Tattoo Love | Teen Ink

Tattoo Love

January 25, 2017
By REAPER_aleks BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
REAPER_aleks BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hi my name is trè cool and i snort doughnut sprinkles" - trè cool (frank wright III)

The only sound I can hear is my panting and, the pounding of my feet down this dirt road.  It’s comforting really, running at night, the starry sky contrasts the midnight pines in a way I’m really itching to draw. Tonight is a special treat, there is a full moon, meaning I’m running further up the mountain to my hidden cliff hangout to try and finish my last full moon drawing.  I should probably give some backstory, my name is Silas, I’m 17 (almost 18) and the year is 2017. I can’t remember the date off the top of my head but It’s a couple weeks after Christmas. I live in a small town down south, well I say in town, my parents have a house up the mountain a handful of miles. I’m allowed to crash there for now.  I have 2 other siblings, but they’re pretty awful.  I go out at night to run because it is my only time to really be myself.  I usually run 3 miles to my secret hideout every night near 11:30 because by then everyone is asleep, not that they would really notice I was gone.  I’m the least liked son in the house, which makes no sense to me because I’m really a good kid.  I have all A’s, I’m the star of our football team, and I don’t party. That, is more than my brothers can say.  My parents barely talk to me but when they do it’s usually to ask about football, because they want me to go to college on a full ride “Cause’ we sure as hell ain’t payin’ for it” they always say. And to top it off they demand I become an accountant, I mean I would make an awesome one, but my passion is art. Once, I tried to tell them that. I got a smack in the face and was locked in my room for the weekend.  So, that’s why I took all my art supplies (that I bought with my own money) put them in a weatherproof bag and hid it in a hollow log at my hideout.  Sounds dumb that I would do that but, they would have thrown it all away had they found it. I finally make it to my hideaway and slow down to catch my breath.  My hideout isn’t much to look at just a small clearing with a big, flat rock, that’s about three feet tall and seven by ten feet wide, so basically natures table.  The most important detail is the view.  You can almost see the whole valley, including the town, its little lights twinkling in the distance. The sky is crystal clear as I walk over to the log just inside the pines.  I pull out the sketchbook and pastels.  I wish I could have proper tools but it would be a huge risk to buy them right now.  I study the moon for a bit, trying to capture the haunting beauty.  I work on the sketch for about an hour before I put it away and lay back on the rock table to just watch the stars.  I’m taken away by the thought that there are other people in the world looking at the same moon, only with different stars.  I wonder what they think about looking at them.

“I thought I was the only one to find this place,” A voice says near me, I scream and jump up.  I see a boy about my height (5 11’) with obsidian hair and light eyes that sparkle like tropical crystal blue oceans in the moonlight. “I’m sorry I scared you, I’m Damon.” He says holding out his hand. I walk over and shake it.
“Uh, no it’s fine I just thought no one else knew of this place so I wasn’t expecting you…I’ve been coming here for two years now and I haven’t seen anyone.” I say walking back to my seat.
“That’s because I just moved back here, yippee” he says sarcastically.
“Yeah this place was a big cange from L.A. Also, you aren’t like an axe murderer right? I mean it is like 12:30 at night” I say wearily. Damon smiles and rolls his eyes taking a seat next to me.  I can’t help but notice how fit he is, after all his t-shirt was very tight.
“No I’m not, and I could ask you the same thing, though you are obviously not.” He smirks.
“Yeah I’m not intimidating I know.” I laugh.
“I think it’s the dirty blonde hair that does it, or maybe the cheekbones, nope definently the green eyes.” He says studying my face.
“Probably. Just wondering, how old are you?” I ask, his face is one of those where he could be 17-27 and look the same.
“I’m 18, and before you ask, yes you will see me at school tomorrow.” He lays back putting his arms behind his head showing off his right arm tattoos.  I follow his lead resuming my stargazing.
“So, I come here to be myself and draw slash paint, sounds dumb I know. Why do you come here?” I ask quietly.
