The Fighter | Teen Ink

The Fighter

March 28, 2019
By Fo415 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
Fo415 BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Luke is at home with his mother, and they are arguing about his interest in joining the troops of the city of Gua. For a long time, Gua has engaged in fights against the Jill the Vampire and his troops, but they have remained, unsuccessful in most attacks.
​‘‘I want to join the Gua troops, I believe that I can save my city from the vampires’’ Luke stated which looking at his newly acquired weapons.
​‘‘You cannot joint the troops!’’ Luke’s mother exclaimed, ‘‘none one that joins the Gua troops comes back alive!’’ Whereas Luke was interested in joining the army and fighting for the city, the mother thought that it was safer to stay away from the war since many young men had died during the battles. Nonetheless, Luke has a different idea, hence the reason why he continues to argue, ‘‘I am a great fighter, no one can kill me, even Jill the Vampire.’’
​Although Luke is trying his best to convince the mother that he is fit and able to join the army, the mother believes that safety is more important. That is because the vampires kill most people that fight in Gua troops. Luke had developed the idea of joining the troops since most of his peers and other people around Gua had suggested that he joins the army because of his extraordinary powers. ‘‘Mother, if I do not join the army all of us will, everybody, even King Frank, Luke insisted.
​‘‘ Many people have fought in the army in the past. However, no one celebrates them today,’’ Luke’s mother shouted, ‘‘please make the right choice son’’. Luke’s mother added, ‘‘the right way to protect the city is by making peace with the vampires, they are powerful, and they will kill all of us if you attack them in the troops.’’
​‘‘No mother, the vampires have already killed many people in Gua, including our relatives, now it is time to fight for our rights, and I am part of this movement’’
​‘‘Luke you should be fearful’’ Ruth joined the conversation as she exclaimed. ‘‘We love you and we do not want to lose more relatives, so please retreat from joining the army for the sake of everyone else.’’
​While the argument between the three family members continued, a huge blast outside was heard followed by screams. While they argued about fighting the vampires, Jill the Vampire attacked Gua with his troops from Antigua. The main reason for the attacks is that Jill the Vampire wanted King Frank to accept that Antigua and Jill the Vampire are the most powerful persons. Therefore, the attack was ensuing outside as the vampires tried to locate the king’s residence.
‘‘This is the time mother!’’ Luke the Fighter claimed.
Luke’s mother responded, ‘‘No! Please do not step outside, it is dangerous’’
‘‘Even if I do not step outside they will reach here and finish us, I believe that it is better I go out and fight for the people’’
​Most people believed that Luke had supernatural powers which he could recharge the moment he held his head.
‘‘I am gone’’
Scene Two
Luke the Fighter applies his powers and flies outside to engage Jill the Vampire in a fight. There are many other men from the Gua troops outside Gua city as they plan to attack Jill the Vampire who is now fast approaching.
‘‘We will only allow qualified persons to engage the Vampire’’ called the commander.
‘‘No, it is everyone’s right to fight for the city, and I will move on even if I am not recruited’’ Luke the Fighter responded.
By this time the vampire and his troops were already attacking.
‘‘We have come to finish your castle’’ shouted Jill the Vampire. ‘‘For a long time your king has refused to accept that he is weak, and we are here today to verify that he is not able.’’
‘‘Attack them! Kill them1’’ commanded the vampire.
The fight has now ensued, and the vampire troops from Antigua seem stronger than those from Gua. Whereas Luke had previously shown interest in engaging in the battle, he had not stepped in yet since he was not sure that the weapons could work efficiently when compared to those that the vampires had carried.
‘‘Help, help, help save our city’’ King Frank shouted from the top off the castle.
‘‘We are at work, we are doing our best, and we shall overpower them’’ the Gua commander responded as more men joined the fight.
The vampires had now noted where King Frank was seated, and their main intention was to ensure that they kill the troops and kidnap the king. By now, Luke the Fight had already joined the battle, and the commander noted that he was performing better than most of the troop members. Although the Gua movement tried their best to fight the vampires, they lost in this incidence since Jill the Vampire managed to get at King Frank and kidnapped him to Antigua castle.
