There's Nothing Here | Teen Ink

There's Nothing Here

September 23, 2022
By Anonymous

There’s Nothing Here

It all starts with a brilliant scientist named max and his 14-year-old son Eli and max has been working a big project ever since Eli was born Because he’s dream is to watch his son grow up because he is dying from cancer so one, he got an idea and so he started working a time machine in his garage to go to the future and see his son as a grown up

While max is working on his time machine Eli wants to play hide and seek and max told him

 “Don’t you think you’re a little old for that” and Eli replied, “I’m still a kid aren’t I so count to 30 and I’ll hide” So max started counting to 30 and Eli went to the garage, and he saw something new something he has never seen.

A car that looks like his dream car with blueprints under it “maybe I can scare my dad with car but where are the keys”

 As Eli starts to look for the keys, he sees that the car doesn’t need a car it needs a fingerprint, so Eli enters the car through the window and begins to hide

“Eli where are you I’m coming for you” Max start to look under the car hoping Eli is not under it and he sees nothing it was like starring into a void

 “Eli you better not be in the car “max stands up and as soon has does the car turns on and he starts to scream “Don’t do it- “ 

Eli wakes up inside the car “My head it hurts…What happened?” Sits up and look out the window and sees nothing but instead of being frightened he can’t help but feel like something is missing or someone

 “Everything is black, and I can’t see anything, but I can see my hands? Where am I” the car turns back on and starts to talk to Eli “We are in the year…. Error…. We are in…Error…It appears we are- “the car turns off

“I need to remember what happened I was in the car, and I turned it on and suddenly I was traveling really fast and hit creature with tentacles and now I’m here “

The car turns on suddenly “Rift detected “Eli looks out the window again and sees that the blackness is cracking, and light starts coming out from it and an arm comes out from it and Eli hears a voice it’s his mother Alice “Eli gets out of the car and grab my hand “Eli gets out of the car and goes to his mother’s arm as she pulls him into reality again.

“Mom- what happened to you and where am I” he stared at his mother who looked older than ever

Alice response “you been gone for 20 years and our in the lab that helped me get you bac- “suddenly, she starts to glitch, and he hears his father’s voice “found you” and everything goes back to normal

“Everything ok Eli,” said his mother

“Mom where’s dad where is dad” his mother response “he left you when you were little, so you built a time machine to see him again “Eli looked at his mother eyes sadness not believing what she just said

“My dad never left me”” screamed Eli “he would have never left me here”

“You want to know the truth he died from cancer Eli his dead” his mother said

“No, he is not” Eli yelled at his mother

“This isn’t real this isn’t real” Eli reacts fast and runs outside “none of this is real! Where am I! Dad! DAD!” Everything around Eli starts to shatter as his screams get louder and louder and Eli begins to cry for his father

“Eli calm down”

“Who said that!” screamed Eli as something starts to form in front of him

“I am what you would call nothing,” said Nothing

“No, you are something just because you don’t have a body doesn’t mean your nothing” said Eli with anger “where am and where is my dad”

“Where in a void and I am nothing, I can only speak because of you Eli, ever since you arrived this void has been consuming you until your emotions got in the way and so it tried to consume those emotions Creating me in the process “

Eli looked around in shocked “If I’m here so is my dad so where is he” Eli said calmly

“He is waiting patiently for you his alive but doesn’t have much time the void has been consuming him a lot quicker because he has accepted his fate his in his own little reality”

“He wouldn’t have given up easily he wants to see me grow up “Eli said sadly

“And he is, in his reality you’re growing up with him, he found his happy ending and has accepted it”

Suddenly Eli was able to hear his dad “Eli” he heard faintly as in is not trying to die

“It appears your dad has sensed your presence and wants to see you before is to late, so I suggest saying your goodbyes,” said nothing

Suddenly Eli is in a flat land full of grass and sees memories floating through the sky and fade slowly “so this is dad’s reality, and this must be his memories being consumed”

“Eli? Is so good to see you” Max starts to hug Eli with tears going down his face as Eli hugs him back he starts to cry

“I’m sorry this is all my fault if I didn’t turn on the car you wouldn’t be here right, I’m sorry” Eli starts to hug his dad harder

“It’s ok It already happened and we can’t change it that it is why I have accepted my fate” his dad said quietly as he starts to fade “look Eli I don’t have much time left so I want you to something for me…Forgive yourself “as max gets consumed by the void so does his reality and Eli ends up in the void again

“The void is trying to consume you question is are you going to let it do it” nothing said to Eli as his sad face starts to smile

“As long as is painless I’ll let consume me” Eli starts to see his memories he accepts his fate “forgive myself I guess I should forgive myself” as Eli smiles one last time his memories start fade and so does, he until there’s nothing left to consume

The author's comments:

It involves the void

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