What if the sun never rose | Teen Ink

What if the sun never rose

October 6, 2021
By Anonymous

It was on a Sunday afternoon and the sun was out shining bright as ever, maybe the brightest people have seen the sun shine and two siblings by the names of Star, 13, and Sonny,  15, were outside playing and enjoying the sun. The sun had eventually set and night time had finally struck and it was time for the two to go back inside. So that meant Star and Sonny had to go settle down and get ready for bed and their bedtimes were 8:30-9:00, 9:30 being the latest. Everyone in the house was asleep and ready for what the day brings tomorrow. Morning was upon the whole family and was time for Star, Sonny and their parents to get up and get ready for the day. It was about 8:30 on a Friday morning and Star was curious to see how it felt outside and she noticed that the sun wasn't up and she said “ that’s weird, the sun is always up at this time. I wonder what’s going on.” She then went to tell the others that the sun isn’t up yet and everyone else went out to see what she was talking about then saw what Star meant. The sun wasn’t up yet and it was already about to be 9:00. They waited to see if the sun would come back up within the next couple of minutes to an hour to see if it would come back up.

It was 10:30 on the same Friday morning, and the sun still wasn’t up yet. They all questioned each other on where the sun could’ve gone but nobody had a good answer on their mind. Star said that it could be daylight savings time but it wasn’t March yet, it was still February. Sonny agreed with what Star had said but he also told her that maybe daylight savings started a bit earlier than usual. Star and Sonny’s parents were just too in shock to say anything about what was going on. But after talking it over with Sonny, Star had a brilliant idea to try and get the sun back up to earth. Every single person in the world didn’t go anywhere that Friday and have not gone anywhere in a while and a whole week has passed and still no sign of the sun shining bright and breath-takingly beautiful. Star and Sonny thought that they were the only two people in the world to be brave enough to try and go up to space to see what was going on with the sun and try to bring it back. So the two of them set out on an adventure to gather more and more people around the world to go get the back shining down on earth. As they were gathering people, Sonny asked Star “ how are we going to get the sun back shining?” replied “ we're going to need a spaceship if we want to get the sun back.” Sonny gave her a look of confusion and said “how on earth would we manage to get a spaceship???” She replied back to him “ Just go to the International Space Station duh.” 

Star and Sonny's journey to get the sun back was still in full operation and was getting closer and closer to reaching their goal of getting it back. They finally got to the Space Station to get the Spaceship they needed to get the sun back and of course they weren't able to drive the spaceship themselves so they had to have a professional spaceship driver to fly them up to space. So eventually they found the spaceship they needed and proceeded to hop in to set off into space and both Star and Sonny were a bit nervous but they remembered that they had a professional driving them. Never in a million years did Star and Sonny think they were going to be in a spaceship on a mission to get the sun back shining down on earth. They finally set off into space and did not realize how fast the spaceship was going nor did they realize how vivid space was going to be. As they were flying around in space they saw something big and bright in the distance and saw it was the sun, so they decided to fly towards it to see what was going on with it and the reason behind the situation. But all of a sudden they for some reason saw it start to rise slowly and eventually rose all the way up and could not believe their eyes on what they were seeing. They flew back to earth and almost everyone was thanking them and it filled the two up with a lot of joy and happiness. 

The author's comments:

My name is Damien ortiz and I am writing this article to hope to make it on the magazine

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