The Peace Brought By the Butterfly | Teen Ink

The Peace Brought By the Butterfly

February 15, 2022
By -chaos- BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
-chaos- BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A giant butterfly caught its wing in a branch of a tree that was sticking out. For a human, the butterfly would be humongous, houses had no size on it and would be either worshipped or killed, but that was not here nor there. The wind aggressively whipped around, pushing the butterfly's wing farther into the branch, creating a bigger rip. There was no struggle, the beautiful animal would die here, staring into the last remnants of the day. It could have been beautiful if not for the heartbreaking scene- the clouds were barely there, only wisps and the wind howled, already mourning the delicate creature. Leaves began to swirl and the ocean churned, feeling the loss and soon the other animals that inhabited the forest were alerted as well. As they made their way to gather around the butterfly, a hunter, no- a protector died. The human had saved her chief, saving the village from a war, creating a peaceful universe instead of the other paths it could have taken. As the two souls meet for the last time, a blessing was placed on the Earth, braided into the trees and the water and the world.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my creative writing class because while I am told that my writing is amazing, I cannot finish a actual piece. Seriously, I do not have a single actual work. Not school writing, not my own, just small little pieces of writing. Even so, everything I write is imbued with a little bit of passion, sometimes just enough to make the work interesting or sometimes to make someone cry. Passion makes you feel something, wether that be motivation, sadness, peace or anger- passion is needed for everything and anything, writing, sports, arts & crafts, doing your school work because a little bit of passion can go a long way.

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