“You’re awfully trusting of a stranger, though I guess that’s what happens in a place like this.  I come here when my parents are out partying and I want to come to a place that actually feels like a home.” He whispers.  I stay silent for a moment.
“So, that’s often I assume. Hell, I’m not going to stop coming here at this time so we can share, might be nice to have some company.” He looks at me with a strange look.
“I guess, yeah I can share. You said that you come here to be yourself, which means you can’t do so at home. Why not?”  He asks with a careful tone. I sigh.
“My parents don’t want me to be an artist, all they care about is me having good grades and a football scholarship to get a degree in accounting, getting rich and, supporting their lazy greed. I know I would be a great accountant but I wouldn’t support them and I won’t go to school for that, at least, not for that alone. Also my brothers are low lifers, they steal from the elderly and vandalize stuff just because they can. My parents treat them like they’re some sort of angels too- sorry, that turned into a rant.” I say cutting myself off.
“That sounds awful, you said you play football? I do too, I was the running back. You never did tell me your name by the way.” He says looking over at me.
“Oh, sorry my name is Silas James. Please, re-join the team McEvans sucks.” I smile.
“Yeah defenantly, and I’ve heard of you. I’ve been back for three days just getting settled and I’ve seen you in the paper.” He says nodding his head.
“Yeah, apparently football gets front page over other things.” I laugh, he laughs with me.
“This town is defenantly football oriented.  Hey don’t take this in a weird way but, can we be friends?  It’s just that I’ve been gone a while and it would be nice to have a buddy on the team again.” Damon looks at the town as he says this shoulders tense.
“Yeah course’ you’re a cool guy.  As long as this place can be our secret hangout” I say.  He gives me a lopsided smile and I feel giddy.
“Yeah sounds cool. Random topic change but, you go any ink?” He asks.
“No, but I want some” I say wistfully.
“I could give you some, I uh have a kit and I’m really good. Free of charge of course.”
“Really? That sounds awesome,” I’m excited now “could I ask what brought that up?”
“Um, I kind of need a new canvas to keep up my skills, and I can’t really do my own.  I had a kid I inked at the last place but I’m here now” I swear I saw him blush as he says this but brush off the thought as shadows playing tricks.
“That’s awesome.  Can we start with stuff that’s not on my arms or legs my parents would kick me out if they saw and I don’t have enough for my own apartment yet.” I say, he nods getting excited.
“You wouldn’t happen to be the one who has dibs on that two bedroom pad in town above the library would you?” He asks.
“I am actually. I know the owners and they agreed to keep a hold on it for me and gave me a cheaper rate, as long as I agreed to babysit Thursday nights.” I sit up again as my arms go numb from cushioning my head.
“I know we just met and all, but do you think we could go in on it together? I have a couple hundred saved up and I’m looking for a job to help with bills.” Damon says sitting up to face me.
“Yeah sure, I mean it’s better to have a roommate anyways. I can move in as late as the end of the week as soon as I’ve got 10,000 for a full year of paid everything. I’ve got $9,701 it’s been months saving up” I say.
“I can cover the rest and start packing. I also should mention that I have a car I bought too it’s a 67’ mustang I affectionately call ‘Rust bucket’.” He smiles.
“Niceee I’ve got a pickup truck my grandpa gifted me. So, we should meet tomorrow after school at the apartment to give them the money if that’s okay with you.” I ask getting up with a stretch.
“That’s cool with me, are you sure your parents are going to let you leave?” Damon asks.
“Yeah they tell me I’m out of the house when I’m 18 anyway. Which is in a couple weeks so we’re good. I’m gonna go start packing, want to trade numbers?” I ask pulling out my phone, I hand it to him and he puts his number in and sends a text to himself.
