The Beautiful Creature | Teen Ink

The Beautiful Creature

February 7, 2023
By sleepy_pricsilla BRONZE, Kent, Washington
sleepy_pricsilla BRONZE, Kent, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like I let myself and my family down, but this new feeling … I’ve never felt something like this. It felt so good; Like I could finally breathe as if I was drowning, and I somehow ended up ashore…

Hello, I’m a Harpy: half-bird half-human. I’m aware it sounds weird but that’s the name we go by. We literally are and no we can’t transform into one and change. We have both characteristics. As I lived on this earth, I thought we would be seen as beautiful things but only in the past. Present time i’m displeasing to look at and be around. A revolting type of creature. How I was born well…get ready, you might not be expecting this. My mother: a daughter of wealthy landowners’ mange to fall in love with my father who of course is a harpy like me. At first my grampa and grandma didn’t fully approve as they knew almost nothing about our history.

My father showed his worth as he is smart and a hardworker, my grandmother then discussed our history and reassured nothing horrible will happen. They then gave in and approved of their marriage; years later they had me. If you're wondering as how I was born. I'm just born normal and not hatched from an egg. Mother's mom was concerned about that. As a harpy that doesn’t mean I didn’t get any of my mom’s beautiful traits. I did but I also have more of my dad’s side, as I’m not so hot tempered or so overly kind at times. I’m reasonably calm like my father, just the female version. Anyway, now present me; I’m here discussing with Talia about her gowns; She’ll need to wear for her next ball. “Some don’t suit my eye color!” she says angrily…almost pouty. “Maybe because you have color changing eyes” I sarcastically respond to her statement.

 She just stares at me and gives me a well-known sarcastic laugh. Asking why am I here? Doing what exactly with duchess Talia? The lady-in-waiting as people call her… well long story but she needs an introduction anyway. Talia the daughter of king and queen of the Graenada Kingdom. Talia the next to inherit the throne, of course a king is needed, you know the story. Well, we meet as kids. When she stumbled upon my home, she was prone to run away to play with other kids. I happened to be playing outside; she ran from behind a Bush, I screamed and thought someone was trying to attack me; an animal or something.

That's when she fell on me and introduced herself. The audacity I thought but realized she was Talia, the royal kid. As stood up I helped her up as well, “oh, hello I’m Matrix a harpy.” As I was saying that she was just staring at me, almost mesmerized. Suddenly she said “oh my gosh! You have wings?! And your feathers? There so soft!” well…of course, I’m a harpy? I look at her dumfounded. So, I repeated myself avoiding the sparkles in her eyes. “I’m Matrix. A harpy.” She weirdly snapped and looked like she realized something. ‘Here it comes’ I thought.

“Oh, nice meeting you! Also… what’s a harpy!?” she looked so generally confused as I was quite surprised myself. She didn’t look much older than me so she must have heard of our type. I was about to answer but my mom ran out the house and wore a worried expression on her face. She must’ve heard my scream. I looked back at her to reassure her that I was fine; her worry soon turned into confusion as she looked at the girl behind me.

 Mom knew I liked playing alone at times, so she was quite surprised to see Talia. I introduced her and my mother said “hello, little lady I’m Matrix mom!” Talia was now back to her confused state. As she was about to ask her question because it seemed like she had one. Guards appeared out of nowhere as they yelled out her name and Queen Belia being the loudest of them all. “Talia! Tali- oh! My goodness there you are! You’re all dirty, how many times did I tell you about not sneaking out! You make me worry.” she said.

 Talia responded with a “sorry” as she was picked up. “OH! Mommy, look! This is m- Marix! My new friend!” she says excited. As we bowed, I whispered my name, and my mother heard and giggled. “Well, pleasure to meet you. Oh Mrs. Orax! I didn’t recognize you for a second! What a pleasure to see you again!” queen exclaimed. Again mother: daughter of wealthy lands owners so they knew each other and but for the last name…I have no say. Our moms talked, we played, became a regular thing from then on. Now I’m here working for the ‘lady-in-waiting’. This ball hosted by her father; the king has been holding such balls to find her a potential husband. You probably already know how it goes.

 She’s tried 500 dress that look almost the same just different color. “Here!”… “Try this one on!” she says loudly. Good thing the store is closed because everyone’s ears would have hurt from such yell. I got used to it. “uh, no I’m ok…I’m not here for me. I’m just here to accompany you and help you choose.” I respond. I hear her urging me to try it on. She doesn’t like me wearing such ‘old’ dresses; says I look like a grandma…she’s 18 and I’m 19, I’m not that old. I try it on for we can hurry up and leave already.

 Turns out it's nice. I can’t lie it matches my wings but it's a bit reveling for me. ‘The lady’ is fangirling. Talia proceeds to buy it and says I better- no HAVE to wear it. Me now urging her to do no such thing. She used the royal card- I swear she uses it for the wrong reasons. As we leave, she mentioned she already had one made so she went to find me one; I’m done I can’t with her… Now at the entry that held the ball. While we wait, I recall our conversation “you look so amazing! Mrs. Oraxs beauty really is shining with your own! I'm jealous, I want your looks!” I scoffed. Even I know it’s not that good. “You might also find yourself someone” she mentions; she needs to attend her needs first. Despite that I've never been in love, so I don’t have such needs. Now entering; the room is silent the chatter disappearing. As I’m walking behind her; they glance at me... Those eyes: I feel them burn through my skin. I’m instantly filled with non-wanted memories. Such horrible words yelled at me in the past… slowly look down in defeat as I clearly hear the non-spoken threats and insults. If the lady knew this, she will be furious, so they stop. A sudden thought appeared. “Will…I ever have a chance to find such love?” 






The author's comments:

I was inspired by some shows and i just found this prompt and added to it and twisted it a bit! I wish to continue it!

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