Life of Abigail. | Teen Ink

Life of Abigail.

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

It was December 19, 1980, in Israel a little girl named Abigail was born. She was an only child, her mother had died of a disease when she was born so it was just her and her father. As the years passed, she had spent time in the castle with her father having fun playing around with the kids of the servants and also seeing how her father that she loved so much, would be keeping an eye on things to make sure they’re in order. But her father was actually not as nice as she thought he was, he would torture people if anyone disrespected his laws since he was the king at that time of Israel, and  he would make them play his favorite game of the two doors. One of the doors had a princess and the other one had a tiger, this meant that whichever one you’d pick, you would have to take so either live but under his conditions or die, and you could only chose one.

The years passed and It was spring of 2001 and Abigail was  now a young lady learning how to fight and other activities anyone her age would do, but her father forbid it because she was gonna be able to defend herself and she was gonna leave the castle. Abigail told her father it was time for her to leave, to explore the world, but the king didn’t want that to happen so he threatened to take all the fortune away, so she stayed.  On a sunny day  Abigail  went for a walk  in the woods, she leaned over a bridge and almost fell when all of a sudden she felt that someone grabbed her hand. It was a young man, handsome, tall, thin, looked like Zayn Malik. As Abigail was getting pulled back, she couldn’t help but stare at his face, and him at hers. “Hi my name is Erik, and you are”? “My name is, uh Abigail but everyone calls me lady of the tiger”. Nice to meet you lady of tiger”. They shook hands as they stared into eachothers eyes. You are just the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen, with long black hair and gray eyes, and your smile”! Well thank you you are hot yourself Erik”. “Explain to me why they call you lady of the tiger?” “well because my father has this game where anyone who disobeys his orders will either live or get attacked by this tiger he has, and I’m the only one that the tiger likes”. Although they had only spent a couple of hours together, they had fell in love, they told themselves
it was love at first sight, right there they knew that they would spend the rest of their lives together except that there was a problem, he was a commoner and she wasn’t. A couple months passed by and Abigail and Eric were dating and kept it a secret due to that he was a commoner and she was a princess. 
Her father eventually found out that his daughter was dating Erik and so he went to go look for him and found him and now he is making him play his game of the two doors and the princess was unable to do anything about it except be there. the day of the game arrived and the princess was just there really scared that the love of her life would either die or live with someone,although she knew in which door was which. He said “which one”? to the princess and she sat there thinking whether to let him die or live with a princess so she thought about it and eventually she made up her mind and told him the left one. Everyone was there sitting with anxiety about whether they were going to see a murder or a happy ending.  Once Erik chose the door, the princess was behind and everyone was relieved that they didn't get to see another murder, especially because no one had ever seen someone so handsome. The princess knew although he would be alive that he would be living with someone else but at least she would get to see him alive rather than suffer in regret of letting him die.
  After a while of seeing the love of her life with someone else she got tired of it so she told him to meet her somewhere privately where they could talk.  Erik said “I want to but I'm afraid that the princess will find out and she will tell your father”. Abigail told him to not worry because he wouldn’t  if they ran away together. Eric was still in love with her and so he agreed with the plan. They ran off to the United Kingdom where they knew that no one would find them so they can be happy together. Weeks  passed by and the father was looking for his daughter everywhere and the princess was looking for Erik  too and neither of them were found. The king knew that they were together since they were both missing, then he went to the United Kingdom. He went to go search for her there and that is where he found his daughter and when he found his daughter he tried killing Eric with his sword by stabbing him but his daughter stood in front of him and stabbed her instead but in reality the sword did not hit her, she pretended to die to see what he would say to her and he told her “oh honey oh my poor child  I wish I didn't do this I promise I will get along with Eric even though he's not on our social class but if you love him I will have to accept that because you are my only daughter and I love you and I'm so sorry please don't die”! Then she opened her eyes and said “you promise that you will get along with Erik no matter what”?  “You have to accept him, you said so and who cares if he's a commoner  he is a really good guy and he treats me really nice and I love him and if you can’t live with him then I don't think you'll ever see me again because I'm going with him”! “I'm leaving with him he's leaving the princess for me and I don't care what you say, I don’t care about the fortune only about Erik and he cares about me too”! The king accepted the fact that his daughter was in love with a commoner and that if he wanted her in his life he would have to get along with him. Eventually he learned to get along with him.
Time had passed by and Abigail and Erik had kids together and lived in a lovely house and the king was happy that he had his family together, so they lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

this short story is about Abigail a young lady who fell inlove with a commoner and her father wouldn't accept him so she ran away with him.

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