“Alright see you tomorrow.” He says as I turn to go back home. As I run I can’t stop smiling, what a turn of events. I never thought I would be doing any of this so soon. It’s probably a dumb idea to move in with Damon when I just met him but as strange as it sounds I feel a strong connection with him. I run the rest of the way planning the best way to fit all my stuff in my truck so I can just not go home tomorrow. I sneak back through my first floor bedroom window and get to work. I go to my closet and pull out two suit cases. I stuff all of my clothes in there, changing into a new outfit for school. I put my dirty clothes into a plastic bag and set them by my window. Next I move to my book shelf pilling all the books into my clothes hamper putting my trophies on top carefully. I put that stuff in my truck thankful it’s got a cap on the back. When I come back in I put my laptop and school books into my backpack just managing to zip it shut. I also grab my lockbox of money and other things I’ll need to be on my own, papers and such. My parents don’t keep their filling cabinets locked. I put that in my passenger seat and put my bedding in the back along with some towels and plates. I even managed to grab some silverware.  I’ve been collecting a spoon here, and a towel there etc. for weeks. When I finally lay down in my bed for the last time I reach over into my bed stand and grab out the letter and place it on top. It says that I’m moving and that I’m still going along with their plan so they don’t freak out. I set an alarm on my phone and try to catch some sleep. Too soon it’s 7am. I turn off my alarm and sit up rubbing my eyes. I have to leave in 10 minutes and my brothers won’t be up for another 25 so I hurry to brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk out after quickly grabbing my toiletries.  Lastly, I grab my phone charger and it is back out the window. I hop in my truck and set the last stuff into my back seat and head to the high school. I park next to Damon seeing him here early assuming it’s for Friday morning practice to get back on the team. I head to the locker room to get ready and hear the coach call for attention over the clamor of the boys.
“Hey! We have a new team member! His name is Damon Marcos, some of you will remember him from yesteryears football teams. He will be replacing McEvans as our starting running back. McEvans that means you are benched until we can find a position you can actually play,” everyone laughs and McEvans turns bright red “Practice this morning is easy, 10 laps then hit the showers and head to class.” With that he heads back into his office. I turn to see Damon right next to me.
“Hey dude I overestimated how much stuff I had and I’m all packed.” I say walking with him to the field to start laps.
“I never started unpacking so I’m ready. I forgot to ask if the apartment was furnished by the way” he says setting our pace at a moderate jog.
“Yeah the last tenants left the furniture so we have like, beds, a couch, table and three chairs, and one dresser per room, oh and the beds have okay mattresses.” I say with a shrug. We finish our laps in silence. When we head to the showers there is the usual banter between the team, they all welcome Damon back and ask him about his tattoos. He doesn’t say much about them and doesn’t offer to ink anyone which makes me feel special. After that we head our separate ways for class. The day was boring and I only saw Damon briefly during lunch when I checked up on him to make sure his day was going well. Finally it was down to the last twenty-five minutes of my last class WWII I had tried to pay attention to the best of my ability. I was just too excited to be moving out. I felt my phone buz in my pocket and pulled it out stealthily, it was a text.
To: Silas
From: D-man
  Yo I got out early where u at???
To: D-man
From: Silas
   First of all “D-man” really? Lol. Second I’m in WWII room 230.
There is no response so I assume he is waiting outside the class. All the sudden he bursts through the door.
“HELP!! MEDIC! I”VE BEEN Shot by a kraut” he yells breaking off into a very dramatic faux pained whisper at the end as he falls to the floor with a ketchup wound. The whole class bursts into laughter, even the teacher.
“Damon, back I see.  I thought I was free from your shenanigans. Though, I guess I could have avoided this had I stayed in the middle school.” Mr. Ackles says with a roll of his eyes.  Damon sits up with a smirk.
“Indeed bro, then again I think you moved here just for the chance to see me again.”
“Yes you’ve caught me. Alright class homework’s on the board due monday you are dismissed.” He says waving his hand. The class scurries to leave and soon enough it’s just Damon, Mr. Ackles, and I.
“So Damon this your new companion?” Ackles smirks.
