Fake Friend | Teen Ink

Fake Friend

October 13, 2016
By Madisynmidkiff BRONZE, Sumerco, West Virginia
Madisynmidkiff BRONZE, Sumerco, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just do it -Nike

   My life has always been fairytales and best friends .As the years have pasted and friends have come in and out of this small friendship.The only true person who has stayed thru the fights to the good memories is the only true person I would call my bestfriend who would be in my life forever.Now all that has changed and I have seen her true colors. They are more painful to see then someone getting killed. i have lately felt a one sided friendship for a while but never did I think the friendship would be broken by a boyfriend .When we were kids we always promiced each other we would never let a boy get inbetween our friendship. Our friendship when was vey much crouded. We all went our own ways but this friendshipwas one of the only ones to make it thru that. From the backstabbing friends , to the friends who didnt claim you to the friends that were faker than theer boobs.Everone changed there ways after one fight happened in our friendship .There was this one boy that everone in our group in our group was in love with. When I starrted to talking to him and westarted to catch feelings . We wanted to go on a date but I didnt know how tell the girls. When I finnally told them they acted like they were happy for me except for my so called best friend . She kept telling me I was too good for his and things like that . Now I know the little game she was trying to play . She just wanted to get closer to him and he wanted to get closer to her too. As the years went on we still dated till about three years of dateing . I foud out that they had been behind my back dating for about year and a haulf to two years .  The relation ship with my friends and boyfriend was destroyed by a backstabbing friend and boyfriend.

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