Robert Smiths Unfortunate Ending | Teen Ink

Robert Smiths Unfortunate Ending

September 8, 2023
By jj0392901 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
jj0392901 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

THREE…TWO…ONE...BLAST OFF! The engine thrusted him upward, Astronaut Robert Smith isn’t on a banal mission, today he is going to be the first man on mars. Everything looked perfect as he ascended into space. With the new technology it would only take him two days to reach Mars. Robert had the courage of a hundred lions, this was a risky mission but surely nothing would go wrong, as he breached the atmosphere he saw the cold dark obis of space, he saw the stars blinking at him, he saw the angry orange sun. After many hours of traveling, he decided to turn the ship on autonomous mode and go to sleep; once he woke up, he would only be a few hours away from landing.

Robert as awoken he’s just an hour away from being the first man on Mars. He prepares all the landing instruments and make sure everything is working properly. BOOM! The ship landed too hard, Robert was injured, and the ship was destroyed. Robert was in a panic, he tried calling back to mission control but there was nothing but silence. He tried looking for ways to fix the ship but it was totally antiquated with no way to repair it. Robert had no way of getting back to Earth and no way of surviving for much longer; all of his oxygen leaked. At the brink of death there were human looking figures in the distance walking towards him. “Who is there!” he shouted. The figures looked human but spoke a very foreign language Robert never heard before. Before he was able to say anything Robert passed out from lack of oxygen.

These aliens were the antithesis of what he thought they would look like. Robert asked for help getting back home but the aliens couldn’t understand. The aliens took Robert to some futuristic looking lab room with tons of equipment. They had Robert Hooked up to many machines that were keeping him alive. Robert knew he had to find a way to get back to Earth so one night he decided he must escape. Robert planned to steal one of the Alien space crafts he saw outside his window, it was risky but the only way to leave. The night came, Robert unhooked all the equipment that was connected to him and picked the lock on his door. There was no one in the building so he was easily able to get outside. Once He got outside, he went up to the space craft and opened the gigantic door on it. Once he got inside, he locked it, the ship looked just like his with all the same controls just not in English. The aliens realized what he was doing so they sprinted after him, but it was too late. Robert launched into the atmosphere and went reached space in a matter of seconds.

Now, Robert didn’t realize the space craft was very low on fuel when he first got in because it was in a different language. He only realized when the ship suddenly stopped working far away from Mars and Earth. No one knows Roberts fate he could have been rescued by the Aliens once more or floated off into space, but we do know Robert Smith never made it back to Earth

The author's comments:

This piece is about a man who gets stuck on Mars.

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