“Yep met him last night on the cliff. Silas, Ackles here is the one that showed me the spot, though he never goes there anymore.” Damon says.
“I see, well we need to get started at the apartment if you want any time to do homework.” I say slinging my bag onto my shoulder.
“You just met him yet you are moving in together? That seems fast, what if you guys hate each other?” Ackles asks.
“We’ll be fine we’ve got separate bedrooms and I have a feeling we will get along just fine” I shrug. Damon nods, we say our goodbyes and we walk to the parking lot.
“Ok you know where the place is meet you there.” I say getting into my Truck. I put my bag back into the passenger seat and drive the short distance parking next to Damon in our reserved spots. I hop out and grab my money for the landlord. Damon hops out of his car money in tow.
“Ok so I called at lunch to let him know we were coming, let’s head up” I say walking to the door. We take the elevator up to the second floor and walk to the office at the end of the hall. I knock on the door, soon enough James opens the door the scowl on his face changes to a smile instantly.
“My boy! I’m so glad you’ve finally managed to get out of that house, you too D. I couldn’t ask for Silas to have a better roommate.” He says in his gruff Australian accent. I gave him a fist bump and he invites us in. We walk in and sit at his small table.
“So boys, you know the deal, money now for the year and you’re covered. If anything goes wrong in the apartment it’s covered by renters insurance and if anything breaks it’s my responsibility to fix it. Here are two sets of keys for the both of you. Also nobody can be let in unless they are one of you or one of you is present, good?” he says. We both nod and hand over the money. We excuse ourselves to get unpacked and head down to the cars.
“I am actually really excited for this.” I say once we grab a box each.
“Me too, and if you want when we get settled in tonight we can get started on your first tattoo.” Damon says. I nod with a smile and hurry to get all our stuff upstairs. It takes two hours to get all settled even with all the stuff put away. We got kind of distracted during that too by singing to the music I put on like dorks. Now he sat me down to look through his binder of tattoo’s he wants to do. I see a lot of nature scenes and settle on a tree with the silhouette of a bird.
“Good choice, where did you want this I was thinking it would go on the left peck.” Damon says starting on the ink transfer.
“That sounds good to me, will it be bad in I clench up?” I ask taking my shirt off.
“No because I’ll be holding you still but if you could avoid doing so that would be nice” He says looking at me through his eyelashes with a smirk. Soon enough he is pressing the ink transfer to my chest and I start to get super nervous.
“Hey breathe, if you get too worked up you might pass out.” Damon says.
“Ok…Hold on…Okay I’m good” I say taking deep breaths. Damon gives me a smile and pulls out his kit and ink. The buzz of the gun startles ne and I brace myself for Damon to start. Twenty-three minutes later he is done, I open my eyes (Because not looking helped me to not flinch) and look down, it looks fantastic, black at the trunk and main branches and midnight blue for the pine needles perfectly shaped into the raven.
“Wow, D this is amazing. Can we do anymore tonight? This just got me addicted.”  I say getting excited. Damon laughs and rolls his eyes.
“Slow down hot shot we still have to cover that in Vaseline. You and I also still need to eat.” He covers my tattoo and we walk into the kitchen.
“Well I forgot we don’t have any food in the house yet.” I say opening the fridge.
“Do we even have any extra cash right now?” Damon asks.
“Um I got paid yesterday, oh by the way I work downstairs at the library a couple days a week, I get paid really well because I basically run the whole place when I’m there.” I rub the back of my neck as I talk.
“Alright that’s fine I was looking for a job but I don’t really know where to start.” Damon says as he plops down in one of the chairs I follow.
“Well there is a new tattoo shop that just opened up a few days ago, they’re looking for another artist. Apparently he is this famous tattoo guy and has more clients coming from all around than he can manage by himself. Also, you’re amazing so yeah.” I say with a bright smile.
“What famous guy? Want to go check it out? I think we can grab something to eat after.” He says getting up and grabbing his keys, I grab his binder of sketches and leave my shirt scurrying out the door behind him. The drive to the shop takes like five minutes and Damon looks like he is starting to get nervous. He looks over and laughs again.
