Ben's Story | Teen Ink

Ben's Story

September 15, 2018
By Dot BRONZE, Clayton, New Jersey
Dot BRONZE, Clayton, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

October 31st, 2016. Time: 9:00 pm. Location: Newkurt Baptist Church.

My name is Ben, and this may sound crazy to the person reading this, but I have found something that some people can only have nightmares about. First off, let’s start from the beginning…

September 11th, 2016. Time: 10:00 am. Location: Newkurt Baptist Church.

Today was my birthday, and I was turning 12. It was a regular sunday, when I’d enjoy going to church with my mother and father. My father was a pastor, one of the best I had known. My mother worked for the day care, watching over the young ones. I didn't really have a job, so I spent my time daydreaming in service. After church, we celebrated my birthday at our house.

My cousins and grandparents came over. After everyone left, I opened my presents. It seemed that I had opened them all except for ONE. The Very one left by my grandfather. I could tell by the old-styled wrapping paper. I opened it up to find a box, inscripted in hebrew.

My father took it and translated it, then took it away in safe keeping. He said that, I would need it when the time was right. Don’t know what he meant by that, but I just went with it.

September 12th, 2016. Time: 8:00 am. Location: Newkurt Middle School.

I listened to the teacher ramble on and on, but I didn't quite catch everything she said. Something about Bunker Hill? I don’t know. All I knew was the day was almost over, and back-to-school night was tonight. When the time came around 7:00 pm, my parents and I went back to the school. The first class we went to was my homeroom… but something was off.

My regular teacher, Mr. Mantey, was replaced by a substitute. Apparently he, “ Wasn't feeling good”, which is strange because when we were in class, he seemed completely fine. The sub was one I hadn't heard of: A Mr. Flint? He must have been a new substitute. While we were heading to the final class room, I noticed Mr. Flint walking down the hallway.

I thought it was a bit suspicious. Teachers were permitted to leave, but ONLY when the event was over. So I traced him outback, and what I found was unbearable. He had hung Mr. Mantey by his hands, and by the looks of it, he had bite marks on his torso. My father and mother rushed after me when they realized I wasn't there. They burst through the back doors, completely blowing my cover.

The so-called Mr. Flint changed at the sight of them. A tail ripped through his pants, His hands grew into claws, and his teeth pointed. His skin turned charred black and red, and his pupils straightened. He rushed after me, biting me in the shoulder. I screamed in pain as blood gushed from the wound. My father took out a vial of water and threw it at the monster.

The liquid burnt the monster in a blue flame, turning it to dust. I regained my breath as my mother tied up my shoulder.

September 14th, 2016. Time: 2:00 pm. Location: 344 ash tree avenue.

I woke up in my bed, my shoulder stitched up and slowly healing. My father walked into my room, sitting next to me. He asked me how I was doing, and I told him I was fine, except for my shoulder. He smiled, and then handed me the present I got from grandfather. He told me what the writing said, and apparently it said, “ For good will”.

I opened the old box and found a classic cross made of nails on a string. My father told me it would protect me in the future. He said that the nails were made of pure silver, and heat treated with holy oil and holy water. It made the necklace VERY special. I put it on immediately, and held the pendant in my hand. My father stood up and went for the door, but I asked him what exactly was Mr. Flint.

He stopped, spun around, and walked over to me. He explained to me that as Christians, we have to believe in angels. I agreed with him, and then he said, “ In order to believe in angels, you also have to believe in demons.” I asked Father if Mr. Flint was a demon, and he simply said it was for another time. Then he walked out, and I rested.

September 30th, 2016. Time: 4:00 pm. Location: 344 ash tree avenue.

I was playing baseball in my backyard with my school friend, Josh. We’ve been friends since kindergarten, and it was hard to keep that relationship since his parents were busy all the time. Anyway, by then my arm was fully healed. It was Friday, and the last day of September, so it was a win-win day. My friend kept asking me why I wasn't in school, and I kept telling him that he wouldn't understand.

I know a lot of people could just say, “ I was sick”, or, “ I wasn't feeling ok”, but I can’t lie. Trust me, I’ve tried. Each time I try, I just… can’t. Moving back to Josh, he kept saying how Milly was worried about me. Milly was this girl that everybody adored, ESPECIALLY the guys. She was a sweet and innocent girl, but being the age I am, I had not a lot of interests in romance. He kept annoying me, saying we would be the “ best couple ever”, and I told him that only a girl would say that.

We must’ve thrown that baseball back and forth over and over until our hands were sore. Then, he was asked to go back to his house. I told him that we could meet up on Halloween, and he agreed.


