Not The Way It Seems | Teen Ink

Not The Way It Seems

September 1, 2023
By nadineramos BRONZE, Houston, Texas
nadineramos BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                      Not The Way It Seems

Daniel and Betty were titled “High School Sweethearts” by all and in fact, they were. From the outside looking in, they had it all and Betty thought the same, but did Daniel? Betty thought he had always thought the same but recently she has not been sure. Something was wrong, and Betty knew it in the core of her gut. The only problem was she didn’t know what it was. Is he cheating? Is she being crazy? Is it something she did? She had no clue. A couple of weeks went by, and nothing had changed, Betty didn’t notice Daniel acting any different, so she convinced herself it was nothing, although the feeling was so great that some days it pained her. One cool fall night, she decided to just sit on the rocking chair on the front porch and wait, wait for a lightbulb to go off in her head so maybe she could have an idea of what this feeling was about. Meanwhile, Daniel was on his way home from work and wanted to know what Betty cooked for dinner, He called her phone numerous times waiting for her to pick up, but she never did. He figured she was too busy, so he continued driving. Little did Daniel know, Betty was busy, busy watching as the leaves blew with the wind trying to figure out why she was getting this feeling. Daniel finally got home and was walking up to the porch, Betty looked like she was in a trance. He called out her name and she was blank, so instead he shook her. “Yes?” she said in a delicate voice “Are you okay?” said Daniel, you seem ill, also have you made anything to eat?” said Daniel. Betty shamingly shook her head, so they both decided to order out. After they were done, Daniel went off to sleep while Betty stayed up. She began rummaging through his car, every inch of it, including his work backpack. Daniel hears this and comes down to his car “Betty what on earth are you doing?” says Daniel, “Nothing, I just...” says Betty. At this exact moment, Betty’s mind had gone completely blank, and rightfully so because how could she explain all of this to him? She’d sound insane. “I’m not even sure what I should say right now, why are you doing this? What? Do you think I’m cheating on you or something?” said Daniel. Betty and Daniel had proceeded to get into this big argument. Daniel went to his mom’s house to spend a few days there while Betty just sat and cried. “What did I do?” said Betty, as her whole body felt an overwhelming sense of regret and guilt. However, Betty did find something in Daniels car, a peculiar-looking stick. Betty observes it in confusion as to why he even had this in the first place “I don’t want to sound stupid but dare I say this is a wand?” says Betty, “But it can’t be…right?” as she sits there looking at it so hard her eyes could destroy it simply with her gaze. She decides to go to sleep but she wakes up to a flashing light downstairs, the wand is flashing all sorts of colored lights, Betty proceeds to pick it up and it turns her love seat into a bar of chocolate “What is going on right now? Is this for real? This is…a wand?” She tried it on her dining room table, turning it into a leaf, then her indoor plant, turning it into a butterfly. Betty could not believe this was happening. Meanwhile, Daniel was telling his friends and coworkers about how crazy his wife Betty is. Word made back to his mom, and she lectured him on to never talk bad about his wife, even if it is the truth. “Defamation on your wife is not an honorable thing! You’ve done enough, I think you’d better go home to Betty now, get out.” said Daniels mom, “But mom, me and her have been going through a tough time lately and what I’m saying is true, she is crazy!” said Daniel. “I don’t care if she’s crazy or not, she’s your wife and you need to be by her side and stop talking mess about her like she’s a nobody” said Daniels mom. As much as Daniel wanted his mother to be wrong, she was right. He should have never done that, so ultimately, he decided to go home. He got there fully expecting Betty to be awake since it was only 7 p.m., but when he went upstairs, she was asleep. He went looking around the house just to see what was different, suddenly there was a butterfly loose in the house, a random leaf, and a bar of chocolate. “What is all this doing here? Ugh, so much crap everywhere.” said Daniel. The next morning, when Betty woke up, she noticed that Daniel was sleeping beside her. The overwhelming sense of fear and the bad feeling in her gut came over her once again. Betty sat there now realizing the feeling was only there when Daniel was there. But she loves Daniel, and she knows he feels the same way, right? Betty decides to get all dolled up for him while he’s asleep since they haven’t seen each other in quite a while, despite her having a bad feeling even more than ever, almost making her want to throw up. After Betty is done, she pulls out the wand to admire it, little did Betty know, Daniel was standing right in the corner of the hallway watching her. He knew she had the wand since he could not find it anywhere. Daniel then announces himself to Betty asking what that was. Betty proceeds to tell him what she had discovered hidden in his car, Daniel was furious. How could she take something like that from him and claim it as her own? “Oh, so you just thought it wouldn’t be a big deal if you took it.” And at that you didn’t even say anything after you knew what it was and what it did?” said Daniel “It's not the way it seems Daniel, I was going to tell you when you came home, don’t you see I’m telling you right now?” said Betty “You’re only telling me because you’re caught, and you’re right, it’s not the way it seems” says Daniel as he proceeds to try and turn Betty into a pig. However, Betty pulled a quick one on him and started zapping right at the same time he did, they began ascending from how great the power was, but neither could stop so they continued going head-to-head. After five minutes, the battle had come to an end. One was a human and one was a farm animal. “You’re right Betty, it's not the way it seems.” Said Daniel, as poor Betty stood there, a pig. However, Betty managed to bite on her wand, point it at Daniel, and zapped him when he was not looking, turning him into a frog. Betty hated the way the situation had turned out; however, the wands did not have enough power to turn either one of them back. Both blamed each other for turning one another into an animal. Daniel then disappeared into thin air and a wizard appeared. The wizard had stated that Daniel was one of the evilest people on earth, whether Betty knew it or not and they had been waiting to get rid of him. The only reason they had not before was because he was too strong as a human. The wizard was so thankful for what Betty had done, he turned her back into a human. Now the feeling Betty had was gone, she was so delighted and decided she wanted to continue living as a good wizard. The wizard agreed and she traveled to the magic realm and lived her best life ever since.

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