“I still can’t believe you’re ok with walking round with no shirt, your parents could see you.” Damon laughs again after he says this truly astonished with my actions. I smile and give a flippant shrug too caught up in the exhilaration I feel when I’m around Damon. I know everything seems like it’s moving so fast but sometimes that’s just how things work out. We pull into the lot and I hop out at the door binder in hand. I wait for Damon to park before we walk in.  The shop is a good size and is very homey despite just being set up. A short man about 5 1’ walks out from the back. He’s got a sort of Mohawk with two inch hair on the sides and longer on top that is neon green and gets sort of white green when he walks under the many black lights around.
“Hiya boys I’m Aleks Henry, please tell me one of you is here for the position.” He says every so cheerfully. Damon doesn’t say anything so I jump in for him.
“Hey Aleks he is here for the job but he is kind of nervous. I have his binder of sketches right here for you to look at and here is an example of his work on skin” I say pointing to my chest. He nods and motions for us to sit at the table in the corner. I open the binder and point out the ones I’ll get done later and the ones that I’m just really impressed with.  Soon we are through the binder and Aleks looks as Damon.
“You have some amazing work here my friend, and a very vibrant fellow over there, I suggest you keep him close, just don’t let him get too ink crazy he seems like the everything at once type” he says with a smile. I blush and look away.
“I defenantly plan to keep him close” Damon says, “So am I hired? I should add that I’m 18 and still a student at the local high school. I’m also in football but can work something out with the coach if you need me certain days.” Aleks nods.
“Yeah I remember when I was a bright eyed 18 year old much like yourself, now I’m 22. But yeah you’re hired and we can get the details worked out on shifts later, you will be paid a lower hourly rate and take commission on any pieces you do, and trust me it will be worth it because I’m not going to shy away from giving you some of my big pieces. Though you will probably be asks to draw some of your own stuff for some clients.” Aleks says. Damon smiles brightly and they shake hands. Just then the last person I want to see walks through the door my brother, Z.
“Silas? I didn’t think I’d see you here. Wow, nice tat the rents’ will be pissed. I uh came in for a tat myself…but actually can I talk to you outside real quick?” he asks nervously. I get up weirded out at his genuine nice tone.
“Um I would rather stay in here but we can go over there” I say walking to the other side of the room pointing. He nods and walks with me.
“So, uh I know I’ve been a really crap brother and just a bad person, but the other day I sort of had this realization that this isn’t who I’m supposed to be, I’m not actually that mean. I never have been, I was just being a follower and I’m really sorry. I don’t expect you to forgive me. I just wanted to say that I also noticed you left. They won’t notice for a few days because they’re crappy people but I just wanted to say that I love you and wanted to give you this the next time I saw you. I uh worked for it myself this time. I’m trying to pay back people I stole from, and I’m cleaning up the things I vandalized.” Z says handing me an envelope. I am pretty choked up with emotion, I never thought I would see the day he realized his potential. I pull him into a hug careful of my tattoo.
“I’m proud of you Z, seriously I’ve always known you’ve had this person inside you. I’m really happy to see he’s come out.” I say pulling away. We walk back over to the others and Aleks goes into business mode. D says goodbye and we head out to the car. I sit in the passenger seat debating on if I should open the envelope or not.
“What’s that?” D asks after a bit of silence.
“I think it’s money.” I say deciding to open it. I look inside and pull out around $200. My eyes fill with tears and Damon pulls over concerned.
“Hey what is the matter, this is good isn’t it?” He says pulling me into a slightly difficult hug.
“Yeah it’s good I’ve just gone so long hating him and being angry at him when he has actually been struggling this whole time. He also noticed instantly that I was gone. It’s just a little overwhelming is all.” I sniffle taking deep breaths so I don’t full on cry.