October 17th, 2016. Time: 9:00 am. Location: Newkurt Middle School.

I was at my locker, putting my books away and thinking of what to be for halloween. When I closed my locker door, I saw that Milly was waiting right next to me. I asked her what was up, and she looked down and blushed. I looked around, and saw a few girls hiding behind a corner. I knew immediately what was going on. I told Milly that she couldn't let these girls pressure her into stuff like this.

But she said that she decided this on her own. She asked me if I wanted to accompany her to the dance going on this friday. Being as kind as I was, accepted. I thought if I brought her down, she would be crushed. So, I accepted. Well, Josh found out that I accepted. When Milly skipped away with glee, Josh came from behind and scratched up my hair.

He called me a sly dog, and said that he had to get a date to the dance. I told him that it wasn't really a date, she just wanted me to accompany her. He said that girls like Milly mean something else when they say that. I never understood Josh. HE always tried to be cool, but failed so miserably. Even when he does fail, he STILL tried to make it look cool.

I don’t think I’ll EVER understand Josh.

October 21st, 2016. Time: 7:oo pm. Location: Milly’s house.

Milly told me to pick her up around 7pm, so I had my father drive me to her house. He teased me the same way that Josh did. I just ignored him. Milly opened her door and came out with a dress on. She hopped in the car and looked at me, who was wearing regular clothes on.

She asked if she overdressed, but I told her that it was completely up to her on what she needed to wear.. Nobody was going to judge her. She smiled, and then strapped on her seatbelt. We drove off to the school, and the second we stepped out of the car, my dad screeched off, and went back on the road. I had no idea why he dashed off so quickly, but that is as just a mystery as understanding Josh.

Speaking of the devil, I turned around to see Josh with Jessica, Milly's older sister, clinging to his arm. I walked over, asking how he got a date. He said that it was obvious of his handsomeness and his dating skills. Jessica slapped some sense into him, and told me that he owed her $10. I chuckled on the inside. Looking at her older sister, Milly clinged to my arm as if we were in a princess movie… I STILL didn't understand.

We went inside, regardless. Music was booming, and lights flashed all over.. I asked Milly if she wanted something to eat or drink, and she asked for a water.. I walked over to the cafeteria entrance and whipped out my wallet. The nice lady spun around and looked at me. She began to ask what i would like until she saw the nail cross on my chest. She froze, and then jumped back, hissing.

She kept babbling on about the superior lord, and mentioned my father’s name. I took a step closer, and she shouted at me to back away. A long tail bursted from her pants, and it whipped at me. I ducked, and then my father fell from the ceiling vent. He held out a cross that was exactly like mine. The monster froze in fear, and looked at my father.

Her tail retracted, and she backed up against the wall, begging for mercy. She bribed my father, offering him whatever he wished. He completely blocked her out. In his hand he held another vial. He held it out, and warned her if she ever came again, that she would be burnt to a crisp. She took the offer to leave, and ran out the back door. My father looked at me, and then told me to take a water and leave.

I did as he said, and left a dollar on the counter. I came back with the water in hand and gave it to Milly. She thanked me, and took a sip. Then, she asked me to dance. I told her I didn't know how, and she told me to follow her lead. We danced until 9:00 pm, and then my father picked me up.

October 31st, 2016. Time: 2:00 pm. Location: 344 ash tree avenue.

Halloween was tonight, and I couldn't wait. Next to christmas, This was my favorite holiday. I put on my Ninja costume and waited at the door. A ring came, and when I opened the door. Josh was standing there, dressed as a pirate. My father stopped me before we went out. He asked me to come into his room, and I followed him. Josh sat on the living room couch, waiting.

I asked my father what this was about, and he locked the door. He said he knew I had a lot of questions about what was happening recently, referring to the monsters that came about. He explained that all the people that tried to kill me were, in fact, demons. Apparently, my father was a very powerful member of a secret society called the blood line. I’ve heard stories about it before, but I never knew it actually existed.

He pointed to my necklace, saying it was a symbol for the organization. It would keep me safe by indicating I was a member. I told my father that I had never OFFICIALLY been made a member, but he disagreed. He told me that when I was born, I was made a member. All a person needs is their left cheek slightly cut when they are born. Their blood is kept as a tracer, in case an emergency came about.

He said to tell NOBODY, not even my mother. It was a secret kept down through generations, ever since Jesus was born. And he said it was meant to be a secret for many more years. Then, he unlocked the door, and I caught up with Josh. We went down the street to a halloween party, specifically Tyrone’s, another good friend of mine.

