For the love of Fawn | Teen Ink

For the love of Fawn

May 21, 2018
By Lily_Bee22 BRONZE, Williston, Vermont
Lily_Bee22 BRONZE, Williston, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The music was blaring in her brand new seafoam green Mini Cooper, and Fawn’s life was absolutely perfect. She had just gotten out of school, and it was a Friday. That meant she had a party to go to later, like always. As she rolled into her driveway, she had checked the mail. Checking the mail had become part of her routine since college acceptance letters were arriving soon. She opened the mailbox. “EEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!” She screamed in her one of a kind high pitched excited scream. Her mom came running out of the house as Fawn parked the car in the driveway. She threw open the door and showed her mom the five, yes five, acceptance letters, including the one from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. The best college for a Master’s in education, also known as her dream college.

All of the sudden she broke into tears out of pure confusion.The realization of going to college so far away from Braedon, her boyfriend of three years, started to sink in. Her world came crashing down. At least that's what it had felt like. Fawn knew she had one of the hardest decisions she would ever have to make. Braedon would have to know at some point. She was deciding on how to tell him because she herself still didn't know what to do. Fawn also knew that party later was toast.

It was now one very long week later, and the only way the two have contacted was by texting. A “good morning” in the morning and a “goodnight, I love you” in the evening. Fawn had been one sad mess of a hermit. She was such a procrastinator. Every night during that week her best friend, Lily, would come over and they would eat Chinese food and ice cream. They would talk about Fawn’s choice. Should she go to her dream college and possibly get her dream job? Or should she follow her dream guy, get married, and have the family of her dreams?

After a week of hermitting she finally got the courage to tell Braedon that she got accepted to Vanderbilt University. She invited him over to her house later that night. She had no idea what she was going to say to him. Or how he would react to her news. Or that she hadn't decided if she wanted to go to college with him or go to her dream college, without Braedon.

After what seemed like one million years, (but was really only 2 hours) Braedon had knocked on the door. He had knocked with his usual three knocks fast and three knocks slow. Fawn opened the door. She did so very slowly. He was standing there with a huge bouquet flowers in his right hand and his left hand in his pocket. He looked guilty as if he did something wrong. Of course Braedon didn't do anything wrong. They were beautiful pink and white lilies with a red bow. Fawns favorite flowers were lilies since Lily is her middle name and her best friend's name.

They just stood there for a few minutes staring into each other’s eyes. His thoughts were, “Oh my gosh. She looks so beautiful in that unicorn onesie. I know she is going to tell me what colleges she got into. What if she choses Vanderbilt over me? I hope she doesn't. I think she is the one. Braedon no!! Please don't cry. Please don't cry.”

“Hi,” Braedon said trying to break the very long and awkward silence. He hoped it would’ve gotten Fawn to talk to him. He knew how she couldn't hold things in for too long.

“OMG!!! He just said hi! What do I say back? Think Fawn think! What if it's the last time I talk to him! What if this is it? He leaves for college in just two days for early acceptance! What if he hates me for considering leaving him? What if he hates me for thinking about something other than him? SNAP OUT OF IT FAWN!! If he hates me then he is not the man I should marry one day. Deep breathes. Deep breathes. Just say something!”
“I got accepted in Vanderbilt college and I know that it is like 20 million miles away from your college, but I am really considering it because it's my future and I need a good paying job to survive and if I don't go then I will regret it for the rest of my life and I will never be truly happy. On the other hand If I compromise my career then I won't have to compromise you because we can live together and we can get married and start a family because I will not be halfway around the world so we can touch and kiss each other instead of just video chatting and texting which will be way better if we want our relationship to survive...” Fawn ranted.

Braedon had known that rant was coming. He also knew that there was only one way to shut Fawn up. So he kissed her. Which shut Fawn up really quickly. The element of surprise was one of Fawn’s weaknesses.
Braedon walked right in the house and went to the kitchen to make popcorn. He had been at this house many times before so he knew where everything was. He just left Fawn there standing at the door waiting for him to react to her rant. Lily had hinted earlier so he wasn't surprised by Fawn’s ranting. Braedon brought the popcorn to the couch and signaled for Fawn to sit with him by patting the couch three times. “Pat, Pat, Pat.” He turned on the TV right as THE NOTEBOOK was starting. He knew that a sappy movie like that was just what they needed.

As the movie progressed Fawn became calm and her tears became more about the movie and less about Braedon and her dilemma. Fawn was content with her life and she never wanted the movie to end. But that only lasted until the movie ended. It was time for the talk. The stupid dreaded talk. The talk about Fawn’s career. The talk that would change both of their lives forever.

