Elara the Magical Insect | Teen Ink

Elara the Magical Insect

December 18, 2023
By kamarawash06 BRONZE, Ofallon, Missouri
kamarawash06 BRONZE, Ofallon, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a long time ago there was a  world called planet pith, magic was forbidden.  An insect was born in a small village called platoville. This insect, named Elara, possessed a rare and powerful gift; her gift was the ability to control the elements. But in this world, magic was seen as a threat, and anyone found practicing it was immediately punished. Normal pithians were farmers, the dads would work all day and night to provide food for the moms to cook and the government to eat. The women would stay home and cook for the children and tidy up the house. Families would practice their religion because in this society religion was a big part of who they were. Their religion was called queeyism.  The insect government on planet pith was strict. If they caught you doing any sort of magic, or even if they suspected you with magical powers you would be locked away.

As Elara grew older, she struggled to hide her magical abilities. She would secretly fly far away to practice her powers in the depths of the Enchanted Forest, away from their goddess. Elara knew if she got caught with practicing her magic it would be the end for her and her family. Elara could make their crops  grow abnormally fast causing them to have plenty of food. But her heart yearned for a world where magic was accepted and celebrated. As the Great Salvation of 1742 approached, Elara was flying around and she came across an ancient prophecy hidden within the pages of an old spellbook. It spoke of a chosen one who would rise during the Great Salvation and restore balance to the realm. Could Elara be the one?

Driven by a newfound purpose, Elara embarked on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the prophecy. Along the way, she encountered allies who shared her vision of a world where magic thrived. Together, they formed a secret alliance, promising to challenge the oppressive rule and bring magic back to the realm. As the Great Salvation of 1742 arrived, Elara and her allies launched a daring rebellion against the ruling powers. With her mastery over the elements, Elara led the charge, unleashing a breathtaking display of magic that captivated the hearts of the other insects.

In the end, the power of magic proved too magnificent to be ignored. The realm was forever transformed as the ban on magic was lifted, and a new era of harmony between magic and non-magic beings began. Elara, now hailed as a hero, became the first Magic Ambassador, bridging the gap between the two worlds. And so, the tale of Elara, the magical prodigy, spread far and wide, inspiring generations to embrace their own unique gifts and celebrate the enchantment that lay within the planet of pith.

The author's comments:

i love to read and write. 

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