The Little Bear and the Unfortunate Girl | Teen Ink

The Little Bear and the Unfortunate Girl

December 12, 2012
By CinnamonTiny BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
CinnamonTiny BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I am a sexy beast" - Christopher K.

The Little Bear and the Unfortunate Girl

Everyone has known Goldilocks’ side of the story but never mine. That little girl lied and told everyone that she never knew that three bears lived in that house. She knew alright; she had been spying on me and my parents! Well, I am finally ready to tell what really happened.

It was dinner time five days before we caught her. I saw her peeping through the kitchen window where my mama was cooking porridge, extra hot for my papa, cold for herself and a moderate temperature for myself. I snuck outside behind her and scared the little girl. She was so shocked that she ran as fast as she could. Later that evening, my papa came home from a walk and accidently sat in my chair! None of us realized it at first but after a while we heard a quiet, cracking noise. We looked over at him and one of the legs had broken and the seat was pressed downwards. We didn’t bother to repair it.
Three days had passed since the incident occurred. I went back outside to the place where I had found her; I had been getting very anxious and impatient as the day dreaded on. I eventually saw something moving in the forest at the opposite end of my house. I couldn’t make out what it was but it was definitely a four limbed creature that was walking on something.
“Aha!” I exclaimed as soon as the creature came out of the forest.
“Don’t ea-!” Her high pitched voice was cut off as she fell over backwards, rolling down the hill and hitting her head on a rock at the bottom. She hadn’t woken up yet, even two days after she fell down the hill. I never realized what it was that had come out of the forest until later on when I went to investigate it. Her blonde hair fell limply over her chest which was covered by a sky blue dress that fell all the way to her knees. I checked back every day and she was still breathing every time I checked up on her.
I thought to myself and came to the conclusion that she didn’t wake up yet because she knew I was watching her. My mama put out the porridge and made our beds as we set out for our evening walk. We chattered as we explored the area; this whole ploy was to get my parents distracted. “Mama, my tummy doesn’t feel so good,” I said in a raspy tone, as if my throat were sore. “Can I go home?”
“Yes, little cub. Run along now.”
I ran as fast as I could to get home in time. I scampered behind the house, the smell of my porridge missing for some odd reason. I looked at the bottom of the hill. She was missing. I ran back to the forest where my parents were, thinking of the worst.
“What is it, little bear?” My papa asked.
“It’s the girl! She’s missing!” My parents didn’t understand what I was talking about so I explained everything to them before we all ran back to the house. We found that there was a scoop missing from my papa’s and my mama’s portage bowls. Mine was completely empty. The house smelled horrible, as if a dirty, stinky thing had walked through here. We tried to be discreet as we walked back up the squeaky old stairs. We walked around the corner into the bedroom to find the little snoring monster sleeping in my bed! I screamed and shouted at her and she woke up yelling. She jumped out the window where she fell on her feet from two stories up and ran away with a limp.
Nobody had ever believed us when we tell them that the little girl was lying. All of the other bears thought we were heroes but all of the critters of the forest thought we were always yelling at them when we spoke. My parents were taken away by the critters to a faraway place where I have never seen them since. Goldilocks was never seen again even though we told all the animals that she ran away into the forest with a broken ankle! It’s not my fault if she was eaten by another pair of bears or other horrendous creatures.
It turns out that another pair of lions, tigers and bears had taken her away to their den where she works as a maid for them. The other animals never leave me alone about what happened that night. . . However, I am still hailed as a king by the other bears.

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