Love Never Dies | Teen Ink

Love Never Dies

January 26, 2017
By Anonymous

The line starts to grow, winding around the tables of the small shop. Steam blasts  from the espresso machine. The pure white snow falling down outside is drawn in whenever the door opens. The shuffle of feet along the carpet, wiping the packed snow off of their boots. The bright green circle lit up in a neon fluorescent sign invites coffee lovers everywhere to come inside. Tables filled up with laptops, chai lattes, headphones, and scones. As the cold rushes in, the old man near the door shivers. But to people coming in the aroma of coffee and warmth rush into their senses, making them smile. Fingers start to defrost when holding onto their double non-fat caramel macchiato, like a handheld furnace. Laughs are exchanged, happiness is radiated.
This is how Tuck and I spend most of our Sunday mornings in the winter. The frigid air keeping window shoppers inside while we sit warmly in our booth. The wrinkles on our skin have become more prominent over the years. Young ones trying to help the old couple still in love.
Oh but they don’t know.

“Tuck!” I refuse.
“Come on baby just jump,” he smirked.
Standing at the top of the cliff, I see him wading in the water far below. Of course this is what happens when I ask him what he wants to do on this hot summer day.
“It’s only a 30 foot drop!” he shouts with his hands cupped against his mouth, still smiling.
“Well here goes nothing,” I say to myself as I step off of the rocky ledge and plummet into the water below.
The cold splash makes me scream with surprise. The refreshing water overwhelms my senses as I’m completely submerged. When my head breaks the surface I hear Tuck laughing from the shore line. His arms bent behind his neck supporting his head, lounging out on the towel I got on a family vacation back in ‘53.
After I swim over to the beach I run to him, splashing with every step I take. He stands and meets me in the shallow water where I jump into his arms. He grabs me by the waist and spins me around. We’re laughing so hard we fall onto the sand.
“What would I do without you?” Tuck whispers as he tucks my hair behind my ear.

Megan the small brunette barista brings our coffee to the table, as she does every Sunday. I thank her with a warm smile and take both of the drinks before she walks away. Tuck’s sitting opposite of me looking straight ahead but not into my eyes, he hasn’t looked into my eyes for years.
“Honey, the nice young girl brought our coffee,” I say as I slide the cup over across the table to him.
He looks at the cup with the same blank look in his eyes. His veiny grey hands shakily grab onto the drink and slowly bring it to his mouth. I sigh as I watch him sip.
  Tuck quickly puts the coffee down and his pupils widen, a scared and surprised look on his face. “Loretta! Loretta where are we? Why aren’t we at home?!” he yells.
The surrounding people all look in our direction with a sense of urgency. Yet Megan and I lock eyes, for we know all too well what’s going on. I turn to him,“Tuck listen to me. We are in a coffee shop, drinking coffee, just like we do every Sunday. Remember?” I ask assertively. Of course, I know that he didn’t remember.
He puts his elbows on the table and rests his head in his hands. I sigh heavily as I somberly look at him, wondering what he’s thinking. If he’s thinking.
I’ve spent the whole night getting ready for this date. Tuck’s finally taking me to that new drive-in movie lot on the other side of town. When he called me and told me last night I couldn’t stop smiling as I twirled the cord in-between my fingers. There was a knock on the front door and I see my father go to open it from the top of the staircase. It swings open and I see Tuck is standing there holding a single daisy. I smile and run down the stairs, colliding with him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He squeezes my waist and laughs as he lets me go, handing me the beautiful white flower. He turns to shake my father’s hand, “I’ll take care of her sir,” he says.
“I know you will Tuck,” my father nods as he shakes Tucks hand a little harder than usual.
When we get to the driveway he opens the passenger door of his cherry red Ford Thunderbird for me to slide in. I do so willingly as he walks around the car to get in the driver’s seat. I watch him the whole drive there. Smiling at this wonderful man who entered my life and made me fall in love.
Before I notice he pulls the car to a stop and turns the engine off. I turn my head to look out the window, “Oh my goodness Tuck…” I whisper as I am stunned with the sight infront of me.
He parked in front of a small gazebo beautifully lit up with tiny Christmas lights that are draped from the ceiling and railing. I get out of the car and and walk up the stairs under the covering. In the middle there is a small table set for two complete with candles, roses, and an extravagant meal. I’m stunned with awe as I quickly turn around to find Tuck but to my surprise I see him down on one knee.
“Loretta Elizabeth, I have been in love you since the moment I saw you in that small coffee shop on the corner. Wearing that gorgeous blue dress that brings out the beauty in your eyes. You make me a better man and I am so incredibly lucky to have you,” he says as he looks lovingly into my eyes.
I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands when I feel tears of joy start to roll down my cheeks.
“I never want to let you go because I just love you too much. Loretta, will you marry me?”

I slowly slide and stand up out of the booth, as my age has started to restrict me from simple things. The wrinkles in my dress are prominent from sitting down so long. I pat down my dress and look up at Tuck, asleep, with his head on the table.
“Honey it’s time to go home,” I whisper as I pat his shoulders to wake him.
His head rises and tilts to look at me, eyebrows furrowed.
“Stand up Tuck, we’re going home,” I repeat myself louder.
He starts to slide out of the booth and I grab his arm to help him stand up. After I make sure he’s stable, I reach back for his coat that he left on the seat. I help him slide his arms in the sleeves one at a time. I zip his coat all the way up and kiss him on cheek, his face still blank and staring straight ahead.
“See you next week Megan,” I call to our friend behind the counter. She smiles and waves as a goodbye before she returns to work.
I hook my arm in between Tuck’s and say, “Let’s go home.” Then I slowly guide him towards the door as we make our way back out into the cold.

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