For The Love of Skating | Teen Ink

For The Love of Skating

January 20, 2017
By dmusumeci BRONZE, Stony Brook, New York
dmusumeci BRONZE, Stony Brook, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Kate grabbed her bag and ran outside into the street bundled in her down puffer coat with a big fluffy cowl around her neck. She stepped into her car hopping over the big bank of snow, chucked her enormous skating bag into the back seat and prepared for the long drive to the ice rink. It was an hour later when she arrived at The Mount Hailstone Skating Club. She had been skating at this rink five days a week for the past six years. This was her home, not the one where she slept every night, although she had fallen asleep in the locker room or on benches before, but this was her second home. Kate probably spent more time with her coaches and teammates at the rink than she did with her own sister and brother.
Kate got out of her car and walked over to the white Toyota her friend Fallon was sitting in. She knocked on the window and startled her. Fallon was listening to music not expecting to have a knock on her door. They laughed and Fallon hit Kate on the arm. As they walked into the arena, they were greeted by a portly gentleman.
“Hey Hank,” both girls said in unison. Hank was the zamboni driver and maintenance man at the rink. He was also like everyone's adopted uncle.
“Hey ladies, how are you this lovely day?” He asked.
“The same as everyday, tired and hungry and ready to go back to bed.” Fallon gawked.
“We are both great. How are you today, Hank?” Kate interrupted rolling her eyes at Fallon. Hank chuckled.
“I’m great little lady. Just cleaned off the ice. I hear there’s a new kid coming in with his parents today. He wants to join the elite team.” Hank said.
“OMG, a boy, joining our team! What’s he like? Is he cute?” Fallon shouted gleefully.
Hank smiled,
“Haven't met him yet, but I hear he used to model skatewear.” Hank whispered. Fallon blushed and Kate gave her a side smirk. The duo said goodbye to Hank and made their way to the locker room. They put on their sneakers and set out for the workout room. They met up with their other elite teammates and started to stretch. Everyone was buzzing about the new boy that was going to be joining the team.
“I hear he’s won a National Junior Championship,” one girl said.
“Where did you hear that you numbskull,” another boy answered.
Just then their coach, Coach Kimmie, walked in and shouted,“Alright everyone let’s get started with our warm up.”
After a grueling hour and a half, the team had finished their workout, and it was time to do some schoolwork. “I can’t decide what I hate more, school or our workout?” Fallon said as they started walking down the hall towards the school room. Kate smiled at her and continued to walk. As part of the elite skating program, they had a tutor that came to the rink everyday to homeschool the skaters in high school. As they turned the corner, Mr Hartwell, the rink owner, appeared. He was accompanied by two others neither girl had seen before.
“Good morning ladies!” Mr Hartwell said. “These are two of our promising skaters Fallon and Katherine and ladies, this is Mrs. Anderson and her son Cameron. They are interested in joining our Mount Hailstone team!” Fallon immediately shook their hands and introduced herself.
“Hi, I’m Fallon! It is very nice to meet you,” She said. She looked over at Kate who was red in the face and just staring at the visitors. “This is my friend Katherine, but you can call her Kate.” Fallon said, bumping into Kate with her shoulder. Kate snapped out of he dazed state and reached out to shake their hands.
As they started to walk away, Cameron shouted back “Nice meeting you both.” Fallon grabbed Kate by the arm and pulled her around the corner.
“What was that?” Fallon yelled.
“That was Cameron Anderson!” She screamed grabbing Fallon by the shirt and shaking her. “The Cameron Anderson!”
“Okay and what’s so special about Cameron Anderson?” Fallon asked making air quotes.
“He is the reigning world junior champion, not for just this year, but for three years in a row! He is one of the best male skaters I have ever seen!” Kate ranted.
“Okay, wow! That’s great, but are you sure your little freeze up had nothing to do with the fact that he’s insanely hot?” Fallon accused.
“Okay, maybe that too.” Kate admitted. 
After they finished school, they finally laced up their skates and stepped onto the ice. They were warming up with doubles and spins. Coach Kimmie skated onto the ice along with Cameron. “This is Cameron everyone. He will be joining our team starting today.”
Everyone clapped and the girls swoomed. Everyone went down the row and introduced themselves. When it was Kate’s turn, Cameron stopped her and said,“Wait I know this one. It’s Kate right?”
