The Blob | Teen Ink

The Blob

November 18, 2023
By Anonymous

I walked in not sure whether this would be a good idea. This place was supposed
to be abandoned. No matter what I wanted or what I’d rather be doing I stepped in. It
had everything needed to be abandoned, cobwebs in the corners, cracks in the walls,
tiles covered in dust and grime, and finally no people except for us. There was a good
reason too but, that’s when they chimed in. “This place is amazing!” Jake yelled.
“More like creepy,” Amber nervously said.
“Oh come on, who gets to go to an abandoned science lab. This place is
awesome. We get to explore this place and see their secret experiments,” says Zane.
“I don’t think we would want to see what they were working on,” said Lily.
“They say this place was where scientists did many unholy experiments. It’s said
that they tried to create a being that could protect and lead the entire human race.
Though, the experiments got out of hand and their creature turned against them. In the
end, the creature destroyed the lab and ate all the scientists and that’s why this place is
abandoned,” I said.
“Well if it’s really here we need to get searching,” Jake told the group.
“If it’s as bad as they say it is, we could be the creature’s next meal,” warned
“It’s okay, the monster is probably dead since it hasn’t escaped and this place is
abandoned. Though, the science equipment is probably still here. That being said, it’s
time to explore!” Zane exclaimed.

We searched around looking for anything of interest, like beakers, drops of liquid
substances, and anything else sciency. Eventually, I said “Hey guys look at this.”
“What is it?” questioned Lily.
“It looks like footprints,” I replied.
“We should follow them!” Jake shouted.
“We will if you ease up on speaking so loudly,” said Amber.
“Sorry,” he said. We continued on our way following the footprints. “Guys,” I
called “isn’t this place supposed to be abandoned. I think I saw someone down that dark
“I don’t know it’s a dark hallway and this place is abandoned. I’m not really sure
you saw what you think you did. I think your eyesight is just playing tricks on you,” Lilly
“Well that means we should follow to see if he was right,” said Zane.
“I don’t know,” gulped Amber. “What if the monster is real and is lurking and
“That’s just a story meant to scare little kids and nosy people away,” said Jake.
We followed down the mysterious hallway with no end in sight, or light.
“I-It’s d-d-dark in here,” Amber shakily whispered.
“There is no e-end in sight,” replied Lily.
“It’s w-way too dark i-in h-here,” said Zane.
“W-Weren’t you the one w-who s-said we s-should g-go in here t-the f-first
p-place,” Amber said, sounding even more scared since the person who thought of this
idea was afraid of this idea.

“I d-didn’t t-think i-it would be t-this d-dark,” he replied.
“Oh come on guys, it’s just a little bit dark. It’s not that scary,” Jake says
“How are you not scared?” I said in a normal voice.
“I can ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I’m not afraid of being in darkness, and I’m not afraid of what’s in the dark,”
I told him. “Guys, hold hands so we don’t get lost,” I told the others. “I’ll lead the way,” I
tried to say confidently. We held hands and walked down the hall and I saw a light.
Holding each other's hands we ran as fast as we could towards the light. It was so bright
I couldn’t see for a while.
I looked up and saw a man in a white lab suit staring down at me. I screamed
“AHHHHH”. The other four quickly scrambled up off the floor.
“Who are you?” I asked the figure.
“Why hello there young children. My name is u-um, well all you need to know is
that I’m a scientist as you can see,” says the Scientist.
“You probably want to know how to get out of here.”
“Yes, we do actually, well maybe that’s just me,” Amber said.
“Oh come on, we have so much to explore,” Jake protested.
“No, I have had enough of this place. I’m tired of this place. It’s disgusting, it
smells like mildew and it’s growing mildew. Its walls are peeling and barely white
anymore. Tiles are cracking and exposing dirt. They’re vines growing everywhere. Why
do you think we should stay?” Lilly sourly scolded.
“I thought this place was cool.”

“Well I’m tired of being here so we're leaving.”
“Well that’s too bad. My team and I could have used some help,” the Scientist
“What do you mean that your team needs help?” I asked.
“There is a monster hiding in this facility. My team and I have been trying to find it
and stop it from leaving this facility.”
“Wait, so the m-monster in this place is real,” stuttered Amber.
“Unfortunately, yes the monster is real,” the Scientist said sadly.
“I thought you said it was just a myth?”
“I just said that so we could continue,” Jake said.
“What!” exclaimed Amber.
“You just wanted to explore more so you lied straight to my face.”
“It seemed okay, I didn’t want our adventure to end so early, besides I didn't think
that there was any actual danger.”
“You could have put us in serious danger! If that was the monster we could have
never been seen again! No one would have known where we are, how we disappeared,
we would have been a couple of lost kids on a list of kids who have never been found!”
“Your saying this is my fault now!”
“Yes, it is. You were always so cheery even when we got in dangerous or scary
situations! Lily told you it was a bad idea to come here! If anyone is a monster it’s you!”
“How dare you!”

“Both of you be quiet!” the scientist shouted. “Arguing is getting us nowhere.
Listen, I need your help taking down this monster. You guys can either start acting like
you have some common sense and help us, or we can
leave you behind for you two to squabble while we head for the exit.” The room filled
with silence. “Now, who’s in for hunting down a dangerous beast.”
I was the first to speak up. “If you need help, which you do, I will happily stand by
you to help.” The next to speak was Lily.
“I didn’t plan on going to an abandoned science lab and I definitely didn’t plan on
containing a monster but, since you need help I’m happy to deliver.” After that it was
Zane who spoke up.
“I didn’t think that this adventure would have me trap a monster but if need be I
will. Finally, the last two spoke up.
“I’m sorry. We have more pressing matters at the moment,” Amber said
“I guess I should take this more seriously,” Jake said.
“Are you two in and ready to fight the beast then,” said the Scientist.
“Yes!” they both shouted. We followed him into a room with a bunch of other
“Wait,” I said.
“I thought we were just going to capture it, not fight it.”
“Well, that’s how we are going to do it,” the Scientist said.

