Fractured Fairy Tale | Teen Ink

Fractured Fairy Tale

May 17, 2022
By BenL BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
BenL BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom long ago, there was a King named King Stefan. He had a newborn child with his wife Queen Leah. Their child was named Prince Aria. People from villages and other kingdoms as well as three fairies dressed in drag came to bestow a gift to Prince Aria. The three fairies dressed in drag, named Gaslight, Gatekeep, and Girlboss, each gave Prince Aria a gift. Gaslight grants him the gift of beauty, Gatekeep grants him the gift of song, but before Girlboss can give the last gift, A big gust of wind blows open the front door and blows out all the candles making the room darker. A dark figure appears in the doorway, it’s Maleficent. She walks in wearing all black terrifying everyone she passes. 

“Well, quite a glittering assemblage, King Stefan. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and how quaint, even the rebel.” Said Maleficent. Girlboss starts to fly toward Maleficent, but is stopped by Gaslight. “I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation.”

“You weren't welcome!” said Girlboss.

“Not wa..? Oh, well what an awkward situation. I thought everyone was able to attend. Well, in that event I’d best be on my way.”

Queen Leah says, “And you’re not offended, my excellency?”

“Why no, your majesty. And to show I bear no ill will, I too have a gift.” Maleficent holds up her arms and yells as green mist floods the room, “Listen well all of you! The Prince will indeed be beautiful and loved by all, but before the sun sets on his sixteenth birthday, he will prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!” Everyone gasps.

“Seize her!” yelled King Stefan. All the guards circle Maleficent. A flash of lightning fills the room and Maleficent has disappeared.

Gaslight reassures the King and Queen, “Don’t worry. Girlboss still has her gift to give.”

“Can you reverse Maleficent's curse?” asked King Stefan.

“Well no. Maleficent's magic is far too powerful to be reversed.” answered Girlboss. 

“But she can help,” said Gaslight.

“But I-” Girlboss muttered.

“Just do your best.” 

“Sweet Prince Aria. Don’t let this wicked witch’s curse leave you in despair, for there is a ray of hope still there. You will be beautiful and loved by all, and you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, but fall into a death-like slumber is what will happen only to be awoken by true love's kiss.” King Stefan is still fearful of Maleficent returning, so he left Prince Aria in the care of the three fairies to live in a secret cottage in the woods. The fairies disguised themselves as humans and never to use magic while taking care of Prince Aria. The fairies changed Prince Aria's name to Briar Ross.

Briar Ross grew up in the little cottage thinking Gaslight, Gatekeep, and Girlboss were three peasant women who found Aria abandoned in the woods. 

On Briar Ross’ sixteenth birthday, the fairies have planned a very special party. They decorated and Girlboss is going to Bake a cake.

“I’m going to bake a cake,” said Girlboss.

“And I’ll get a uniform perfect for a Prince to wear,” Gaslight said.

“I’ll get the wands.”

“Yes, you… the wands?” 

“No magic.” Gatekeep said.

“But it’s almost the sixteenth birthday.” replied Girlboss.

“We must not take any chances,” said Gaslight.

“But I’ve never baked a cake before.”

“Use a book” said Gatekeep. Girlboss baked a cake using a cookbook, and it didn’t turn out too good. The top is tilting about to fall over so they had to put a broom under it to keep it up. While the fairies were getting things ready for the party, Briar Ross was taking a walk in the woods while singing about falling in love with a prince, when a young man approached him. 

“Your voice is very beautiful,” said the man. Briar Ross turned around quickly and gasped. “I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“Oh no it’s not that, it's...” said Briar Ross.

“I’m a stranger?”


“But we’ve met before.”

“We have?” asked Briar Ross

“Yes, like you sang about” The Prince started singing the song Briar Ross was singing, and he joined in. They start leaning in closer to each other but Briar Ross remembered he is a stranger and ran off. “Wait! When will I see you again?”

“Soon!” replied Briar Ross.

“So tomorrow?” 

“This evening, at the cottage!” The prince gets back on his horse and rides off. Briar Ross tells the Fairies about the prince he just met, but they got upset because he is already betrothed to Prince Phillip since the day he was born and they told him about his past and the curse. Briar Ross couldn’t believe them and she ran up to her room to cry. Prince Phillip arrives at the castle and his father is there with King Stefan. Prince Phillip tells his father that he has met the one he wants to be with and his father gets upset because he is supposed to be with Prince Aria. Meanwhile Briar Ross and the fairies walk cautiously to the castle. 

When they get to the castle they lock the doors and hide Prince Aria. The fairies go to see King Stefan but then they hear Maleficent so they rush back to protect Prince Aria. They reach the room he is hiding in and they see him walking into the fireplace that has opened up into a door but it has closed once they reached it. Prince Aria walks through a dark hallway with a green light at the end. At the end of the hall is Spinning wheel that is glowing with a faint green light. Prince Aria can’t stop himself and pricks his finger and falls into a death like sleep. The fairies finally get in and they see the Prince on the floor so they carry him back to his bed while they try and figure out something to do, but they remember the man Prince Aria met so they rush back to the cottage to find him. At the cottage they find Prince Phillip and they tell him what has happened. So he rushes to find Maleficent and kill her.

Prince Phillip finds her but she turns into a dragon. They fight each other and Prince Phillip is almost pushed into a hole of fire but he kills Maleficent just in time. He returns to the castle and kisses Prince Aria and it works, he has woken up. They arranged for their wedding and they lived happily ever after, The end.

The author's comments:

This was written in my creative writing class. This story is a fractured fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. I changed the genders and names of the characters. 

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