Lifesaver | Teen Ink


November 29, 2016
By bryanagg BRONZE, Bronx, New York
bryanagg BRONZE, Bronx, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

3:15 pm(Char)

   Finally school is over!! I walk out of my last period class in a hurry. I have a dance recital in an hour and need to get to my mother who is waiting for me outside of the building. As I rush out I feel something fall out of my bag. It was probably just a pencil or something unimportant. I am finally in the car and I start applying my recital makeup.

3:15 pm(George)
    *bell rings* I can't believe last period is already over. Did I actually spend this whole class staring at the beautiful blonde girl with green eyes and freckles lined up like polka dots around her cheeks? She's beautiful. More beautiful than any other girl I have ever seen. She seems to be in a rush. I see her jogging out of the building. Something silvery falls out of her bag. I run over to see what it is. Char dropped her good luck bracelet. She wears this whenever she is nervous or scared. I guess I'll give it to her tomorrow.

4:10 pm(Char)
   I'm about to go on stage and I can't find my good luck bracelet. I carry it around everywhere with me. I'm starting to get major stage fright and I don't have my bracelet to comfort me. I don't know what I am going to do

4:15 pm(George)
   Ugh. My mother is making me go to my younger sister's recital. All I want to do is go home and think about the pretty girl from last period. As we walk in my mother tells me to go backstage to wish my sister good luck. I suddenly can't move. It's the pretty girl. She is standing so gracefully. God she's so perfect. Should I give her the bracelet now? C'mon George. You can do it

4:30 pm(Char)
    I just finished my first dance. I did well but I didn't feel confident. I need my bracelet. I look up and lock eyes with this guy. He looks so familiar. I think I have last period with him. He's kind of cute. Oh god he's walking this way.

“Um excuse me. Charlotte?” Says George as his face turns as bright as an apple.
“Hey you are in my last period class right” Char says trying to sound as calm and collected as possible.
“Yes, um, you dropped your bracelet after walking out of school today. I just wanted to give it back”
“OMG, I have been freaking out about this since I realized it was missing. You are such a lifesaver”
“It's no big deal anyone could have found it” says George as awkward as possible.
“You know we should hangout sometime. My treat so that I can thank you for finding my bracelet” Char says chuckling.
“That's sounds good” says George not believe what he is hearing.
“How's Friday night at the movies at 7”
“Perfect see you then”
“Bye lifesaver”

Friday 6:45pm(George)
    Our date starts in 15 minutes. I'm extremely nervous. I have been daydreaming about this girl forever. I can't believe this is happening.

“Hey lifesaver”
“Charlotte, wow, you look, wow”
“Hahaha thanks we should hurry up the movie starts in a few minutes”
“Uh yea, let's go”

Saturday 8:32am(Char)
    Omg he's perfect. How did I fall for him in only one night? He is extremely sweet and nice. He's awkward in the best way. He's so different from all the boys my parents try to set me up with. He isn't filthy rich. He's humble. He has all the best qualities. He's my lifesaver.

Saturday 9:04am(George)
   Waking up with Charlotte on my mind is the best feeling. Our date last night went great- I think. I'm really into her. She puts the stars in the sky. But she comes from a very wealthy family. I come from the complete opposite. I will never live up to the standards of her family.


  Monday 8:17am
“Lifesaver, I really enjoyed our date on Friday”
“I did too. Are you going to call me lifesaver forever?” Says George laughing
“Well you're my lifesaver so why not”
“What if I told you I want you to call me your boyfriend?”
“I would say that I would love that”
“I have to get to class but see you later girlfriend”
“Bye lifesaver, uh, I mean boyfriend” says Char blushing uncontrollably


2 months later(Char)
I have never been happier. George looks at me like if I'm the only person on the planet. I can't help but notice that the way he looks at me isn't how he looks at other girls. He gets this sparkle in his eyes when we talk. It makes his brown eyes appear as clear as the ocean but as shiny as a star. The only problem is my parents. They are meeting him tonight. I don't think they are going to approve.

  Dating Char is something I never thought would happen to me. She is motherly but childish. Tough but sensitive. Simple yet complicated. She is beautiful. I'm meeting her parents tonight. I have to make the best first impression. I want them to know how much I care about their daughter.

