They are not above us | Teen Ink

They are not above us

September 21, 2023
By Ernestop_18 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Ernestop_18 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beyond the forest in the river of Masaki the air was fresh a strong breeze showing winter is approaching a silent but loud hearing. By the river there stood a deer
drinking out of the flowing current going with the wind.Josh saw this as a perfect chance to take a shot at the vulnerable furry brute until a flap of birds flew out
in a frantic the deer alert in a sprint fled the scene "Damn, there goes my lunch" Josh in renounce let down his scope and in sight gave up. Packing his essentials
his camouflaged cargo pants blowing with the wind he walked home. 30 minute walk he saw his cabin in a distance a glance of relief his pupils growing at the sight,
"Im home". As he walked in he sat down his boots and layer his tools in the garage, he sat down ready to go to bed as the blackness was about to take Josh pervasion
'TZZZZZZZZZ' a loud engine like sound could be heard in the forest. Startled Josh looked out the window, a bright admitting light could be seen in the dark eerie forest.
something impossible as he lived in a far side of the city, 12 miles away from the closest civilization. he walked out his porch look to investigate, taking his rifle he
walked in a soldier like stance the light showing a free sight of the forest he followed. he found a spiral almost a ufo like space craft in the floor you could see a crash
accouredJosh could see behind a bush "What, is that? a UFO? no its too like our technology..." the spacecraft had wheels similar to a helicopters, behind the bush he was about
to approach he heard a scream. "HELP, HELP.. DAD MOM!" josh crouched and notice 2 entities holding a little gi; no older than 8 had a similar build to a human but a uncanny valley
reaction hit josh "are those, humans.. or are those masks?" he was too stunned to show himself or help the little girl who was in distress her body and clothes scrambled and dirty.
Once they took out key like objects they pressed a button which opened the ship like a airplane opening its door. 'She needs help.. I have to do something or they will take her" Josh
took out his rifle and scoping do the creatures, his hands shaking making it difficult to aim he chose a second option and sneaked behind them into the ship, too focused on putting
the girl on a cage the "creatures" occupied did not catch a glimpse of the guy as he sneaked into the one of the sliding doors on the right side of the ship. Once in the sliding door
automatically closed. "I need to find a way to sneak her our" says josh peaking at the cage girl through the glass sliding door, once they left he noticed the UFO taking off his body
rattling he hid behind the closed doors, fortunately the UFO was a 1 story house wide allowing him to hide easily so he did until he saw a opportunity, the girl still whimpering and crying
in despair he noticed the aliens piloting the aircraft so he went in to snuck her out, when he noticed it was locked he went to look for some keys. Laying by the shelf was the keys he grabbed
them. "Hey, girl" the little girl looked up "h-" "don't yell.." Josh whispered in panic do the little girl, "I'm getting you out" taking the keys out Josh looked at the outside window and noticed
that they haven't left earth yet even thought its been like 30 minute "why haven't people shot this UFO down yet?, this is weird" Josh opened the cage sneaking the girl out, she hugged and cried
"whats your name?" "Mia.. Miah" Miah said in distrunt voice "follow me" Josh noted. Sneakily they both hid behind the glass door dark in the other side shielding them from view. Josh looked out the
window noticing that they are taking them to a out in the north side, "where are we going? why are we still on earth" Josh unsure to why they haven't taken them to their planet for investigation
rather than a island. The UFO went behind some ice bergs larger than the statue of unity, behind it was a island occupied with residents, the UFO landed on the middle of one of the building with
a airplane landing spot. "Why are we here?" Josh looked at Miah seeing her holding into his leg tight. once they landed the aliens where quick to realized their pray was gone, after looking one of
them opened the glass door that's when Josh took shot, putting both down he ran out with the little girl into the snow cold shivering hut they ran into one of empty houses. a few sirens could be heard
from the distance. "what to we do im scared, i want my mom.." Miah hid behind Josh. "well see them soon follow me" they ran upstair in the dim lit home showing no evidence of anyone being their.
sneaking into one of the master bedrooms they peaked through the window seeing natives walking around dressed like if it was the golden age almost like they traveled back in time. "Humans? why are they
dressed like that why are they looking for us?' in a distance he saw the 2 aliens taking off there disguises. "What is going on in this place..".

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