“Yes,” Kate said quietly, and she looked like she might pass out. After everyone had introduced themselves, they went back to warming up. Everyone watched as Cameron landed double after triple and even some quads. He was amazing, no doubt. Coach worked on each routine and when she got up to Kate’s, Kate felt weird. She didn't know why but she had a pain in her stomach.
“Don’t under-rotate,” Coach Kimmie yelled as Kate butchered moves she’d been doing since she was seven. She had no idea what was going on. “It’s not like you to have a bad practice like this.” Coach said to her. “From Fallon I would expect something like this, but not from you. Are you feeling okay?”
“I don’t know,” Kate said nervously.
“Why don’t we end this practice a little early today? Go stretch a little or do some strength training. Be sure to get some rest, okay?”
“Yes, coach,” she replied. Kate went right to the workout room, hoping to run away from all of her problems. She ran and ran, but still felt the same. She went right to bed after she got home. She shut off her phone ignoring all of the texts from Fallon.
The next day Kate was determined to get her mojo back. She had a big nutritional breakfast, careful to include all of the food groups. She left the house twenty minutes earlier than usual, so she could get an extra run in before practice. When she arrived at the rink, she expected to be the first one there; However, today there was someone using the workout room. It was Cameron. He looked at Kate in the doorway. “I’ll come back later,” Kate said.
“No, no, it’s okay. We can share.” Cameron said. After about ten minutes, Cameron walked over to Kate’s treadmill. She pulled her headphones out of her ears and looked at him. She felt like she was staring at a celebrity. “Do you mind helping me stretch my back?” he asked. “Sur.. Sure,” she said. She hesitantly stepped down from the treadmill. He layed down on the mat and outstretched his arms, arching his back. She grabbed his arms and pulled back.
“Keep going,” he said, and she pulled harder. “Okay stop!” he winced. They laughed in unison. For a moment she forgot about everything going on in her head. “You're pretty when you smile,” he said to Kate. She turned red and let go of his hands.
“Thanks,” She said nervously. It was silent for a few seconds. Kate picked up her phone and pretended to read a text. “I have to go. Umm, my friend needs me.” She quickly scrambled to get her bag and she ran out of the room. “Oh, okay…” Cameron said standing in the room alone.
Later on, Kate avoided Cameron, which wasn’t that hard since all of the other girls were all over him. Even Fallon had to stand next to him during workout. Kate couldn’t focus on anything not her schoolwork, not training, and not even skating! During practice, she could barely even land her jumps. All of her spins were sloppy at best, and she forgot her choreography for her short program. Towards the end of practice Coach Kimmie skated over, “Hey kid I know you're having a bit of a rough patch, but hang in there and just keep pushing.”
“Of course Coach,” Kate replied.
“I was going to wait to tell you this, but I think you could use some exciting news.” Kate perked up a little. “Well, I know you’ve been wanting to try pairs skating and I have found you the perfect partner. Kate swallowed deeply as she knew what name she was about to say. “It’s Cameron!” Coach said excitedly. Kate smiled and pretended to be happy, and she was happy to a certain extent. The truth was that there was something about Cameron that scared her. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him standing behind coach talking to a bunch of her teammates. She quickly looked away trying to avoid eye contact.
After practice ended Kate and Fallon said their goodbyes for the night and both got into their cars. As Kate was putting on her short program music on the bluetooth in the car, she heard a knock on her window. Of course it was Cameron. She rolled down the window and smiled, but quickly erased it because of the comment he had made earlier. “Hey,” she squeaked out. “I found your glass slipper Cinderella,” he proclaimed.
“I’m sorry?” Kate asked.
“I found this in the workout room this morning.” He replied holding up a green and blue Nike sneaker.
“Oh, I was looking for that, thanks. It must’ve fallen out of my bag this morning,” Kate said.
“I guess this makes me like your Prince Charming or something,” Cameron said.
The rest of the conversation was a blur for Kate.She didn’t know what to do or what to feel. She just knew that she wished Cameron never joined the team in the first place.
The next week was rough for Kate. Some practices were better than others, but none were all that good. Cameron kept trying to talk to her, give her compliments and sneak looks at her during practice. The closer he got to her, the more Kate pushed him away.
