A game of chess | Teen Ink

A game of chess

May 14, 2018
By Anonymous

A Game of Chess
Fitz watched as Jamison concentrated on the chess pieces. His abnormally large purple irises scanning the board. Fitz knew how to play, his older brother Greyson had taught him. He watched Jamison lift a pale hand and without even touching the piece he moved it over knocking his king down. He sat back in his seat and looked at Fitz who apparently wasn’t very good because for the fifth time in a row he had lost.
“Checkmate,” Jamison said unenthusiastically. Fitz threw his hands up and slumped in his chair his long legs hitting the underneath of the chess table.
“How are you so good at this?” he asked. Jamison shrugged and stood up stretching.
Jamison was good at chess, really good, and he played in the tournaments on campus against other students a lot. He was usually the winner while Fitz usually sat on the sidelines watching and quietly cheering him on; but now Fitz wanted to play too. He didn't want to play just anyone though, he wanted to play Jamison. He had to get better in order to have any chance of going against him.
So he played everyday. He practiced online, with other students in the chess club, he looked up tips and videos online, and played with Jamison. The hard work must have been paying off because soon the matches were lasting longer and longer, it wasn’t a 2 move win from Jamison anymore but full games. And Fitz loved it; he loved playing against Jamison. The small smile he had when Fitz made a good move, the pat on the shoulder after the game as if saying ‘congratulations’, it was like Jamison was proud of him and it made Fitz want to win even more.
It was thursday night. The tournament was tomorrow, Fitz chewed on his fingernail as he thought about it.
“Hey!” Fitz jumped at the sudden noise. He looked over to Jamison who was laying on his bed. “Don’t chew your nails,” he mumbled as he read on his phone. Fitz huffed and flopped onto his back. Jamison looked up from the screen and rolled his eyes before turning his phone off. “What is it?” he asked. Fitz rolled onto his side to face Jamison.
“Im nervous,” he admitted his green eyes avoiding contact.
“‘bout what?” Jamison asked cracking his back and letting out a sigh, he reached over to his bedside table to get his glasses.
“The tournament!” he said. What else would he be nervous about? Well a lot of things...but this was the most current issue.
“Oh right that. Why? It’s just some games, we play a few, then break for a bit, then finish. Afterwards we can go get coffee,” he said nonchalantly. Jamison liked the tournaments, they weren't anything serious to him but he guessed it was to Fitz. He looked over to the blonde. “Listen don't worry about it alright?” he looked at his phone. “Go to bed it's late, tomorrow will be fun, i promise,” he gave Fitz one of his rare genuine smiles before taking his glasses off and getting under the covers. Fitz followed suit.
The next morning went about as usual. The tournament didn't start until 12:30. After breakfast Fitz and Jamison walked down to the common area where people were setting up. Soon students began to walk in ready to win. Some of them Fitz only knew as the smart kids. He saw the student, a nice girl named lily, who was going to be the announcer. She waved to him and Jamison before setting everything at the table. She called all the names and began to set up the games. Fitz was on one side of the room with the less experienced players while Jamison was on the other side with the advanced players. Time to shine.
Fitz was on a winning spree and soon he made his way to Jamison. They were so lost in the game they didn't know they were in the final four. Fitz was against a girl named Gina and Jamison was against a boy named Phil. almost simultaneously Fitz and Jamison had beaten their opponents. The losers that had gathered around to see the winner fell silent. Jamison and Fitz looked up to see everyone staring at them. Jamison looked over and flashed a dangerous smile to Fitz like a wolf showing their fangs. A crowd had formed around the couple sat at the final chess table. After the pieces were set the battle begun. Fitz was sweating slightly and his hands shook as he reached over the small white pieces. Jamison seemed calm, he occasionally ran a hand through his jet black hair. After awhile Fitz’s eyes shot wide open. He saw the chance to win! He looked up at Jamison who looked knowingly at him. Fitz moved his piece and shakily knocked Jamison’s king down, who smiled proudly at the newly titled winner. The crowd went wild. He let out a chuckle before standing and offering his hand to Fitz, he took his hand and shook it.
“Congratulations,” he said holding Fitz’s sweating hand in his. Fitz had a goofy smile on his face as he rushed around the table wrapping his long arms around Jamison and picking him up off the ground.
“I WON! I WON!” he chanted. Jamison just smiled down at him, he was proud.

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