she didn't expect was for him to  suddenly leave. She should know people always leave. Him leaving made her realize several things; no one really got you like they say they do, you don't need a guy to be happy, and finding happiness by yourself before getting into a relationship is key. She was depressed for two  months. They dated for nine months so i guess she can have her two months of sadness. She has never felt so alone in life. She contemplated many things. She did not know if life was worth living if she didn't have him. She wondered if she was pretty enough or even worth fighting for. Never love someone else more than you love yourself because when they leave, you are left broken. You never think that one moment will be the last time you kiss him, you think you'll have more, you think you have forever but you don't. And when that time comes and your heart breaks, you gotta fight like hell to make sure you're still alive. She got through it, it was one of the hardest things she has ever experienced but it made her stronger. It made her who she is today. He is still in her heart, she just doesn't feel the pain anymore. If two people are meant to be together, they will eventually find their ways back into each others arms, no matter what. She loves him with all her heart and she hopes that one day their paths cross again because no guy will ever compare. There are some days she where she misses him and there are days she doesn't, either way she remembers him everyday. She constantly thought about ways to forget. She now realizes, you never forget your first love, this heart ache does go away, but loving him will never go away. She still feels like they will find their way together again, if you see yourself marrying someone, how do you give up? So my advice to everyone reading this is: if you're lucky enough to find someone who makes you feel special and happy, don't ever take them for granted. Stick with them and never give up.

The author's comments:

This is about my personal exerience during a breakup and how i coped with it.

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