Batman Speech | Teen Ink

Batman Speech

September 20, 2023
By MinaT1 BRONZE, Trinity, Florida
MinaT1 BRONZE, Trinity, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Greetings to all the people of Gotham and the Justice League, thank you for gathering here today to hear my voice of mine. Today I do not stand here as the caped crusader but rather as Bruce Wayne, the man nailed to the ground by his past. You all knew me as Batman, the savior of Gotham, the dark knight of the Justice League. But today I announce that this journey has taken a turn for the evil in my heart has taken over the good. For I now become what I used to destroy; a villain. It all began with my past- the murder of my parents. This memory is what caused me to fight for the good of this city but realizing that saving Gotham (people who have no thankfulness for my work) would not help the situation with the murder of my parents I cross the thin line of good and evil taking a step closer to the stage of villanization. I let the anger of my soul take over my body making my actions dangerous to the people around me. The unthankful Ness of the Justice League and Gotham caused me to lose sight of what I swore to do for this city, and this is to save the lives of all citizens of this city, but the darkness of my soul became too dark allowing me to do the opposite. I used to strike fear into the evil of the city but now I will be joining them in striking fear into the citizens of this city, making it my main goal to hurt this city as they did to my parents. The people around me were the love of my life, and my allies continued to fight against the darkness of my body, but the darkness won this battle. I stand here today as a role model of what not to do. Do not turn to evil when struggling and find help early, as I did not do this and turned to evil which will not solve my problems but rather increase them. Gotham deserves better, I did what I could for the past years, but my time has ended as I turn to the wrong direction that fate has led me too. 

The author's comments:

This peice in fiction and a made up speech made for batman, this speech was not said in any batman movie.

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