‘‘You said you were great?’’ asked Jill the Vampire ‘‘Now show us your greatness.’’
‘‘I did not say I am the greatest, but I want the best for my people’’ responded King Frank.
‘‘Today we are concerting you to become part of the Antigua movement’’
‘‘We are also going to ensure that we take over the kingdom of Gua’’
The conversation between King Frank and Jill the Vampire continued for several minutes as they headed away from the Gua area. Most of the people were afraid that they had lost their king, thus the probability that the vampires would attack and take over Gua.
‘‘I do not fear Jill the Vampire’’ exclaimed Luke ‘‘I am ready to follow the troops to save the king.’’
Most people could not agree with Luke, the Vampire since they knew that the vampire was dangerous.
‘‘I need support, more people should come out and agree to follow me to Antigua so that we can save King Frank.
‘‘I will join you Frank’’ claimed one of the troop members.
‘‘No, we will join you, all of us are determined.’’
Luke the fight had instilled confidence in the remaining troop members, hence the reason why they gained courage and decided that they would follow the vampires so that they can achieve the mission of saving the king.
‘‘Let us move, let us keep going, they are far by now’’ reported Luke the Fighter.
‘‘I believe that with good organization, we will manage to save King Frank and kill the vampire.’’
Although all troop members from Gua had agreed that they were ready to fight and take over the kingdom of Antigua, they developed fear when they arrived at the entrance.
‘‘Please represent us, Luke the Fighter,’’ the commander begged.
‘‘No, we had to go in together to save the king’’
‘‘Please start, we will follow immediately you move in the castle.’’
It was interesting that qualified members of the Gua troops who had gone through proper training did not have confidence in joining the movement, but they instead believed in Luke the Fighter.
‘‘I am ready, I am ready to save the king’’ Luke claimed while holding his head.
Most people believed that the character had supernatural powers that developed whenever he held his head for a minute before a fight. Within a minute Luke the Vampire had developed courage and decided to attack the castle. To the shock of many, he moved swiftly into the castle.
‘‘Surrender!!’’ Luke asserted as he entered the castle.
The vampire was already alerted, and from seeing Luke, he decided to take his weapons, ready for the fight.
‘‘I am not stopping, I am here for a fight to save my king’’ Luke the Fighter responded.
‘‘You will not save him, we are going to kill both of you.’’
As the vampire claimed that they were ready to kill the king and Luke, the character applied his supernatural powers which ensured that it was easy to attack. The king and the other troop members remained confused since they did not know how Luke the Fighter had managed to run over their head with attacks.
‘‘You have to die, it your time’’ Luke the Fighter shouted angrily.
‘‘No, let us talk over the issue’’ the vampire responded.
‘‘Dead!’’ Luke the Fighter exclaimed as he shoved his sword killing the vampire with the final hit.
Scene Three
‘‘Let us move fast King Frank’’ Luke the Fighter instructed as he released the king from the chains.
‘‘Thank you, thank you for saving me’’ responded ​King Frank panting heavily. ‘‘I always knew you were a great man and fighter’’
The king and Luke the Fighter rushed out to stay away from the Antigua vampires since they had killed their leader. They meet the other troop members outside since they had previously feared to enter the castle.
‘‘We have killed him, we have finished the fight against the vampire’’ Luke the Fighter narrated. ‘‘I managed to kill the vampire with one shove of the sword.’’
‘‘You are great, you are the winner’’ shouted the other team members as they carried both Luke the Fighter and King Frank high, celebrating the victory.
The moved back to their city of Gua singing and praising Luke the Fighter for saving the king.
‘‘My son, you are great, I am happy that you emerged victorious in the fight’’ Luke’s mother bellowed as they arrived in Gua.
‘‘I told you, mother, I am powerful’’ Luke responded while hugging both the mother and Ruth.
A celebration was organized by King Frank to celebrate Luke the Fighter for the rescue, and also made an important announcement.
‘‘I am proud of Luke the Fighter,’’ stated King Frank, ‘‘and I believe that he is the one who deserves this throne from today.’’
The residents of Gua cheered as Luke the Fighter was chosen to take over from King Frank.

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