Married to a King, Superhero and Spy | Teen Ink

Married to a King, Superhero and Spy

May 20, 2018
By beautifulmysteriousplayer BRONZE, Red Bluff , California
beautifulmysteriousplayer BRONZE, Red Bluff , California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always try to find a way to think positive."

Last year of school and been bullied all her life until she meet him who changed her life, then they eneded up being married years later. He told her what he does for a living well I walk away or just accepted it.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

"Watch out where your going you idiot!" I screamed not knowing who bumped into me and knocked down my books. When I picked up my books I didn't even bothering looking at the stranger who did this to me and I didn't care. My last year of school and I can careless about fitting in. 

At lunch the same day a guy with black hair came over to me probably to mock me but that's what I thought.

"Hey pretty lady would you like to go out with me." He straight out got to the point of him coming over to see me.

"Oh sure." I said uncertainly.

"Cool." He said as he walked away towards his friend.

But before I went home that day the guy I talked at lunch today well his friend came over to me.

"You deserve better." He started.

"Yes I do, I don't deserve to be in the world like you do, you don't know what it's like! So do me a favorite and get lost!" I yelled at him.

"No wait!" He grabbed my wrist before I had the chance to walk away, then he let go. "You want to go for an ice cream soda with me right now?" 

"Fine, but if you do anything I don't like I'm leaving." 

Actually turned out to be a pretty exciting evening, me and him deciding to walk to my housse was wasn't very far from the ice cream shop. He wanted to go far but not too far so to keep himself occuipied from trying to hold my left hand he started a conversation.

"So what do you think?" He asked.

"Of what?" I questioned.

"The date?"

"I loved it!"

"You did?"

"Yes I did!" I saw my house. "Race you." I started running, he chased after me until I got to the front porch. 

"Oh man you win!" He said exhautively. 

"Yes I did." 

"I'll see you tommorrow then hey?" 

"Yeah I will see you tommorrow." He started walking away. I came inside my house, my parents were worried about where I was. 

Chapter Notes:

When they first met, if you pay attention there are two guys, her boyfriend who was the one who said "Will you like to go out with me?" the other guy is the King, Superhero, and Spy. I have a find a way to get rid of my boyfriend, that will be in the next chapter. 

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 "Honey where we you?" My mom asked when I cam inside the house.
"I'm fine." I said with a bug smile, showing my teeth.
"Something you want to tell us kiddo." Dad said from across the room.
"Well I just went on a date!"
"That's wonderful!" My mom screamed.
"Yes it is ma."
The next day I went to my locker and found a note and it said
'I don't know if I'm a creep or not
but last night was awesome not just for me but for you, you filled my day with love and I know that sounds crazy but I'll rescue you if you need to because you know why, I LOVE YOU!'
I walked up to my boyfriend and his friend.
"Can I ask you a question?" I asked my boyfriends friend.
"Sure, I'll be right back Mike." We walked down the hallway and disappeared behind a corner so we can talk.
"I love the poem!"
"You do?"
"Yes I do." I laughed with my teeth showing then shut my mouth.
"I love your laugh."
"Thank you."
"We should go get back."
"Yeah we should." Chapter Notes: I'm still trying to figure out how to get rid of my boyfriend. I really felt like he was going to kiss me but he didn't. Still you should know the difference between the king, superhero, and spy rather than my boyfriend. Eventually the king, superhero and spy will tell me his name. I already know my boyfriends name since he mentioned it, Mike.

The author's comments:

This is actually a true story! 

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