Good Vibrations | Teen Ink

Good Vibrations

November 6, 2013
By Mary Ellen Francis BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
Mary Ellen Francis BRONZE, Harleysville, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A man greets a stranger. “Beautiful day we’re having, no?” Curiously, the stranger looks away and does not respond. Didn’t he hear the man? Even still, didn’t he see the man waving? Furiously, he continues on. Grumbling to himself, he bumps into another stranger. “Hello! Beautiful day, no?” Irked from the previous encounter, the man ignores this second stranger. Just keep walking, he thought to himself. Knowing little of the chain reaction occurring, the man carries on ignoring the greetings from the strangers he passes. Looming over his shoulders grew a large black cloud that increased in size with every person he came across. Masking the blue sky above with dense gray, the man looked up, and became quite disgruntled. Never before had he been so dissatisfied with life. “Oh! Beautiful day! Isn’t it, sir?” said another stranger he bumped into and then promptly glared at. Passing each stranger, he also passed on a little bit of his black cloud. Quietly spreading itself about the sky, the cloud took over all of the blue. Radiating negative thoughts fed its size and it soon became a fierce storm. Stopping only occasionally to look up at the sky, the people carried on their way, bumping into each other angrily. Then, a huge twister broke out in the midst of the chaos, destroying everything in its path. Upwards flew the man, more annoyed than terrified of the predicament. Vacant was the new current state of the world. Where had once been a population of seven billion now stood one man. Xenon and other foggy gases were clear from his sky as the blue shown down. Yet, he blew away the last bit of black smoke hovering around his shoulder. Zero people around to hear him, he murmured, “Beautiful weather.” to no one in particular.

The author's comments:
I wrote this as a reminder to myself and to my readers that a positive attitude changes everything in life and if you let the negative thoughts beat you down, it'll be harder to climb back up. Also, the first letter of every sentences follows alphabetical order just for an added challenge!

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