We rang the doorbell, and Tyrone greeted us personally. We went inside, and it was incredible! Tyrone is one of those friends who are rich, but kind. So his house was LOADED with all kinds of fancy things. The whole reason we are friends is because we treat him as if he had as much money as us. That’s realistically all he ever wanted. He even said himself that money can’t buy REAL friends.

There was a caramel fountain with apples on sticks next to it, along with a candy corn statue, a giant gummy bear, and toy swords made of chocolate. Tyrone told us his goal tonight was to have a sugar rush, and by the looks of it, he was DEFINITELY going to achieve that. We were up for the longest Time, and at 9:00 pm, everyone else left the party. Tyrone invited us to sleep over, and I asked my father over the phone.

He told me yes as long as I was to be careful. He said that the WORST kinds of demons appear at night. Then he hung up, and I went to Tyrone’s room. He shut the lights off, and went to sleep. I should have listened to my father, because the second I closed my eyes, something crashed through the window. A man with razor sharp teeth in a red long jacket rose up.

He had pale skin, and a long-brimmed red hat that rested on the top of his long black hair. He wore white gloves, and black buckled boots. He looked to me, and his red eyes glowed in the night. He smiled as he put his index finger up to his lips. Then, he waved for me to follow him, and jumped back out the window.

Being curious, I followed him. The moonlight flashed over him, giving a better look. He wore a white shirt underneath his jacket, and it was tied at the collar with a red bow. ON the bow was a crest that held it together: a silver cross. He greeted me and bowed, taking his hat off. He introduced himself, saying that he was my bodyguard for the night. I asked if he was a demon, holding my cross out.

He answered yes, and I stepped forward, still holding the cross out. He said that doesn't work for him, and showed a cut scar on his left cheek. He was part of the bloodline, and was sent by my father. I asked for his name, but he said it was classified. I DEMANDED his name, and told him that if I didn't know it, I couldn't let him protect me. He smiled even more, and said he was agent Dracula, the demon hunter.

I lowered the cross and said that if he was a demon, then why hunt demons himself? He answered that he betrayed hell, and refused to work for the vile purposes of satan. He said he was curious about the overworld, and joined the blood line to show satan that he no longer wished to return. I asked how I could trust him, and he said duck. He pulled out a red-bladed sword and stabbed a demon that jumped after me.

He re-sheathed the blade, and asked if that was enough to prove it. I nodded my head. He responded with a tip of his hat, and grabbed my hand. He dashed off with me at high speeds until I got to a blurry vision of a vault door. Reacting quickly, he closed the door and locked it. He turned on the lights, showing rows of red-colored weapons.

He told me that when he wasn't around, I would need to protect myself. We went past multiple blades and guns, until I found a doubled-edged dagger that seemed to speak to me. I picked it up and pulled out the blade. He explained that every sheath comes with reloadable blades, each made of pure silver and a red chrome. I asked him why he wouldn't be around, and he said that only on halloween is he able to awaken temporarily.

My father came from behind me and said that Dracula is the most elite and strongest hunter of them all. He told of how the Agent has been around since the birth of Jesus, also making him the oldest member. But satan kept a cap on him, only letting him work on halloween. A loud bang came at the door, and snarls echoed from outside.

Dracula pulled out his blade, and My father pulled out his vials. They opened the door, and demons flooded in. The agent swung the sword with extreme accuracy, and my father threw the glass containers at the demons. I had no idea what to do, so I pulled out the blade I chose, and stood next to my father. He looked at me for a second and smiled.

I could tell he was proud of my courage, so I helped out until daylight.

November 1st, 2016. Time: 6:00 am. Location: Dracula’s Vault.

We fought until daylight, when the demons retreated. My father and I caught our breath, and smiled at each other. He began to laugh, and I joined him. Agent Dracula looked at us with warm eyes. HE said he never got to see such a relationship between a father and his son on halloween before. He began to sink into the ground, but not before saying, “ See you next year”.

I’ll never forget halloween, not after all that happened. When my friends found me at my house, they asked what happened. I told them that they wouldn't understand, hiding the dagger behind my back. Because for the first time, this is the only thing I DO understand. So I don’t mean to tie up this log with a common happy ending, BUT that is how it worked out.

So every halloween, I visit Dracula’s vault, and we fight off demons each year as we always do. To be honest, I don’t hang out with my friends as much. Mostly because I get called in for missions, now. And now I have something to do at Church! And each year, it just makes me happy to see Dracula watching me and my father, because it makes him happy.

Anyway, whenever you think of halloween, don’t get scared. Because if something comes for you, I’ll make sure my mission is there. Agent Ben, out.


Ben M. Francis x

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