Black Nikes | Teen Ink

Black Nikes

September 27, 2023
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

          It was a warm, tropical day in the volcanic landscapes of Hawaii. Owen has a big day ahead of him very flabbergasted throughout his entire adventure. He starts off purchasing a bubbly and fizzy sour like drink, it was Orange and Fanta, sweating off pools of ice water down the glass bottle. 

          As he walks down the sidewalks of Hawaii he encounters a girl with dark locks of hair and a nametag with the name Violet on it. She appeared to be a worker, knowing her way around so Owen asked her “Do you know where the nearest Cranberry tree is”? With certainty Violet replies, yes! Right down the lane and the grassy hill down there, Violet points. 

          Can I come with you? I could use a break from work, Violet grunts with agony. D’accord! Owen replies with a curious voice since he only just met her. 

          With his ax in hand chopping down the tree, for a while the two of them walk down the lane in silence, until the swirling chills of wind wraps around them like a tight knit blanket and they both fall backwards on the dirty road. 

          You okay? Violet asks Owen. With a nod, timid Owen stands up brushing the dirt off his khaki shorts and legs barely even acknowledging the more outgoing Violet. 

          They resume their walk following the dirty road and up the hill, once they reach the bottom of the grassy hill they encounter a vastly wide forest full of trees with all kinds of fruit hanging from them. 

          To Owen’s luck he finds a giant Cranberry tree standing right there in the middle of the forest.

“Oh did you want to chop down that tree”? The author and writer K.A Riley exclaims appearing from the bushes. 

          He wants it, I'm just taking a break from my boring life and into a day full of adventure with him! Violet blushed a little but once Owen caught her blushing, her face went back to a strict White. 

          Owen awkwardly sighs and doesn’t meet K.A Riley’s eyes, afraid of conflict. No worries! I’ll find another one later! Owen and Violet look at each other with sighs of relief with smiles cornering their lips. 

          It’s for my grandmother, she wants one badly for her backyard to make it appear more delightful, Owen mumbles. 

          I’ll help you take it to her! K.A Riley replies as she whistles with her two fingers and in front of all three of them a Giant White Centaur appears from the clouds. 

          You own a Centaur, that’s so cool! Violet screams with joy as the centaur makes its landing.

“We can ride it to your Grandmother’s” K.A. Riley explains as she has buckles on the Centaur’s back and everything to put this Cranberry tree on and strapped underneath. 

          As the Centaur flies away somehow knowing the direction of Owen’s Grandmother’s house on command.

          Once the Centaur descends in front of a Yellow cottage with White shudders the Grandmother greets them and invites them in just in time to have breakfast, Bacon and Banana bread. She asks them right there and then, “who wants more Banana bread?”

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