“We need to talk,” they said in unison when Braedon turned off the TV. He looked into her eyes as if it was the last time they saw each other, and it was. They just didn't know that yet.

Fawn knew her decision. She figured it out while watching the movie. She realized it when Noah had to say goodbye to Allie. She realized that she needed to leave. Fawn had to think about her future and her career instead of him. She knew she had be a teacher to be truly happy. So Fawn told him. She told him that she had to follow her dreams even if Braedon was her one and only. Even if it tore her apart. She knew that going to college was the only choice.

Braedon tried to change her mind. Boy did he try. But she made up her mind and no matter how much he entreated her, Fawn didn't budge. Which broke her heart to watch. But she found a compromise. They would try long distance. They would visit each other every few months. Alternating places.

It was time to say goodbye because Braedon was leaving in the morning. They stood up and hugged for 10 minutes straight. They didn't want to let go to each other. Not then, not ever. But they did. Braedon left soon after that. Leaving only a black velvet box on the counter. After Braedon pulled out of the driveway Fawn opened the box. It was a beautiful gold necklace with a pendant that read ‘Someday’. It was beautiful.
Braedon couldn't take all of the hurt of leaving. He said he needed this to be as painless as possible or he wouldn't have been able to leave. Fawn was so confused as to why he left without even saying goodbye. Even though it wasn't a goodbye forever. It was a see you later type goodbye. She was so mad yet so broken. But the necklace left her with hope of having a someday with Braedon.

She had to keep busy to keep her mind off Braedon so she started packing for college. Even though she didn't leave until the the end of summer for freshman orientation. She started with everything that reminded her of Braedon. She had needed to remind herself that he wasn't everything. She needed to not see him or anything that reminded her of him so she didn't go running back to him and mess up her career as a teacher. She knew she had done the right thing.

As the weeks passed things had gotten a little bit easier for Fawn. She still missed Braedon constantly but she had slowly progressed into the state of happiness.

Soon she went off to Vanderbilt for orientation. Lily also went to Vanderbilt that summer. That's how they met 5 years ago. On a field trip to Vanderbilt. Lily couldn't let Fawn start off her college career in her dorm missing Braedon and not partying like normal college freshman. But they weren't normal college freshman. Lily endeavored getting Fawn out of that dorm room. Of course they had to check out the stores that were nearby. But even then Fawn didn't seem right, and she always felt better after buying things they were never going to wear.

Braedon had been avoiding her calls and hadn't been answering her texts. He was starting fresh. He got over Fawn but just didn't have the heart to tell her. He thought he would never get over Fawn. But then he met Paisley. The ‘queen bee’ of his freshman class. She was horrible to him. But he was in love. Even more so than with Fawn. But he didn't tell her. Cause it would've broken her heart. At least he was right about one thing, it did break her heart. But we’re not there yet.

As Braedon continued to avoid her at all costs Fawn became more and more suspicious. She began stalking him on Instagram and snapchat to see what he was doing. Lily got really worried about Fawn so she asked Braedon herself if he was cheating. Can you guess what he said? No. He said no. Not only that but he rebuffed her for asking. So of course Lily had to tell Fawn. No matter what. Fawn was so mad. Then she was sad, and then in denial. She couldn't believe her one and only would do this to her. That he would betray her like this. But she needed proof.

The next weekend Fawn went out to see Braedon. Just like they had planned. But Fawn wasn't there to see him. She was there to see Paisley. The supposed other girl. Once she got there she marched right into his dorm room only to find both of them all cuddled up on the couch with her head on his shoulder watching a Christmas movie. Fawn walked right over and stood in front of the TV. Braedon quickly jumped up trying to hide the fact that he was cuddling with Paisley. She disregarded all of his sorrys, yelled at him, and walked right out. Leaving only the necklace in the black box on the counter. She ran to the car where Lily was waiting for her anxiously to see how it went. At that point Fawn was full on sobbing.

For the next few weeks Fawn was an introvert. She didn't go to parties and she was the quiet one in class. That is until Introduction to Nutrition. There was some hope. A new kid from late acceptance. The teacher introduced him. His name was Damon. Damon Salvatore. He was told to sit next to Fawn. As he walked up the stairs Her spine started tingling. His eyes were the kind of eyes you could get lost in forever and he was so dreamy. He sat down, looked into her eyes and said “Hi. I’m Damon”. That was the start of something wonderful.

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