Love Comes Back | Teen Ink

Love Comes Back

February 25, 2011
By TamoraFan BRONZE, Casey, Illinois
TamoraFan BRONZE, Casey, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
May the bird of paradise fly up your nose! and an elephant caress ya with its toes!

“Mary, where is she? She’s late!” Mr. Kai glared angrily at the intercom sitting on the corner of the massive

“I don’t know, sir! She’s not here!” The secretary squeaked, sounding flustered and frightened. He shoved away from his desk, and started across the room; muttering angrily to himself. Then he turned and slapped the button on the intercom.

mahogany desk.

“Mary, if she’s not here by four, she’s too late!”

“y yes sir!” Mary stuttered.

Mr. Kai looked around his spacious office with distaste. He should probably hire a maid. If he had married…no! He stopped that thought in its tracks, and lay on the long couch with a groan; Mary would wake him when she arrived.

“Mr. Kai, she has arrived.” He opened his eyes slowly, still groggy from sleep.

“Mr. Kai, should I send her in?”

“One moment please, Mary!” he asked quickly, jumping up to straighten his hair, wild from sleep.

“Alright, Mary, you may let her in.” He said, settling into his chair once more. The door opened, and Mr. Kai, who was prepared to berate her for her lateness, was speechless. This was not who he expected. A strange woman stood at the door. Draped in a flowing dress, colored the deepest purple, she was stunning. The purple of the dress perfectly offset her black hair, and though the lower half of her face was covered by a dark veil, her bright green eyes sparkled with laughter, and merrymaking.

“I am not who you expected?” she asked. Her voice was another surprise. Her voice was strong and proud, where you expected it to be gentle and quiet. She sounded amused and angry at the same time. Mr. Kai was speechless with surprise. Who was this woman, to enter his office like this?

“I have had many appointments with you, Mr. Kai, but you avoid me. Why?” Love asked. Yes, he knew her. He did not know how, but he did. Of course he knew her!

His surprise at this statement broke through his stunned state.

“I! I have not been avoiding you, you have been avoiding me! I have never once met anyone who..” Love stopped him with a sharp look.

“Many times I have tried Mr. Kai. Every time you stayed at work late, or worked a holiday.” She said, drifting closer as she spoke. “Every time you made an excuse not to go out.” By this time she was right in front of him. “True Love is just around the corner.” She murmured. “She is tapping her foot, now” she leaned in till she was right in Mr. Kai’s face. “Go to her.”

“Mr. Kai, she has arrived.” He opened his eyes, and stood immediately. Time to face his future.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my English class, and our assignment was to personify Love. so, I gave it my best shot!

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