A purpose | Teen Ink

A purpose

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Long time ago in a small town in Ohio Texas there was a magical dog that was born who would sooner or later find out its purpose it was supposed to serve . The little puppy Maverick was born in a ditch somewhere deep in the woods. Sooner or later he would start strolling around until one day ; he got  captured by a human .Since Maverick at this time was a canine he was considered as a “dangerous dog breed”. Sadly as the humans that abducted him and brought him to the shelter they had to put him down, but little does he know this is how his magnificent story begins!!

       Since maverick isn’t just an ordinary dog he's a magical one he remembers everything from the past life and more. Everytime he dies his soul transfers and gets reincarnated. Maverick was then born into a breeder , but he doesn’t like the breeder so he tries to run and escape. Where he then runs into a busy street. He kept running and running afraid to look back and find the scary breeder. As Maverick was running, it began to pour down like cats and dogs. So he quickly had to seek shelter at the nearest house in the neighborhood. He then found a very beautiful house that had a front porch so he decided to climb the steps and stay there until the rain calmed down. As Maverick was laying there fading out of consciousness from starvation and dehydration he noticed a car pulling up to the driveway. He was scared beyond belief , since he didn't know if the person getting out of the car would be a bad guy. As the car came to a stop a stunning lady came out of it. But he couldn't move out the way as the lady came closer to him she stopped and admired him as Maverick sat unable to react. The lady known as Elizabeth picked the dog up and carried him inside.  Little does Maverick know this is where his journey begins.

    As soon as Elizabeth enters the house with Maverick she sets him down and brings him a warm towel and blanket. The husband Daniel comes in and greets her like always “Hey my love im glad your home.  As they were greeting each other Daniel from the corner out of his eye said something underneath the towel left on the floor. When Daniel gets near it he hears whimpering coming from under the towel. Daniel was left astonished  that Elizabeth just brought a puppy home out of thin air. But as Daniel examined Maverick more he noticed why he brought the dog in. He was just a little puppy plus the poor thing was missing his front leg.  So out of the benefit of the doubt they just kept and nurtured him back to a  stable state . Later home on the day Anthony they parents son came back from school. When he entered the house he saw both of his parents standing right infront of him holding Maverick. Anthony was ecstatic he always wanted  a dog and as soon as both of them locked eyes it was an instant connection. Of course Maverick was beyond excited wagging his little fluffy tail. They turned into best friends in a matter of an instant  . Wherever Anthony would go Maverick would follow right behind him. As the years go by Anthony and Maverick are starting to grow older and older. Anthony just received a scholarship to go play football in the next level; he was delighted. Sadly that happiness wouldn’ take so long to fade, as there has been an accident waiting for him and Maverick . As both of them were sleeping the oven was left on cooking and then…. BOOM!!!. It exploded causing a massive fire spreading rapidly throughout the house making the fire alarms go off frantically BEEP BEEP BEEP is all you can hear throughout the house.Maverick and Anthony are both woken up in distress not knowing what is happening. Lucky Maverick comes to mind first and rushes the boy out of the room before the fire spreads to the room. Anthony had to take a leap of faith out the window while Maverick went to help out Daniel and Elizabeth escape eot safety. As Anthony falls to the ground his leg folded inwards causing him to hear a big CRACK and him unable to move. As everyone comes out to the front yard everyone comes to Anthony as he is laying on the ground screaming in pain. The injury has changed Anthony's life forever he won’t be able to play ever again. He soon lost his scholarship and moved away from home to go to another college all while Maverick was there cheering him on no  matter what. As Anothony went on to college he sadly left poor Maverick behind. He didn’t understand why he left, he was so confused and felt lonely. Yes Daniel and Elizabeth were lovely to him, but nothing was . same without Anthony after all they were inseparable. About 3 years pass by and Maverick is beginning to get old and sick. Sooner or later he is rushed to the hospital where they figure out he is dying. So the family decides to put him down so he won't have to suffer. As everyone is saying their final goodbyes Anthony shows up to share one last moment with his best friend. As they were injecting Maverick with the sedation he reached out his paw to Anthony and made a promise to him in his head. “ My beloved human, I will come and find you,and when the chance comes again I will serve my purpose to you”. Maverick shall then pass on While Anothony mourns holding his paw.  

  Then again Maverick’s soul is transferred and gets reincarnated as a girl this time ?. Maverick was so confused why this had happened. She was now a canine unit for the police force. Maverick of the bat was assigned to this one particular police officer that had lost his wife and kid in a terrible accident. Maverick felt his pain and agony coming from him, so he decided to help him out for the time being before finding Anthony again and fulfilling his promise .

Mavericks new owner was a very good police officer in fact one of the best ones. As she continued her training at the police for the unit she would improve much faster than the rest of the dogs. Maverick and the officer were very good at catching criminals, but that would soon come to an end. One night when they were hunting down this criminal. Maverick chases the dude down to this alleyway where then the bad guy pulls out a gun and POW POW POW Maverick has been shpy down to the ground…. The officer quickly came into action and caught the criminal. Soon after that they went to the hospital to quickly attend to Mavericks wounds as his officer was standing right next to her. She was glad that she made the officer happy but she had to pass on in order to complete her promise to Antohny. As she passes on she yet again starts getting reincarnated.

Soon after Mavericks starts to wake up from the reincarnation he realizes that he was born into the breeder from before, but he seems much much older now. The breeder then hands Maverick to a man that was going to give it to his girlfriend. Sadly she often forgets to feed and rarely takes the young puppy for walks or to use the bathroom. The lady is also not supposed to keep dogs at her apartment, so she gives the dog to her mother and step father. The stepfather sadly abandons Maverick in the woods.

Maverick is where he started ,many lives ago, as a homeless animal. Soon, he picked up such a familiar scent ! It’s not the scent of existential despair; it’s the scent of ANTHONY, his human. Maverick tracks down the scent and finds Anthony living in his own house. Maverick was shocked to see his human this way, he was an old and wrinkly man. Anthony then sees Maverick but at first he didn’t recognize him at all, but he was still nice for the time being . Sadly Anthony didn’t let the dog inside of the house , but soon he started to get flashbacks of Maverick so he let the dog in the house. Anthony was soon getting all the memories from looking at the reincarnated version of Maverick. Anthony thought to himself”they show too many similarities for it to be a coincidence”. Sooner or later he figured out that it was Maverick from his childhood. All the jubilant dog could do was bark and wag its tail. Deep down Maverick knew Anthony figured it out. They both reinstate themselves after sharing such a monumental moment of realization. Both of them continued living out the rest of the years they had in them. 

As Anthony grew much older he began to get terribly ill. Soon he was rushed to the hospital and by his side was his companion Maverick. As Anthony was taking his last breath he whispers to Maverick . “You are a man's best friend ,as I pass on remembering my sweet boy you have made me happy and kept me company, you have truly served your purpose” Maverick was in a state of shock as his owner's eyes began to close. He knew he had passed on and it was his turn too. He went into Anthony’s lap and cuddled up right next to him and in his head he said.” Thank you humans for letting me rest in peace. I love you” . As Maverick’s eyes began to close he started to disappear and soon he had faded away meeting Anthony in the heaven up above. 

The author's comments:

Just a frindly reminder to serve your purpose 

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