A Cantaloupe Has Love for a Toaster | Teen Ink

A Cantaloupe Has Love for a Toaster

December 5, 2017
By Retrospect BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Retrospect BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She is way too hot for a guy like me
All the others she let inside got burned
She would not like my size
For only the slim variety have felt her warmth
She only likes those who are colored golden brown
My pale complexion would never sway her
She would laugh at my roundness
I do not have edges like the rest
But I still have my love
It does not grow stale like the others
Mine are seeds that only know how to grow
My love is sweet and soft
I do not see you for your sleek exterior
I see only the electricity you hold inside
No matter how much it hurts
No matter who comes and goes
You can always find me rolling back to you

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