Later that day
*doorbell rings*
“Georgeeee” squeals Char as she runs to open the door.
“How's my favorite girl?”
  She runs into his arms smiling.
“Hello Mr. And Mrs. Davis. I'm George”
“It's nice to meet you George come join us at the dinner table” says Mr. Davis in a stern voice

Next morning(Char)
    I want to kill my parents. They made George feel extremely uncomfortable. So what he isn't rich, I love him and that's all that matters. They told me that I could try see him anymore. I don't care. I'm going to see him right now. I love him. I don't intend on losing him.

  Char’s parents hate me. It's not my fault I don't have enough money, they told Char she couldn't see me anymore. I'm hurt. I love her. She's my girl. She has my heart. There's a knock on my door. I run downstairs to go get it. It's Char.


“Charlotte I thought your parents said you couldn't see me anymore” says George not believe what he is seeing.
“George, I love you. I don't care what my parents think. They don't control my heart. They aren't going to change how I feel. I want you. I want us. You have made me look forward to every morning and every night. You are the reason I wake up every morning excited to go to school. You are my lifesaver.” Char is growing tears in her eyes.
George picks her up and kisses her.
They are eternal lovers.


Two hours later
  “Charlotte Davis come here right now” says Mr.Davis as he hears Char enter their front door.
“Hey daddy how are you”
“Young lady don't act like everything is ok. I banned you from seeing that low life and you snuck out and saw him anyways”
“Charlotte don't speak to me like that. I told you that you couldn't see him and you snuck out and did it anyways. You have disobeyed me. I told Rosa to pack your bags. You have a flight to catch in two hours”
“What are you talking about”
“If you can't listen to me then I guess I'm going to have to find a way to make you. You are staying in Paris for a month. You speak fluent French you shouldn't have a problem. I signed you up in the best boarding school over there.”
“You can't do this”
“I'm your father I can do whatever I want. And I did.”

Char went up to her room crying. How was she supposed to tell George that she wasn't going to be able to see him anymore and this time it was serious. She was just going to have to call him and tell him the news. There is nothing she can do at this point.

No. No. This can't be happening. Charlotte is moving to Paris. She was supposed to be the love of my life. We are only seniors but she was all I wanted. She IS all I want. She is my dream. She is the person I want to spend my life with. I am always going to love her .

2 weeks later(Char)
   I still talk to George. We skype everyday. I send him letters all the time. I still love him and he still loves me. I knew that my father couldn't break us apart. We may not be dating anymore but we belong to eachother. We are meant for one another.

1 month later(George)
    Everything was so great when she first left. I was sure we could make this long distance relationship work. But it isn't that simple. The letters have stopped coming. We are lucky if we have time to skype once every two weeks. There is this guy who keeps on coming up on her Instagram. She posts pictures with him. She likes him. I can tell. It's the way she smiles at him. She smiled that way whenever she would call me lifesaver. Thinking back to that first conversation we ever had. We clicked instantly. We were only together for a few months but they felt like years. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they were years. I love her. I still love her. She may have moved on but I haven't. I will love her until I die. If she ever came back I would accept her with open arms.

2 years later(Char)
   I'm still here, in Paris. I have been dating Philip for one year and 5 months. He is very nice but I have lately realized he doesn't compare to my first love. George. I don't remember him perfectly but what I do remember is how determined we were to make things work. I'm clearing out my apartment. I'm moving in with Philip. I find a box labeled “G + C = Eternal Lovers”. I found every letter I received from him since I moved here. I found every picture we have ever taken. I can't believe I still have this. It's the ticket from the movie we went to see on our first date. Wow. I can't believe I still have this. I feel tears roll down my eyes and fall into my arm. I look down and see my bracelet. My good luck bracelet. He found it. He is my lifesaver. I still love him. I always will. I have to call him. I dial the old number I have for him and hope he hasn't changed it.

“Lifesaver, it's me” says Char in tears
“Hello it's Gina Scott I think you might have the wrong number”
Scott. She said her name was Gina Scott. Like George Scott. Through the phone she hears a manly voice. “Who is it babe”. It's George. That's George's voice. Char quickly hangs up. She is crying uncontrollably at this point.

He moved on. I should have never left. I should have never dated Philip. I should have made us work. George and I. We are eternal lovers. He is the love of my life. As I feel my heart break into a million pieces I realize that lost the love of a lifetime. I guess it's true. You never realize how much you love someone until they love someone else.
George Scott
You have my heart forever
You are my lifesaver

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