First Last Glance | Teen Ink

First Last Glance

December 10, 2017
By claireas BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
claireas BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The sun and slight ocean breeze played with her long, beautiful hair. I will always remember that exact moment. I watched her walk away towards the ocean. And then something hit me. She is the entire ocean. She is unimaginably stunning on the surface, but as you dive deeper you’ll discover elegance that most have never witnessed before.”

I sat there while the autumn wind was building up, and whistling through the yellowed leaves. The old wooden bench creaked every time I moved, causing birds to quickly shift their heads towards my direction. My numb hands were glued to his old, dusty journal as I read over his perfect handwriting. This book was the only part of him that I still had left. The only thing I still had to cherish.

The hardest part of losing someone you love is the life you face without their presence. Nothing will be able to fill the empty void in my lonely heart. Every waking moment is filled with my infinite thoughts of him.
I closed my eyes, letting the many memories rush in. Our first glance. His bright blue eyes stared into my dull dark eyes. Our first touch as his hand reached for mine, and delicately wrapped around my petite, fragile hand. Our first dance felt like we were alone, just me and him, swaying to the soft symphony in the background. Our first kiss. The world suddenly stopped. The only thing between us was the anticipation and intensity. That moment. So perfect that I realized that this was only the beginning.

Tears began to spill down my face as I realized that not only did we have many firsts, but also unforgettable lasts. Our last kiss for there was no more anticipation or intensity but only his frail, cold lips laying gently against mine. Our last dance. His weak body supported by mine wobbled to the slight sound of violin and static. Our last touch for his shaky, feeble hands began to fall out of my tight grip. Our last glance. My sorrowful eyes overflowed with tears rushing down my panicked face while his eyes stared directly into mine with such confidence and tenderness, but then they slowly closed for the very last time.

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