“So Kitty Kate, are you looking forward to you first pairs practice with Cameron?” Fallon asked Kate as they laced up their skates. Kate shot Fallon a glare.
“Okay, I know you don’t like him for whatever reason, but he totally is obsessed with you.”
“Yeah, I know, but I don’t like him like that. Plus I have you and skating, which occupies most of my time anyway.” Fallon looked down at the floor. Then she looked at Kate, lacking her usual Fallon smile.
“Kate, I know you’re not interested in him, but maybe I am. I wish he would look at me like he looks at you. I am totally okay with you dating him, but you just won’t give him a chance and it's really annoying. You are so stubborn sometimes!” Fallon shouted at Kate. She finished lacing up her skates and stormed out of the room, leaving Kate sitting alone on the bench.
Kate skated onto the ice upset at Fallon, Cameron and herself. She skated over to Cameron and her coach. “Are you okay?” Cameron whispered to Kate.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just leave me alone and focus on the skating!” Kate yelled at Cameron.
He looked down at his feet and said, “Okay whatever.” Coach Kimmie started to teach them the routine. Every time Cameron would try to grab Kate, she would tense up. “Relax Katie,” Coach said. “He’s not going to hurt you. Just trust him.”
“Yeah, I’ve got you. I would never let you get hurt,” Cameron said in an assuring voice. Only getting hurt was the least of Kate’s problems at the moment. After a few more minutes of practicing, Coach Kimmie left them alone to practice the lifts. There was one move in particular that the pair was struggling with. Cameron would lift Kate above his head and then throw her spiraling in the air until she landed gracefully on the ice. Only it wasn’t going that gracefully. Cameron went to lift up Kate, but she shied away. “Calm down and just relax. I promise that if you are going to fall, I will catch you,” Cameron said.
“That’s not what I’m afraid of,” Kate replied avoiding eye contact with him.
“Hey, you can tell me,” he said to her grabbing her by the arm. They just looked at each other for a minute.
“Just do the lift again,” Kate said sternly. Cameron gave her an approving look and they got in position to do the lift again. She skated close to him letting him grab her and raise her above his head. He tossed her out of his hands and she went spinning through the air. She was about to land perfectly, but slightly over rotated landing right on her shoulder. She winced in pain.
“Oh my goodness, Kate are you okay?” Cameron said concerned. He skated over to her and tried to help her up.
“Go away, I’m fine,” she wailed. Kate got up and skated off the ice clutching her arm. There were tears streaming down her face. She ran into the locker room. She felt like she was going to throw up. Fallon watched in horror from the other side of the rink. In all their years of being best friends, Fallon had never seen her cry. She didn’t even know what to do. Cameron skated after Kate and barged into the locker room. Kate sat against the wall with her head in her legs. Cameron walked over and sat next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder. “What’s the matter? You can tell me. I know we’ve only known each other for a short time, but I really care about you. I’m sorry if I’ve been coming on too strong, but I think you are beautiful and an amazing skater.”
Kate looked up at him, “ I...I just… I really like you too,” she managed to squeak out. “I’ve only had one boyfriend, and it didn’t go too well. My whole life is about figure skating. It’s like figure skating is my boyfriend. I don’t want anything to distract me. I want to be the best one day.” It was the first time Kate was honest with him, but also to herself. Kate finally realized what was holding her back, the thing she loved the most, skating, and it didn’t want her to love anyone else. Cameron wiped the tear of her cheek.
“Listen, I get it. I really do, but I assure you that I have the same goals as you do. I am not just any boy. I’m an elite level skater. I get that skating is the most important thing in your life, and I would never try to change that. If I’m being honest, I’ve never had a girlfriend before. I’ve been so consumed with skating, I guess I’ve never had the time,” Cameron said.
“ Wow, I just assumed you’ve had other girlfriends. Basically every girl is into you,” Kate replied.
“Well, you're the only girl that I’m into,” he said. Both of them just looked at each other with half smiles. “That was pretty cheesy. I’m sorry,” Cameron added. The both laughed. “So what do you say?” Cameron asked.
“Okay, let’s give it a try!” Kate said happily. Cameron grabbed her into a hug and Kate hugged him back. Just then Fallon slowly opened the door and peeked her head in. She looked over and saw the new couple hugging.
“Aw, you guys!” Fallon said and then joined in on their hug. They all looked at each other and laughed.

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