“Well do you want to go grocery shopping? That always cheers me up.” Damon says pulling away and getting us back on the road. I nod glad we have money for food. At the small grocery store we load up on boxed/canned food first then chose some stuff we can eat over the weekend.  We goof around a lot and manage to reign it in a bit to spend $130.  When we get home we put all the stuff away and sit down to talk about if we want a meal plan for next week.
“I feel like at least at first, this will help us save money so we don’t overbuy.” I say grabbing a pad of paper and a pen.
“Alright but taco Tuesdays are a must.” Damon says. I nod and write the days of the week and put tacos in their place.
“Alright now what else? Oh! Now would be a good time to ask about allergies or just general dislikes.” I say tapping the pen on my cheek.
“Nah, I can and will eat pretty much anything.” Damon smiles.
“Okay. I can cook since my grandma taught me. She’s Russian so the food she taught me to cook is probably different than what you’re used to. She also cooked polish food, well European food in general.” I say thoughtfully.
“Sounds awesome, can you make pierogis? Like sour kraut ones with sour cream?” Damon asks getting up to rummage through the fridge.
“I very much can, we can put that on the list for next week so I can gather supplies.” I say writing them under Thursday. Damon nods pulling out a juice box.
“Sounds fair. Can we make homemade pizza tonight?” He asks.
“Yeah I guess our list making can wait until after dinner, I am starved.” I pull out the pita bread and put two on a cookie sheet. I put BBQ down as the sauce on mine, Damon uses regular sauce and gives me a disgusted look. I just stick my tongue out at him.
“What? It’s good.” I laugh and put cheese over it throwing a strand at Damon. He clutches his chest and says in a fake pained whisper.
“I’ve been shot.” He then drops to the ground. I squeal and run to his side as he plays dead.
“Medic! We got a man down, he needs CPR.” I say poking his cheek. He tries not to smile. I sneak up and grab the container of BBQ and crouch back next to him leaning my face so close to him that I am almost kissing him, his breath hitches and I smear the BBQ on his face jumping up laughing and running around the counter. He shouts in surprise and disgust and jumps up eyeing me.
“I can’t believe you would do that.” He says lightly.
“I probably should have gone with the CPR but I revved you just the same.” I smirk.
“Oh so you wanted to give me the kiss of life huh?” He says walking towards me. As he comes closer I start backing up, I jump when my back hits the wall. Damon puts his hand next to my head and leans in.
“Hey what’s up?” I say with a lopsided smile, Damon chuckles and kisses me gently, I kiss him back running my hands through his hair. When we part he smiles.
“We should finish dinner.” I say dumbly, Damon just laughs and we finish dinner without further incident. After the dishes are done I’m dead tired.
“So D were you planning on doing that?” I ask plopping down on our small dingy chouch.
“Not this soon no, but I was smitten from the second I saw you.” He says running a hand down my cheek.
“How did you know I wasn’t going to punch you.” I push my head into his hand enjoying his touch.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure I could ever until the shower room after practice when you never joined the roughhousing and were very careful about where you looked.” he smiles
“Perceptive I see.” I chuckle.
“Well I know that we just met and this is crazy, but we are young and this is exactly the time to do things like this fast and probably reckless but I feel already we have a deep chemistry that can take us Far.” I say then cuddle into his side and he wraps an arm around me.
“See, you get me, I’m so glad I came back, I understand if this is pushing the line but, I’m sucker for cuddling. And I promise no funny business, can I sleep in your bed?” Damon asks nervously.
“I don’t see why not if you mean it with the no funny business I am but a innocent young maiden” I laugh. Damon rolls his eyes with a smile.
“Well we better head off to bed, we have practice tomorrow.” I get up and stretch then stumble into my bedroom falling flat on my face in the pillows.
“Dude get in bed properly” Damon laughs. I groan but do as he says, and after I cuddle into his side I fall into a deep sleep.

To be continued…

The author's comments:

This story is the first peice in a romance short series. I was inspired by a painting i did three years ago.

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