The Lost and Forgotten in an Irradiated Wasteland | Teen Ink

The Lost and Forgotten in an Irradiated Wasteland

September 30, 2022
By Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Yayah GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sky dances with lost memories, ones that have yet to find their way home. Your eyes see nothing but destruction and plague, but even then they hope that they may someday find the star hidden among the rubble. The people run in fear, of not only you, but the darkness that has yet to seep out of their skin. The rain that comes is a salvation that can never be, for those who fall for its alluring relief will burn from the inside until nothing but rot remains. Every time someone breaks the vultures descend, their beaks snapping with delight and gluttony. You run from the past you lost, yet the promise of golden fields and smiling faces drives you back every single time, even if you can no longer recall those faces. You were once driven by kindness but now nothing but oil remains. The faces of the lost will forever be mourned, yet the reason as to why will be lost to time. The loneliness is all consuming but reminds you of a tune you had once loved.

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