Just a Sister’s Love | Teen Ink

Just a Sister’s Love

April 14, 2011
By smile101 SILVER, Piedmont, South Dakota
smile101 SILVER, Piedmont, South Dakota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a little Pige, girl, named Christa. She lived long ago in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was around 1992 and her father worked making windmills. Her Far’s name was Eluf. Eluf liked making the mills for people; it was his dream job, like many Danes. He traveled from the LimFjord to the Jutland Peninsula. Christa was left with her Mor, taking care of her little bror, Claus. Claus was six years old, and wanted to learn to read.

Christa took Claus one day to the bibliotek to check out some bogs to learn to read. As they were walking through town back home, two men dressed in uniformer tired to take Claus from Christa. The men told Christa he was seen stealing chocolates from the local delicacy shop. Christa quickly ran home to tell the news of her brother, to Mor. Eluf was phoned right away.

A war between Eluf and the men had started. Eluf called the president of the men. Claus was actually taken because he was to be experimented on. He didn’t know how to read yet, so he was going to test learning enhancer plants.

In fact, the uniformer men couldn’t read themselves. They were going to test things on Claus so they could learn what to do, to teach them.

Christa knew what she had to do. She went back to the library to get more books. Eluf took time off of work to transport Christa. She was going to teach the men and Claus to read.

Everyone agreed to this idea. Claus got away with no harm done to him. Everyone’s emotions shone through like a regnbue, rainbow. They were so happy. Claus was freed and got to eat all of the chocolates he wanted. Eluf went back to working on windmills. Christa continued to help people to read. The ending turned out just fine, all happy and cheery, as always.

The author's comments:
In this short story, we were to use some foreign words. The country that this is about is, Denmark, and the words that I picked are Danish.

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