“You guys are going to weaken it. These scientists are my associates that have
been helping me try and stop this beast. We have built these pods you see to grant
extraordinary powers to people.”
“Now this is cool, we get to be superheros! It was a great idea to come here!”
said Zane, surprised.
“Everyone step into a pod,” says the Scientist. “This won’t hurt one bit, probably.”
“What do you mean probably!” yelled Amber.
“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the machine running.”
Lights flickered green, purple, and yellow. Loud noises emitted from the
machines. Smoke started coming out of the machines. The doors opened with all of us
coming out of a puff of smoke.
“I don’t feel different,” I said.
“You won’t feel anything unless you try to create something with your bare
“It’s hard to explain.”
“Wait, do I get the power to fly,” asked Jake.
“No.” said the Scientist. “You all have the power of different elements. Like, fire,
ice, electricity, nature, and energy.”
“Well, we need to get out there now, there is no time to waste sitting here,” I said.
“Here, take this walkie-talkie. It will help you if our cameras go out. We will be
monitoring you on them.”

“Now that we have these powers and we have no idea how to use them. Let's go
stop that monster.”
We were guided through a number of rooms until we got to a building. It had an
antenna on top that was blinking red. The building itself was a rectangle. It had dark
gray walls and floors. The railing slightly broken hanging over the edge. In the center
was some concrete that looked like it had fallen from the ceiling. I stood on top of it to
get a better view of the surrounding area. The others followed suit.
“I don’t see anything guys,” said Zane.
“Me neither,” I replied.
“Watch out!” a voice suddenly called from the walkie-talkie. “The monster is
surrounding you.”
“How?” I said. The floor was a dark black void that I could stare endlessly into.
Suddenly, a giant black goo shot up from in front of me. It slammed down what looked
to be a makeshift arm on the concrete. Me, Zane, and Lily dodged right. Jake and
Amber dodged left.
“What is that thing? I thought it was going to be more like a wild animal, not a
giant blob.”
“That thing can turn into anything and everything. Be very careful.”
“Guys I think that it’s time to try to use those powers that we did not learn how to
use at all,” I called out.
“Let me try something,” Lily said. She started throwing out random movements
with her hands and wrist until, zap, a bolt of lightning came out of her finger tips.

“I can’t believe it, I can shoot lightning.” The monster took another swing cracking
the cement.
“How about you shoot that lightning at it,” I said. Then with one swift crack of her
wrist a lightning bolt shot out at the beast. It zapped it seemingly stunning it. When it
came out of shock it tried to attack Lily. Though something peculiar happened, the vines
that were hanging from the ceiling were now holding the beast.
“Um, guys, I think I can control plants,” nervously said Amber.
“That’s so cool. Why don’t I try,” Zane replied. He then started spewing ice out of
his hands, freezing the beast. It didn’t last long because it broke out of the ice and
furiously started slamming its arms down over and over.
“If ice doesn’t work, how about fire!” screamed Jake. Instantly flames burst out of
his hands onto the beast. It seemed like the fire was very effective. Unfortunately, soon
after the fire burned out. It was my turn. I closed my eyes and focused on creating
something, anything. When I opened my eyes I saw that the creature's arms were about
to crush me. I also saw a sphere of purple energy in between my hands. I knew what I
had to do, I shot the ball of energy where the creatures would-be head would have
been. It slowly shrunk and returned to the darkness it came from.
When it finally went back to the darkness the Scientist came out.
“You guys defeated it!” he said.
“What do we do now?” I said.
“Well, I don’t know if you noticed but, when you defeated it, it shrunk down before
“I did notice.”

“It got destabilized from being shocked, frozen, melted, and blasted with energy.
We may have not captured it but we shrunk it so it’s a start. We can help you find an
“So, we can go now.”
“Under certain conditions,”
“Great!” I said sarcastically.
“You can’t just use these new powers in the public view, second you need to
come here every week.”
“Why do we need to come back?” Lily asked.
“Since we haven’t captured or killed the creature. It could just come back and we
would be at square one but, if you come back every week we can make sure it doesn’t
grow to its original size.
“We can finally go home!” exclaimed Lily.
“An amazing adventure meeting its end,” said Zane.
“That fight was amazing!” yelled Jake.
“Speaking of the fight, how did you guys know what your power was before you
used it?”
“We didn't, we just guessed.”
“Speaking of an exit. There should be an exit in this room,” said the Scientist.
“This is the way to the exit.” As the others followed him out to the exit when I was about
to step out he called out to me.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help you during the fight. Though, that’s because
we have made something for you.” He handed me a vial.

“What’s this supposed to do?” I asked.
“Just know when you feel you can’t handle fighting the monster, take it. I suggest
you bring it with you home.”
“Okay, bye see you next week.” The vial contained a mysterious blue liquid of
sorts. I thought I saw it move when he handed it to me. I wonder what it is.

The author's comments:

This is the first piece of writing I have ever shared with anyone. This is the first step in a long plan to get my work out there. 

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