Red Roses | Teen Ink

Red Roses

September 1, 2023
By Anonymous

Red Roses 

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far into the woods, there was an enchanting crystal castle where Princess Isabella lived. Her beauty and kindness radiate onto the rest of the kingdom, establishing why many princes were in line for her hand, one being Prince Alexander. 

‘Twas 1623, Spain, Prince Alexander was determined to make Isabella fall in love with him, her beauty and kindness making her the perfect trophy wife.  Jealousy among the kingdoms arose, begging the Princess to break things off with her beloved prince. However, it was too late, the princess’s love for Alexander was colossal. Princess Isabella and Prince Alexander soon married and became king and queen, making them both crucial targets not only of the enemy kingdoms but of the evil witch Estella.  Queen Isabella adored going outside into her garden, picking up roses, and bringing them to the dining table to show her love for King Alexander. She was often alone in the castle, only conversating with the maids and butlers. As much as she desired to leave the castle and explore her kingdom, the King forbade her from leaving. The Queen preferred to cook for him herself, clean up after him, and when going to war, walk with him and kiss him goodbye. 

The King, however, did not notice all the particular things she did for him. However, one night as Queen Isabella walked inside her castle after being outside in her benevolent garden, the evil witch Estella flew over her head landing on Isabella’s red roses she had cultivated herself for Alexander. As the evil witch walked towards the queen she said, “Red roses my stunning and delicate queen? For whom they might be?”. The Queen startled responded, “How may I be of help to you Estella?”. The evil witch, without warning, took her wand and trapped the Queen in a wooden cage, flying her over to her evil dome. As the King returned from a long day of sword fighting to his castle he yelled, “Isabella! I have arrived my beloved”, disregarding that he did not receive an answer, and moved on with his day. After dinner, the castle felt,  lonely. No one to conversate, no flowers on his dining table, and no queen. Meanwhile, in the evil witch Estella’s evil dome, Isabella found herself ascending in the magical cage to where Estella stood. There she said, “My queen, do you not notice how your disappearance has affected your king?”. The Queen with honesty spoke, “Am I being missed? Has my presence finally mattered to my beloved?”. Estella benignly answered, “Isabella darling, my intention is not to harm you or your king, but to show him to learn to appreciate your charming inner beauty!”. 


At this moment, Queen Isabella finally understands Estella’s true intent. Without dawdling, the evil witch Estella delivered the queen to her king. As Isabella arrived, Alexander waiting for her, with red roses from her beautiful garden. With tears in his eyes, the king hugged his queen with all his love, apologizing for not appreciating her for being there with him all these years. Holding the red roses, he promises her as long as he lives, there will always be roses in their garden.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because I love Disney stories and I decided to wight my own 

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